Pets for allergy sufferers: review, list, features and reviews

A person may love dogs, cats, hamsters and other furry friends, but the human body may not love these pets at all. Moreover, the body can suffer greatly from the presence of domestic animals. What animal to get, if you are prone to allergies, consider this article.

Animal allergy

Allergies to pets can cause completely different reactions: from simple redness of the skin to Quincke's edema. Those who know firsthand the problem often face the question of which animal is allergic. Fortunately, there are several types of animals that are considered hypoallergenic, so everyone can choose a pet for themselves.

The main thing is to know which allergen causes a negative reaction of the body. Sometimes an allergic person can calmly communicate with feline, but at the same time absolutely can not stand the canine presence. Scientists and doctors have found that the allergen in each case can most often be one or another liquid, a substance secreted by the animal, and not wool. Saliva or sweat, possibly tears, and wool becomes a peddler of this substance. For example, clean cats that lick themselves several times a day are much more dangerous for allergy sufferers, as they infuse their hair with saliva, unlike dogs that don’t pay so much attention to the toilet.

Even small animals and birds contained in cages can cause an allergic reaction, despite the fact that they are almost not present in other parts of the house. But their feces and even food become a source of allergen. Nevertheless, there is a conditional list of hypoallergenic animals that are able to give their owner joy without causing suffering. Let's get to know him.

Pets for allergy sufferers

It would seem that less hair - less problems. But not all animals for allergy sufferers are devoid of hair. The list of pets that an allergy sufferer may have includes:

  • Xoloitzcuintle and Chinese Crested Dog.
  • Poodle and Kerry Blue Terrier.
  • Cornish Rex, Devon Rex and Sphinx.
  • Rex rabbit.
  • Syrian hamster and naked rat.
  • Mini pig.
  • Aquarium fish.
  • Achatina snails.

Of course, this list is not the ultimate truth. Before making a decision, you should definitely consult an allergist and, possibly, pass the necessary tests. It will also be useful to talk with several representatives of different breeds in order to determine exactly what domestic animals exist that do not cause allergies in each case.

Dogs for allergy sufferers

Shedding is the process that is causing the most concern. Therefore, in the ranking, which animal is allergic, animals without wool are in the lead. The choice of such an animal, of course, should be provided not with fear of allergens, but with the affection of the future owner, since such animals look quite exotic and require careful care.

Today, the Xoloitzcuintle breed or Mexican hairless dog is gaining more and more popularity. This is a small animal that is easy to raise and train. Xolo is faithful, but sometimes too intrusive, as she does not tolerate loneliness. A big plus is the dog's stamina and its rare tendency to disease. The enthusiastic reviews of the owners of this little Mexican fighter only strengthen the popularity of the breed.

Dog xolo

Unlike xolo, the Chinese crested dog, which also does not have hair, does not have good health. She is prone to allergies, colds and eye diseases. But her gentle nature and incredible devotion compensate for these troubles. Both the one and the other breed have a fluffy variety, but the xolo is characterized by a short hard hair, and the Chinese can have a long, soft fluff.

The poodle and the Kerry Blue Terrier are catching up with their bald brothers in popularity. Externally, the dogs are similar, as they have soft curly hair and are not prone to strong molting. Both dogs are perfect as animals for allergy sufferers, as thick coat prevents sweat from getting into objects in the apartment, which minimizes risks. But dogs have a playful character, so the owner needs to be careful with saliva on the skin. If dogs are bathed and combed in time, as well as thoroughly educated, problems can be avoided.

Allergy sufferers may also consider purchasing the Yorkshire Terrier. It is believed that the hair of this dog is similar in structure to human hair, therefore, does not cause an allergic reaction. It is important to remember that the wool itself is very rarely an allergen. So follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Cats for allergy sufferers

Among the cats there are also "undressed" representatives. Allergy sufferers traditionally choose sphinxes as pets. It is believed that the lack of hair prevents the appearance of a negative reaction. But it is important to remember that the sphinxes, just like all cats, lick themselves and sweat, which means they secrete a certain amount of fluid. It's just that this amount is less than that of woolly counterparts. If the owner has an allergy specifically to wool, then the sphinx will become an ideal pet, as it has a gentle character and loves to communicate with a person. To determine whether animals are suitable for allergy sufferers, you can talk to a kitten before the acquisition and wait for a reaction.

Sphynx cat

Representatives of the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex breeds are also considered hypoallergenic. These are amazing graceful cats with delicate hair in neat curls. They are sociable, playful and loving. Due to the short and soft coat, molting in these animals is almost imperceptible. In addition, the cat itself removes most of the excess hair from the process of licking, so that the owner does not have problems with the spread of hair, and therefore with allergies. According to the reviews of the lucky owners, these cats are extremely smart and active, but require frequent communication.

Cornish Rex

Hypoallergenic breeds often include a Siberian cat, despite its thick long coat. But there is no scientific confirmation of this fact, and loving owners do not complain about allergies.

Rabbits for allergy sufferers

Surprisingly, it is a fact: allergies to rabbits are much less common than to cats and dogs. The point is a special protein that excretes the body of furry pets. Nevertheless, before you buy a long-eared creature, you should consult a doctor. Experienced rabbit breeders recommend choosing a Rex rabbit. Its plush coat and friendly character will bring a lot of joyful minutes to both children and adults. In addition, this breed does not require constant care and combing, and the unique soft coat is heavy enough not to fly around the apartment, creating a danger for the allergic owner. Such a rabbit is not recommended to bathe, and he, like other rabbits, needs a place to sleep, a properly selected diet and a means for grinding teeth. Indeed, in rabbits, they do not stop growing. Rex is quite large and live 5-6 years. They are good-natured and, being properly brought up, calmly endure when they are picked up and squeezed.

Rex Rabbit

Rodents are fluffy and not very

The Syrian hamster is one of the most common rodents that are bred as a pet. It can be considered an excellent choice for families where there is an allergy sufferer, because the hamster, as a rule, does not go beyond its cage, which means that it does not have contact with the environment in the apartment or house. Such an animal does not bring particular difficulties in grooming if its cage is cleaned on time. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor appears very quickly. Hamsters are nocturnal animals and prefer to dig, scrape and run on the wheel after sunset, when everyone is already sleeping. This is also worth considering when buying. Otherwise, the Syrian hamster is a great animal for the allergic person.

The bald rat looks exotic and not everyone can like it. But lovers of these unique animals speak of them as exceptionally smart creatures. Due to lack of hair, such rats require special care and a specially equipped cage. Like other representatives of this species, bald rats are very sociable, easy to train and quickly get used to humans. They can be picked up, carried and played. The rat takes care of its toilet itself, and hairless skin does not retain an unpleasant odor. But you need to clean the cage at least once a week, so that excretion and feces do not irritate the delicate skin of the pet.

Bald rat

Piglets and Allergies

It would seem that piglets do not have hair, which means it is an ideal animal for an allergic person. But in the case of mini-pigs, which, by the way, are not always mini and can grow up to 60 kilograms, an allergy can manifest itself to saliva and smell. Piglets are very curious and sociable and love to stick their wet piglet everywhere. Unsterilized individuals smell very strongly and during shedding lose their stiff bristles, which clog in the crevices and pile of carpets. Therefore, for a small apartment, a mini-pig is not the best option. But in a private house, piglets live beautifully. And although they cannot be called hypoallergenic, nevertheless allergies to small pigs are much less common than to fluffy pets.

Mini pig

Aquarium fish

The only allergen that is present in the house where there are aquarium fish is food. Limited by aquarium glass, fish do not cause a reaction even in people who have intolerance to fish as food. Just aquarium fish no one eats. But you can admire them without touching your hands. Unfortunately, a good aquarium and the necessary equipment are expensive, and the fish cannot be trained, and communication with them does not work. But if there is no way to get any other pets because of an allergy, then fish is an ideal way out.

gold fish

Achatina snails

According to reviews, pets that do not cause allergies at all are Achatina snails. And although doctors argue with this, because snail mucus and microscopic scales can cause an organism’s reaction, this does not stop lovers of large gastropods. Snail mucus is considered beneficial for the skin. Snails do not smell, do not make noise, do not require a diet and daily walks. According to experienced breeders, snails recognize the owner, and it is very interesting to watch them.

Snail Achatina

Not recommended!

There is no such thing as “hypoallergenic animals” in science and medicine. So called pets, which cause fewer cases of allergies. But there are those animals that more often cause a negative reaction of the body of their owners. First of all, these are animals with long hair, like Persian and Angora cats. The hairs are so light that they can hang in the air for several minutes and then spread throughout the house. Unfortunately, birds often cause an allergic reaction due to small feathers and food.

In any case, before starting a pet, it is worth checking the body's reaction to allergens.


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