How to trim a cat's claws at home: some expert advice

Bringing a cat home, people usually think only of the good: how this fluffy affectionate creature will purr on cold evenings lying on the armchair, the happy smiles of the children who are grateful that the parents allowed the animal to be brought into the house. But few at the same time think about the features of the behavior of this predator. But a cat, even a domestic one, is, first of all, an animal with its habits, sharp claws and teeth.

Time passes, the beast grows, and with it the problems associated with damaged clothes, furniture, wallpaper, scratched hands and other parts of the body increase. It is at this moment that the owners begin to think about how to trim the cat's nails correctly, because without them the animal is also uncomfortable.

how to cut cat claws
Some go to the veterinarian, others use silicone pads (though not every animal agrees to walk with them). But in the end, almost all breeders come to the idea of โ€‹โ€‹independently conducting the procedure at home. About how to cut the claws of a cat so that it does not scratch, but also does not experience suffering, it is written on many thematic forums.

The main rule in the implementation of the procedure is not to touch the โ€œlivingโ€ part, in which there are blood vessels and nerve endings, otherwise the animal may experience pain, and the cut will bleed for some time. It is recommended that owners who have no experience in carrying out the procedure take an assistant - it will be more convenient to do this together. Of the tools for grooming cats (more precisely, their claws) you will need a rough nail file and special claws (sold in pet stores). You can use scissors, but it will be harder to handle.

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While the assistant will hold the animal, you should press on the paw in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the pads so that the claws become released. Strong pressure should not be, so as not to scare the animal. After that, you can safely take claws and cut off about 2 mm of the claw (no more). You can cut only the part that is completely transparent to avoid injury. The place of cut needs to be processed with a nail file so that it becomes smooth and does not cling to things that the cat will walk on.

If during the procedure, for some reason, the cut turned out to be too deep and the blood went, it is necessary to disinfect the wound. Before doing the procedure for the first time on your own, you can ask the veterinarian to clearly demonstrate how to cut the cat's claws. In this case, the probability of error will be much less. The specialist will show not only which part of the claw needs to be cut, but also how to properly hold the animal.

how to cut cat's claws
If there is no opportunity to go to the veterinarian, you can take advantage of other people's experience via the Internet. To do this, look for pictures that demonstrate how to cut the cat's claws, and already act independently on them. If the procedure is carried out regularly, the animal will soon get used to it and stop resisting. Particular attention should be paid to the fifth claw on the front legs of cats, as in many animals it grows, causing discomfort and pain.

Hind legs, as a rule, are not processed, since they do not harm others and do not interfere with the beast itself, even those living in the apartment. Information on how to cut a cat's claws should be studied by all the breeders of these animals, even if they do not plan to do this. Indeed, over time, circumstances and opinions on this subject may change, and any information will come in handy.


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