Ventilation duct sizes: norms and requirements, device

In country houses today, in most cases, plastic sealed windows and doors are installed. And therefore, when designing a private residential building, it is imperative to provide for a ventilation system.

One of the most important components of engineering communications of this variety are ventilation ducts. It is through them that air penetrates into the premises of the building and is removed from them. The sizes of ventilation ducts laid in a country house are different. Choose the cross section of such communications, taking into account many various factors.

Mine ventilation duct

Ventilation duct design

Laying air ducts in a country building, of course, should be correct. Otherwise, owners of the house may be faced with, for example, troubles such as the appearance of a musty smell in the rooms, drafts, etc. In addition to everything else, when designing a building, one should determine the material for manufacturing ventilation ducts and their cross-section.

Main varieties

Most often, ventilation ducts are arranged in suburban private houses:

  • brick;

  • plastic.

The first type of ducts is mounted in brick buildings. Such ventilation ducts pass directly inside the walls. The advantages of such communications include a long service life and reliability.

Plastic ventilation ducts can be mounted in buildings built from any material. The main advantages of this type of ducts are low cost and ease of installation.

Design of brick ventilation ducts

Equip such communications at the stage of construction of the building. When designing the mines of this variety, you should decide on:

  • the size of ventilation ducts, and in particular, with their cross section and masonry thickness;

  • place of laying of channels.

When installing such systems, adhere, of course, to the norms of SNiP.

Brick duct ventilation ducts

What should be the size of brick ventilation ducts

According to the rules, the cross-section of such communications should not be less than 140x140 mm, which is approximately 1.5 bricks. The optimal size of the ventilation shaft is determined taking into account the power of the heating boiler. If this indicator at the heating unit does not exceed 3.5 kW, a ventilation shaft is usually equipped in the house with a section of 14x14 cm.

With a boiler power of 3.5 to 5.2 kW, the building is designed so that the size of the shaft passing in the wall is at least 14x20 cm. If heating equipment with a capacity of more than 5.2 kW is installed in the house, the size of ventilation ducts should be equal to 14x20 cm.

Observe these rules when designing and installing ventilation ducts should be. Otherwise, subsequently, condensate will begin to accumulate inside the mines.

Masonry thickness

According to the norms of SNiP, the distance between the mines of different communications in the house should not be less than 250 mm. That is, the laying in the building must be carried out so that between such channels a partition of at least 1 brick is formed.

The sizes of brick ventilation ducts in suburban buildings can be different. But the partitions directly between the ducts of the ventilation shaft itself, according to the rules, must have a minimum thickness of 140 mm, that is, half a brick.

Brick ventilation duct in the house

The daughter channel from the main one in such systems should be no further than 1 m away. It is necessary to place such communications at a distance of at least 40 cm from windows and doors. Also, according to the norms of SNiP, ventilation ducts are allowed to be installed only in walls with a thickness of at least 100 mm.

Sizes of plastic ventilation ducts

Such ducts are installed in buildings after their construction. The cross section they can have is round or square. In addition, each of these varieties can be simple or corrugated.

Currently, in private homes most often laid round plastic ducts. The sizes of ventilation ducts in accordance with GOST (section) of this variety are as follows:

  • 100 mm;

  • 125 mm;

  • 150 mm;

  • 200 mm.

At the same time, on sale you can often find round ducts with a section of 10, 15 or 20 cm. The dimensions of rectangular plastic standard ventilation ducts can be as follows:

  • 11x5.5 cm;

  • 12x6 cm;

  • 20.4x6 cm.

The maximum length of such products in both of these cases is 2 m.

How to choose the diameter of the plastic duct

The cross section of the ventilation ducts of this variety is chosen taking into account primarily where they will be located. According to the regulations, in residential buildings, 1 cm2 of the room area should have 5.4 cm2 of duct section. That is, for example, in a room measuring 25 m 2 , a plastic duct must be mounted at least 135 mm. Since standard pipes of this diameter are not produced, in this case it is necessary to use air ducts of 200 mm.

Round ducts made of plastic

Brick mine

The dimensions of brick ducts depend, therefore, primarily on the power of the heating equipment used in the house. The main part of such communications is an opening inside the wall of the house, which is its integral component and has a vertical orientation.

If the wall has a thickness of 38 cm, such communications are laid in it in a row. If this indicator is 64 cm - in two rows. Brick ventilation shafts are usually located on the inside of the supporting wall of the building.

According to the regulations, it is supposed to build such communications from solid brick. In some cases, hollow or cladding is also allowed. It is not allowed to lay out ventilation shafts only from silicate brick.

Air through such channels can move naturally or forcibly. In the latter case, fans or a supply and exhaust unit are responsible for its circulation through the mines .

Features of the installation of mines of brick

In most cases ventilation ducts of this variety are constructed using the technology of double masonry with a vertical square course. Brick mines are built in this case as follows:

  • markup using a template;

  • lay out 2-3 rows of mine;

  • on a plumb set buoys - bricks laid across;

  • lay out another 5-6 rows;

  • rearrange buoys.

Brick ventilation ducts can be laid using single-row or multi-row seam dressing technology. In order to exclude the possibility of penetration of combustion products into the interior of the house, the construction of mines also uses a close-up stone laying technique.

Plastic ducts

The bends in the rooms from the main brick mines during the arrangement of such ventilation systems are made using plastic pipes. All such sleeves are first combined into one trunk and only then they are brought in and joined to the ventilation duct. According to the regulations, all transitions to the pipe system from the main shaft must be airtight.

The device of plastic ventilation ducts

The sizes of ventilation ducts for private houses of this type are different. But such designs can vary not only in diameter or section shape, but also in the type of material used for the manufacture. In private homes it is allowed to install ventilation ducts:

  • polyethylene;

  • polyvinyl chloride;

  • polypropylene.

The advantage of the first type of ducts in this case is flexibility and wear resistance. The advantage of PVC structures is primarily considered resistance to high temperatures and UV radiation. The main advantage of polypropylene ventilation ducts is chemical inertness.

Mounting Features

The required sizes of ventilation ducts made of plastic are usually selected by engineers. They lay such communications in private homes most often also in accordance with a project developed by a specialist. Owners of installation of air ducts themselves, the owners of suburban residential buildings usually do not choose. Errors in the design of the ventilation system of a private house can lead to such troubles, for example, the appearance of odors from the toilet in the kitchen or in residential premises, a significant increase in heating costs, and the inefficiency of airing rooms.

Plastic ventilation

Since plastic ducts are usually small in length, they must be connected during installation. For this purpose, special couplings, tees, angles and adapters are used. These items are also made of plastic. The ventilation ducts of this variety are mounted on clamps.

If plasterboard or plywood was used to decorate the walls in a country house, plastic ventilation ducts are usually pulled out behind this decorative paneling. In wooden structures and buildings with plastered or wallpaper-paneled walls, such structures are usually pulled openly. Subsequently, the pipes, so that they do not spoil the appearance of the premises, are closed with special decorative boxes.

Installation steps

Thus, we found out what sizes ventilation ducts made of plastic can be mounted in private houses. The technology for laying such air ducts is selected depending on which ventilation system is supposed to be equipped in a country house. For the most complex variety of such communications - supply and exhaust, the installation procedure will look something like this:

  • an inlet is made in the wall of the building, and an exhaust in the slope of its roof;
  • a nozzle is inserted into the inlet opening, to which the densitrain line is connected;
  • the line is connected to the supply and exhaust system, usually mounted in the attic;
  • to the other branch pipe of the installation a distributing supply line is connected;
  • sleeves are mounted for supplying fresh air to the premises;
  • approximately by the same principle the exhaust part of the system is assembled.
Private house ventilation

Plastic ducts are cut into pieces of the desired length directly on the spot. Various kinds of fittings usually go in conjunction with the ventilation ducts themselves. In addition to couplings, sections of plastic ducts during installation of the building's ventilation system can be connected by welding. The fastening of such ventilation ducts to the building structures is usually carried out using one clamp on one integral section.


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