How to feed a land tortoise so that it is healthy?

These reptiles are unusual in nature: they move slowly, eat and relax for a long time, they have a shell. They are popular with pets and amuse children.

If you decide to have such an exotic pet, the first question that interests you will be how to feed a land tortoise. I must say that the representatives of this species are mainly herbivores, so they need more food. Bacteria and microorganisms play an important role in helping to break down food. These pets are more prone to digestive upsets, so do not change the feed drastically.

how to feed a land tortoise
General tips on "What to feed domestic tortoises":

  • since these animals are clumsy, it is necessary to pick up a heavy container with low sides for food, which will provide a lower likelihood of it turning over and, as a result, spreading food;
  • the diet of turtles should be varied, but they should not be given fruit as food;
  • vitamins and minerals must be added to food, especially if your pet is young;
  • in no case give the turtle cottage cheese, meat, bread, specialized feed for other animals;
  • a drinking bowl should be selected so that it cannot be turned over, and also so that the pet cannot fall into the water.

How to feed a land tortoise without harming it? For this purpose, any specialized food that can be bought at pet stores, such as Cakes, is suitable, but if you have even slight doubts about choosing a treat, be sure to consult a veterinarian. Dry food can be made tastier by slightly soaking it in a small amount of water. Residues must be removed immediately so that they are not moldy and your pet does not eat a spoiled product. Over time, you will understand how much your pet eats, and there will be no more surplus. Be sure to read the information on the packaging of the finished food. Obviously, food must be fresh, and all the necessary substances must enter the body. If vitamins are not enough, then give them yourself. It is not necessary to feed turtles with dry food all the time, you need to include plant foods in the diet.

how to feed a domestic land tortoise
What to feed a land tortoise with ready-made dry food, you should try only natural plant foods, then you will be sure that it receives all the necessary vitamins. Such food can be sprayed with water. Large vegetables should be given cut, as well as round fruits, so that the pet does not suffer, uselessly rolling them around the terrarium. If you give food saturated with juice, then after dinner, moisten cotton wool with warm water and wipe your pet’s mouth.

To find out how to feed a domestic land tortoise from plant foods, you can check out this list:

  • Any non-toxic plants that you can find on your site or near your house will do (be sure to rinse them before treating your pet). It can be dandelions, clover, coltsfoot, plantain (as an additional feed).
  • Of vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots are perfect.
  • Cabbage (once a week).

In no case give the pet insects, bread, dairy products, eggshells, poisonous plants.

how to feed domestic land turtles
If you still do not know how to feed a land tortoise, you have doubts, before giving any plant, it seems to you that after a certain meal your pet is feeling bad, immediately consult a doctor, do not put your pet at risk.


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