Burgos Cathedral in Spain: interesting facts (photo)

Burgos Cathedral is one of the most famous religious buildings in Spain, extremely popular among tourists. It is located in the province of Burgos, is a cathedral for the eparchy of the same name. We will talk about its architecture, features and attractions in this article.


Sights of Burgos Cathedral

Burgos Cathedral began to be built in 1221. It was originally planned that this would be one of the main and most famous attractions of all Castile. Its construction was completed in the XV-XVI centuries, when the spiers of the chapel and facade were added. The cathedral is considered one of the most striking monuments of Spanish Gothic. The huge arcade has become a distinctive feature of religious buildings throughout the Spanish-speaking world, having received particular popularity in South America.

The decree on the construction of the Burgos Cathedral in Spain was signed by the King of Castile Ferdinand III. They began to erect a religious building on the site of the once Romanesque cathedral. In 1260, the altar was consecrated, and then for two centuries construction work was not carried out, although the Cathedral of Burgos was not completed.

The official year of completion is 1567, when it was possible to complete the spire over the main floor. Most of the main facade of the Burgos Cathedral was built in the 13th century. He was oriented to the west and dedicated to Our Lady. The oldest facade has been preserved since the 1230s. It has a sculptural image of Jesus Christ, who is surrounded by angels and apostles.

Oriental apse were built in the XV-XVI centuries, during the Renaissance. In one of them there is a chapel in which representatives of the noble Spanish family Velasco, who were of Basque origin, are buried.

Grave of national hero

Features of Burgos Cathedral

In 1919, a famous Spanish hero named Sid Campeador with his wife Donja Jimena was buried in the territory of the Burgos Cathedral in Burgos (Spain). This is a prominent political and military leader, Castilian nobleman who lived in the XI century. He became the hero of many folk poems, traditions, dramas and romances, in particular, the famous tragedy of Cornel "Sid".

In 1984, UNESCO declared the cathedral a World Heritage Site. An interesting fact about the Cathedral of Burgos is that in 2012 a commemorative coin with a face value of two euros was issued, on which it was depicted. Its circulation amounted to eight million copies.

Sid's Sword

Tyson's sword

One of the main relics of the cathedral is Tyson. This is a sword that supposedly belonged to that same Sid. It is mentioned in the famous monument of Spanish literature called "Song of My Side." This is a heroic epic whose author is unknown. Currently, it is officially considered the national treasure of Spain.

According to legend, Tyson was conquered by Sid from the Moorish ruler of Bukar, whom he killed in battle. Over time, Sid gave it along with his other sword and various offerings as a dowry to two brothers who married his daughters. He then found out that the Infants had betrayed him by abusing the girls and appropriating their dowry. He appealed to the royal court with a request to return the swords and received them back.

Immediately afterwards, he passed on to Tyson a nephew named Pedro Bermudez, who challenged one of the brothers to fight to defend the honor of Sid's daughter. Another close associate of Sid, Martin Antolines, challenged his second brother, Diego Gonzalez, receiving the sword of Colada.

Further from the lyrics it becomes known about the mystical properties of these swords. The brothers themselves were in superstitious fear of these weapons. They ask the rivals not to use them in the battle, but King Alfonso leaves this request unsatisfied. The brothers are defeated.

The fate of medieval weapons

After the death of Sid, weapons were found in the ancestors of King Ferdinand II. At the beginning of the XVI century it was granted to the Marquis de Falces. His loyal service to the country was noted. It is believed that he could choose absolutely any gift, but he preferred the sword to palaces and lands. It was believed that this is the most valuable relic of his kind, and therefore it has survived to this day. In 1944, the sword was exhibited at the Royal Military Museum in the Spanish capital, where it remained until 2007. After that, its legal owner del Otero sold it for two million dollars to the authorities of Castile. The authorities decided to place him in Burgos, where he is today next to the grave of Sid.

Some experts suspect that the sword is a late fake that was made in the 16th century. According to the results of chemical analysis, it was possible to establish that the hilt actually appeared in the Middle Ages, but the blade was really made in the days when Sid lived.

It is noteworthy that the chest of Sid is also stored in the temple. According to existing legend, a knight filled it with sand, trying to trick Jewish moneylenders.


Burgos Cathedral Architecture

In the description of the Burgos Cathedral in Burgos (Spain), the interior plays an important role. It is really grandiose, since most of the premises were built during the Baroque and Renaissance in the XIV-XVII centuries. That is why here you can find so many magnificent stone carvings, gilding, sculptures, altars and other treasures.

For example, the central nave is decorated with an impressive retablo of the 16th century, and on the fence of the choir you can see evangelical and biblical scenes that are skillfully carved.

Near the northern doors, a gilded staircase has survived to this day. And above the eastern entrance to the cathedral there was a clock with moving papamoskas figures.


Description of Burgos Cathedral

The description of the architecture of the Burgos Cathedral should be given increased attention. The most valuable is the western facade, which has remained unchanged since the 15th century.

The construction of this religious building was attended by many famous Spanish artists and architects. The main reference point for them was the French cathedrals of the time, with whom they were well acquainted. As a result, the Gothic building inherited many features characteristic of the cathedrals of Paris and Reims. But his original spiers are more reminiscent of German traditional architecture.

In the lower tier of the facade there are as many as three lancet arches, the central of which is the entrance to the building. Immediately above it is a huge rose window.

On the third floor is the famous gallery with a statue of the kings of Castile, as well as a sculpture of the Virgin and Child. The facade is crowned by two pointed towers with spiers.

Attractions in the area

Burgos Cathedral in Spain

If you are already in Burgos, then it is worth exploring other attractions located nearby.

In the immediate vicinity is the original medieval castle, a few kilometers from the cathedral you will find a chic palace complex.

Attention also deserves a natural park, laid out in the neighborhood, where you can walk all day. It is worth getting acquainted with the local regional cuisine in one of the restaurants of Burgos, which are many in the historical part of the city.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20388/

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