Why cats often wash themselves: natural causes of licking hair and possible diseases

Why do cats often wash themselves? Many consider these animals to be very clean. The habit of washing appears in kittens at the age of 2 months. Until this time, the mother cat licks babies. This is necessary for the young not only for cleanliness. With his tongue, an adult cat gives kittens the massage they need for proper breathing and digestion of food.

Hunting instinct

Cats are thought to be very neat. But this is only one of the reasons for frequent licking. During walks, animals can bother for a long time in the sand or the ground, and they are not bothered by the soiled wool. However, cats often wash themselves at home. Why is this happening?

why cats often wash themselves

One of the main reasons for licking is the desire to get rid of odors. Sometimes you can notice how cats begin to wash themselves after stroking or playing with the owner. This habit remained with them from the ancestors of domestic cats. Wild representatives of the cat family thus eliminated odors in order to be invisible during the hunt. In addition, pets have a very delicate sense of smell. They do not like other people's smells and recognize only their own.

Thermoregulation and moisture protection

By licking wool, animals maintain optimal body temperature. This is one of the reasons why cats often wash themselves. Between the skin and the hair they have a space filled with air. The tongue of a cat can change its thickness and thereby cool its body in the heat or warm at a low temperature. In addition, under the skin of animals there are glands that protect the hair from water, and cats tongue stimulate their secretion.

Animal Communication and Stress Relief

Now you know the main reasons why cats often wash themselves. But animals often lick each other. What is the reason for this? Usually, pets in this way express friendliness towards other animals. This is their form of communication. If several cats live in the house, and they like to lick each other, then this indicates their friendship.

cats are very neat

Washing up causes positive emotions in animals. This helps them relieve stress. You may notice that cats often lick upon separation from the owner. Intensive washing can be noticed when the animal changes the house or when the pet is scared or angry.

If the cat does not wash or lick too often

The main reasons why a cat is often washed are discussed above. But it happens that the animal ceases to lick. This is most often a sign of poor pet health. Itโ€™s possible that the catโ€™s joints are sore or injured. In such cases, it becomes painful for the animal to bend the body for washing.

The cat does not wash and with tooth pathology. Pain in the oral cavity prevents her from moving her tongue. In this case, the animal ceases to eat, there is constant salivation.

It is hard to wash and overweight cats. Fat deposits do not allow them to reach the desired areas of the body. In this case, the owners themselves need to take care of the hygiene of the cat.

wild domestic cats

However, too frequent washing should be alarming. This can also be a sign of ill health. If, when licking, a cat belches out a lot of hair and grows bald, this indicates its presence of external parasites (fleas, ticks) or allergies. Such diseases cause severe itching, which makes the animal rub his skin with his tongue. Usually, the cat often scratches the hair with its claws.

The cause of frequent licking may be skin injuries. Usually they are poorly visible under thick coat. Tongue cat cleans the wound.

If licking has become too frequent and intense, you should look at the pet. If there are areas of baldness, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. The specialist will determine the presence of parasites, allergies and wounds on the skin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20383/

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