Queer culture: description, history and interesting facts

Queer culture began to spread widely in European countries at the end of the 20th century. This term is actively applied to people of non-traditional sexual orientation. In a broader sense, this describes any unconventional relationship in a wide variety of areas. Moreover, the definition itself is very controversial.

Queer Definition

The term queer culture is actively used to describe any non-standard model of identity and behavior. In fact, this is both a political statement against dullness and routine, and a rejection of traditional values.

queer culture

The very word "queer" came from English jargon. There it means the abusive name of gays. In a narrower sense, this is described not only by representatives of the LGBT community, but also by people of habitual sexual preferences, who at the same time demonstrate any non-standard preferences. For example, we are talking about BDSM or romantic relationships with several partners at the same time.

Moreover, queer culture also has social connotations: it is often used by people using traditional gender identities, rejecting the usual classification of sexual communities.

In its historical meaning, this concept means "beyond the borders of a normative society." The meaning of this term is very vague. Those who consider themselves to be queer culture tend to avoid any rigid framework and go beyond social stereotypes.

Queer in Russia

In Russia, the concept of queer has penetrated into various sciences. For example, in sociology and philosophy. But even in this case, its meaning is very vague.

queer is also a culture

For example, in a narrow sense, these industries are understood by people who practice non-traditional relationships. Let's say swing or BDSM, as well as adherents of same-sex relationships.

In a broader sense, this is the name of any person whose behavior does not comply with generally accepted canons. The concept of queer identity applies to autistic, hearing-impaired or blind people.

What is queer?

People belong to a single group or social class, who differ from those around them by a certain “otherness” of their own. Currently, there is a whole culture that deals with the issues and problems of the queer community. Moreover, this is a fairly young movement.

queer sexuality

One of the first countries where it began to develop was Italy. There was a movement in support of this direction.

It turns out that queer is also a culture that is based on three basic concepts. This is sexual affiliation, gender identity, as well as norms and ways out of them.

Who needs this?

From this article you will learn the whole essence of queer, who needs it and why. It is worth recognizing that this direction has the greatest popularity among young people, which are always attracted by "dissimilarity", uniqueness.

what is queer theory

This trendy trend today is actively developing in Russia. Many representatives of our country strive to keep up with the rest of the world, where the queer has already become the order of things.

So, for several years, an international festival called "QueerFest" has been held in St. Petersburg. It is designed to protect the rights of minorities, which today are often infringed on in modern society. Proponents of this culture call for the development of tolerance, as well as an irreconcilable fight against homophobia, as well as other types of intolerance.


The international festival of queer culture always takes place in the Northern capital. It is based on a concept that, at first glance, seems as simple and relevant for our country as possible. She calls on everyone, without exception, to do only what they really want. Only then will it be possible to understand what kind of person you really are, to understand what you want and what you are worth.

According to the organizers, this festival should help people decide who they really are, and not who they are trying to appear in society. All this is already becoming a rare art form in modern Russia. Thanks to the queer festival, visitors have a unique opportunity to discover the amazing interior space of artists and writers.

The main thing that the founders of this festival advocate is to provide each person with the opportunity to express themselves. The main slogan of the festival is the art of being yourself. The program has many events that everyone can attend. Domestic and foreign poets, musicians, writers, photographers, actors, dancers, creative people of various professions perform at them. Discussions and seminars are held on the most relevant topics.

what is queer

This festival is a very new format for the cultural life of the Northern capital. Its holding was originally initiated by human rights organizations of St. Petersburg, as well as by the local LGBT community. Today, he is supported by many other public associations.

This project considers as its key task the formation of a common art space, which will categorically oppose violence, as well as gender-driven stereotypes dictated from outside.

The work of the organizers is aimed at the development of cultural and social activities. An active exchange of experience is constantly ongoing between Russian and various international communities of a very different orientation. Experts in the field of science, culture and art regularly take part in the festival.

Queer Theory

In order to understand this concept, you need to understand what queer theory is. It helps analyze the nature of gender. It was formed at the beginning of the XX century. It was based on the works of the philosopher and writer Michel Foucault.

International Queer Culture Festival

In particular, he argued that sexual orientation, to a greater extent, was imposed on the individual by his upbringing, and not by the biological sex, which plays a much smaller role in this.

Over time, the theory gained academic recognition. Its key feature is that it absolutely denies and does not recognize identity. The fact is that when people recognize queer, they reject the fact that they fit into the stencil familiar to others.

As in any ideology, radical groups and activists also appeared here. Currently, in modern society it is extremely fashionable to talk about one’s dissimilarity to others, uniqueness.

Relations with Feminism

Often, this ideology has taken attempts to interact with other theories, as well as analytical practices. For example, in the 80-90s of the XX century, it was possible to combine two seemingly contradictory concepts, as a result a new definition arose - queer-feminism.

Within its framework, the struggle for women's rights and freedoms was equalized with men's rights. And all this together was opposed to the ideology of total dissimilarity. Thus, an orientation turned out to go beyond the framework of generally accepted behavior.

queer to whom and why is it needed

With this ideology, people cannot be called equal. But at the same time, these concepts have much in common - both of them reject discrimination. And also they are removed from public labels and hackneyed stereotypes.

Relationship concept

Supporters of this culture are sure that when a person is finally determined with his orientation, this allows him to find his way in love. And then join the existing groups, which, like him, are actively practicing unconventional relationships, queer sexuality.

It can be a variety of communities. For example, bisexuals, swingers, lesbians, gays, asexual people. The most important thing is that it is forbidden to impose your point of view on anyone.

Queer is a term that is ideal for self-realization. His supporters advocate a future in which everyone will act only in accordance with their desires, will be free to be what he dreamed of becoming all his life. Such a society advocates the rejection of gender stereotypes. And if we begin to develop this theory in the appropriate direction, then the future of the whole world is behind non-identity and "otherness".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20343/

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