Shirt-collar: knitting pattern

Shirt-collar - a scarf knitted in a circle in the form of a collar. It has a narrow part, which smoothly passes into a wide collar, part of which covers the neckline.

It protects from the cold. It is better to knit it from wool or half-woolen yarn.

Back knitting

Knitted shirt-collar never goes out of style. Is that patterns that change from year to year. This accessory is perfect for all family members. It is best suited for children who love outdoor games. The scarf is often untied and falls, and the shirt-collar will protect the child well from the cold. It is easy to take off and put on.

You can knit a shirt-collar with knitting needles or crochet. The main thing is to observe the knitting technique. In our article, we will demonstrate patterns for shirt-fronts, knitted with needles. Consider the knitting pattern for beginners.

What is necessary for knitting a shirt-collar with knitting needles?

It can be knitted on five knitting needles, or you can use circular ones. In this case, we use the latter. You can choose yarn at your discretion, but it is better that it be wool. Do not forget to choose the number of knitting needles for the thickness of the yarn. Otherwise, you may not be able to knit a product of high quality.

We will need:

  • knitting needles connected by a fishing line (circular), No. 4,5;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • we choose yarn with a composition of 50% wool, 45% acrylic and 5% high-volume acrylic.
white yarn

Next, we begin to prepare for work.


First you need to measure the volume of the head with a centimeter tape. But before you start typing loops for knitting products, you need to practice in order to get used to knitting needles and yarn. To do this, we collect twenty loops and knit an elastic band one to one. We also need this rubber band in order to make the correct calculations for the main product.

Calculate based on this example.

So, after we knitted an elastic band in twenty loops of five centimeters in height, we measure it with a centimeter tape. In this case, the gum (OG) is 16.6 centimeters across the tape. In the stretched form (P), it increases in size to 20 centimeters.

Now we need to calculate the coefficient of stretching of the future shirt-collar.

Calculation of the tensile coefficient (CR)

The calculation is made according to the following formula, which will be used for our shirt-front:

KR = OG / R

Now we substitute our values ​​in the formula:

KP = 16.6 20

KP = 0.83 (cm)

Next, we calculate for the main product.

Product Ratio (K)

It is calculated by the basic formula:

K = exhaust gas Γ—

So, exhaust gas = 54 cm.

We substitute the data in the formula:

K = 54 Γ— 0.83

K = 44.82 (cm)

In order for the shirt-collar to be easily removed and worn, while not stretching to the main volume, it is necessary to add a few more centimeters:

K = 44.82 + 4 = 48.82 (cm)

We round and get 49 cm.

Calculation of the required number of loops

To do this, we need to make a proportion based on the fact that 20 loops are equal to 16.6 cm:

20 p. - 16.6 cm

X p. - 49 cm

X = (20 Γ— 49) ⁄ 16.6 = 59.04 (p.). Round up to 60 loops.

Based on the calculations, for the shirt-collar, we need to dial 60 loops.

Working process

On circular knitting needles we get sixty loops. We do this in the same way as for ordinary knitting needles. After dialing, distribute the loops along the entire length of the fishing line. We will knit the elastic one to one to the length you need. It depends on the length of the neck and on which inversion you want to make.

For those who do not know how to knit an elastic band one to one: one wrong side loop alternates with one front loop. At the same time, do not forget to remove the first loop in the row, and always knit the last one on the wrong side.

In this example, the collar length is 15 centimeters.

At the next stage, we begin to knit the extended part.

knit shirt front

Shirt-collar. Extended knitting pattern

First row: remove the first loop, then we knit two wrong seams, continue to knit with the front ones (10 loops). Then again, two wrong side, ten facial. So we knit until the circle of the first row is over.

Second row: after we remove the loop, make a crochet and knit two wrong loops. After them we make a crochet and knit ten personal and again a crochet. With this pattern, we continue to knit to the end of the row. Cap loops allow us to evenly expand our shirt shirt.

Third row: We start to knit, starting from the second row, while knit the loop loops face behind the back wall of the product. This is done so that holes do not form.

In general, the rows will look like this: the front loop on the yarn from the previous row, then we knit the wrong loops (2), the yarn facing to the back wall, we continue to knit with the front ones (10). With this pattern, we continue to knit to the end of the row.

Next, we continue to knit the shirt front, repeating the second and third row in turn. We knit to the required length. In our example, the length of the extended part will be 20 centimeters. On the last row we close the product and hide all the extra threads.

The dickey knitted is ready. Wear to health.

Next, we consider more complicated knitting patterns for women and for children.

Buttons with buttons

Button-down collar with buttons is much easier to knit than a solid one. Another advantage of it is that it is not worn over the head. Such a shirt-collar is suitable for women, due to the fact that when donning and removing it does not spoil the hair. To do this, you will need:

  • knitting needles number 8;
  • pure wool yarn. One skein weighing 100 g, 100 cm long. Two skeins are needed.
pure wool

Button knit shirt pattern

We collect 20 loops and knit six rows of garter stitch. After we switch to stocking and knit three more rows.

In each wrong row we make holes for the buttons. We do it as follows:

  • we knit three wrong loops;
  • now two together;
  • make a loop loop;
  • we knit five wrong loops;
  • again we make a loop loop;
  • the next we knit four stitches inside out.

After we knit this row, we knit the front loops on the next one.

Next, with a garter stitch, it is necessary to knit shortened rows:

  • we knit fifteen loops;
  • we turn the work and knit as many loops, but in the opposite direction;
  • now we knit nineteen loops in one and the opposite direction;
  • we knit the next two rows of garter stitch on all loops.
shirt shirt - button down collar

According to the above described pattern, we knit the product until its length reaches 36 centimeters on the narrow side of the shirt front. After that, we knit the product in the same way as we started, but in the opposite direction. That is, we knit three rows of stocking viscous, the next six - shawl. Close the shirt-front and hide the loops.

At the last stage, we sew the buttons. Everything, the product is ready.

Baby shirt shirt

With the advent of cold weather, every mother tries to warm her child. Hats, mittens scarves. All these are necessary elements of the wardrobe, without which no mother will let her child go outside. But as practice shows, after running a few minutes on the street, the child gradually begins to lose one or the other. And then a shirt-collar for children comes to the rescue. It completely covers the throat and shoulders of the child and does not slip during outdoor games. But, unfortunately, not all children like to wear them, referring to the fact that they are not comfortable and their neck itches.

To minimize the inconvenience of this accessory for a child, it is necessary to knit a shirt-front made of thread, which will not be pricked. Also, knitting can be performed in such a way as to interest the baby. And most importantly - it is better to knit from bright-colored yarn.

In our case, we will consider the simplest knitting scheme using children's acrylic, which will not irritate the baby's skin.

We knit a shirt-front for a child from two to three years with two knitting needles. For such a product we need only 150 g of yarn.

yarn for a baby shirt shirt

Loop calculation

We produce according to the same scheme as for an adult, described above in this article.

Below in the table we present data with average values ​​of the volume of the child’s head from one year of a child’s life to seven years:

AgeValue (centimeters)
One year45 to 48 centimeters
One year and three months45.9 to 48.7 centimeters
One year and six months46.4 to 49 centimeters
One year and nine months46.9 to 49.4 centimeters
Two years47.3 to 49.7 centimeters
Two years and three months47.8 to 50 centimeters
Two years and six months48 to 50.4 centimeters
Two years and nine months48.4 to 50.6 centimeters
Three years48.6 to 51 centimeters
Three years and five months49 to 51.5 centimeters
Four years49.3 to 51.9 centimeters
Four years and five months49.7 to 52.3 centimeters
Five years50 to 52.5 centimeters
Five years and five months50.2 to 52.7 centimeters
Six years50.3 to 52.8 centimeters
Six years and five months50.6 to 53 centimeters
Seven years50.7 to 53.3 centimeters

Working process

On knitting needles we loop in the amount of 66 pcs. We start knitting with an elastic band 2 by 2 according to the scheme below based on 10 loops:

Scheme number 1


| - front loop;

- - Wrong loop.

That is, two front loops, two wrong ones. In this case, we remove the first, and we knit the last from the wrong. The neckline should be no less than fifteen centimeters in length. If the neck is a little longer, then you should not shorten it. You can do more lapel.

Thus, the canvas should be in the form of a 2 Γ— 2 gum.

At the next stage, the shirt-front must be increased. We do this by adding loops according to the following scheme:

  • one edge;
  • one wrong side;
  • two lingering;
  • six facial loops;
  • repeat the pattern to the end of the row;
  • at the end we remove one edge loop;
  • we knit the last loop inside out.

The increase must be done every five rows from the wrong side. We add until there are fourteen loops on the front wedges.

Next, proceed to finish the product. To do this, before closing the rows, in the last we add a thread of a different color, which will shade the shirt front. It’s better to do it from the wrong side. We knit a pattern in a different color of no more than five rows. Then we begin to close one loop to the end of the row until there are no loops on the knitting needles.

After we close the shirt-front, we proceed to its design. Since it is intended for a child, it is better to collect the neck with buttons.

baby shirt shirt

Therefore, it is necessary to sew a wide part of the product, and sew buttons on the neck on one side and loops on the other.

So, having examined several patterns, we can conclude that knitting the shirt-front collars will not take much time. The main thing is to observe all proportions and try to knit according to patterns. Then the product will be proportional and will delight your loved ones.


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