Pedagogical innovation: definition of a method, concept, fundamentals

What is pedagogical innovation? Archimedes once claimed that if he had leverage, he could turn the Earth over. The innovation was that he proposed the idea of ​​revising the foundations of the world. It is difficult to imagine a modern education without computer technology, the world wide web. In order for children to feel themselves in demand in modern conditions, innovations in the educational system are necessary.

Theoretical aspects

Pedagogical innovation is a young science. In our country, they started talking about it only in the second half of the last century. At the moment, pedagogical innovation is at the stage of empirical search and formation.

Initially, it was a movement of innovative teachers, but at the moment, scientists have also joined it. They began to pay special attention to innovations in the domestic educational system.

Innovation in teaching involves the development of a knowledge system that will help the school fulfill a social order.

Innovation of pedagogical activity

Methodological aspects of pedagogical innovations

Scientists are trying to identify the basic principles, patterns, create a conceptual framework , choose the means, as well as the boundaries of the use of innovation in education. The methodological foundations of pedagogical innovation is a system of knowledge and activities that relate to the structure and basis of the doctrine of the creation, study, use of pedagogical innovations.

The methodological apparatus of innovations can become an effective means of analysis, explanation, as well as designing the modernization of domestic education. Despite the introduction of federal standards of the second generation into kindergartens, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, there is no systematic and integral process in the development and use of the declared innovations.


The concept of pedagogical innovation has several interpretations. For example, this term means the doctrine of the creation of pedagogical neoplasms, their assessment, implementation in practice. Scientists note a significant difference between the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation." If the second concept in pedagogy is considered as a method, a certain idea, technology, means, then an innovation is a process and the result of applying this innovation.

Innovation Activities

Important points

Thanks to the construction of new ideas, it is possible to manage the educational process not only at the school level, but also within the region, country.

It’s not enough to just create some kind of innovation. Pedagogical innovation, despite its sophistication and attractiveness, cannot be mastered without the consistent organization of innovation processes. At the stage of their implementation, the creators will have problems, so it is important to find ways to solve them in advance. To introduce new methods, forms, technologies, educators must understand the algorithm for introducing, mastering, applying these innovations.

Changes in school education

Key concepts

What is pedagogical innovation related to today? The lever of education is innovative processes, which are usually considered in three aspects:

  • psychological and pedagogical;
  • socio-economic;
  • organizational and management

The general situation and the conditions under which the implementation of innovations is carried out depend on them. Existing conditions can accelerate or slow down this process, which can be not only spontaneous, but also consciously controlled.

It is important to note the unity of the three components of the innovation process: development, creation, use of innovations.

Pedagogical innovation in education, in contrast to didactics, distinguishes the three-part process as an object.

The concept of pedagogical innovation

Innovative activity

It is a set of measures used to ensure the innovation process at a certain level of education. What functions does this innovation in pedagogical activity have? Pedagogical innovation is represented by the following components:

  • meaning;
  • technology;
  • methods;
  • forms;
  • learning tools;
  • management system.

Its peculiarity is the cyclical nature of the character, which manifests itself in the structure of the stages that innovation passes: appearance, growth in the fight against opponents, maturity, development, distribution, rutization, crisis, completion.

Education lever

Process structure

Management of the innovation process is possible only with knowledge of its structure, the main laws of its implementation. In pedagogy, there are several approaches to highlighting individual elements of innovation. M. M. Potashnik noted the complexity of the structure of innovations, the diversity of their structures. He was offered a whole hierarchy of structures: subjective, active, managerial, substantive, organizational. Let us dwell on each of them.

The activity structure contains the following components: motive - goals - main tasks - substantive aspect - methods - results.

The process begins with motivating teachers and students, identifying the goals of the introduced innovation, highlighting narrow tasks, creating content.

The mentioned components are implemented in specific conditions: moral, psychological, temporary, material, hygienic, financial.

The subject structure is the innovative activity of all development subjects: directors, deputies, scientists, teachers, sponsors, parents, teachers, methodologists, experts, consultants, and certification service employees.

The subjective structure takes into account not only the role and functional purpose of the participants, but also their attitude to the proposed innovations.

The managerial structure is associated with the interaction of four options for managerial actions: planning, organization, leadership, control.

Innovation in the educational process

Classification specifics

Currently, pedagogical innovations are divided into types and subtypes:

  • in relation to the structural elements of innovation in goal-setting, content, methods, forms, means and technologies, evaluation and monitoring of results;
  • in the field of forming the abilities of teachers and students;
  • in the field of pedagogical application;
  • options for interaction between innovation participants;
  • functionality
  • methods of implementation;
  • socio-educational significance;
  • degree of planned transformation.
Innovation in modern pedagogical activity


The modern education system is at the stage of serious modernization and improvement. Without a serious approach to transformation, one cannot count on the effectiveness of innovation. For example, among effective methods that have already been tested at all levels of training, we can attribute a personality-oriented approach to learning. In the educational system functioning during the existence of the Soviet Union, teachers did not have the opportunity to identify talented children and create optimal conditions for their development and self-improvement.

New educational standards introduced in educational institutions have made it possible to change this situation for the better. Due to the fact that the teacher is now acting as a mentor, he has the opportunity to conduct an early diagnosis of giftedness. For each child, the teacher selects his optimal path of intellectual development, allowing to activate the self-education of the younger generation.

Among the innovations that have successfully “taken root” in schools, one can also mention the technique of multilevel differentiation. On its basis, students of the ninth grades are offered a pre-specialized education, thanks to which they get the opportunity to choose their own study areas for the senior level of education.

Teenagers attend several elective courses at once, choose those that they like best. As part of the vocational guidance of graduates of the main stage of training, they are offered a special course, in which they get an idea of ​​modern specialties.


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