Helios grapes: description, planting, growing, reviews

Helios grape is a new hybrid form, which was obtained by crossing the well-known experimental winegrowers varieties Arcadia and Nakhodka. The author of this hybrid was an amateur breeder V. N. Krainov. The variety has a second name - Arcadia pink.

Grade Features

Helios grapes can be grown both in the southern regions of our country, and in the central regions of Russia. It is valued not only for its high yield, but also for resistance to most diseases characteristic of grapes, as well as for the possibility of transportation over long distances.

Helios grapes

Grapes are pink, belonging to the early varieties. Its maturity does not exceed one hundred and twenty days. Harvesting takes place in early August. More than six kilograms of grapes are removed from one bush.

Helios grapes: description

This hybrid has attractive characteristics that are inherited from the best parental fruits. Helios grapes form tall, vigorous bushes with well-developed shoots. Flowering bisexual. Regardless of weather factors, pollination is always good. Productivity is consistently high.

The features of this grape are the good rooting of cuttings, a high level of ripening shoots, compatibility with stocks. The vines are developing actively, so the branches have an impressive height and occupy a fairly large space. The vines and trunk are brown, on young shoots it is lighter, and on the nodules has a burgundy hue.

pink grapes

The leaves are large, rounded in shape, painted in dark green. Well expressed division into blades. The advantage of the variety is bisexual inflorescences, which greatly simplify the pollination process.


Helios grapes delight gardeners with large clusters of medium density, having a standard cylindrical shape. One brush can reach 1.5 kg, but the average weight ranges from 600 to 900 grams. Due to the fact that the variety has a massive bush, the plant can be well loaded.


Bright clusters of beautiful pink color are the decoration of any vineyard. The fruits of this variety are distinguished by good taste and excellent presentation. The berries are large - 3.5x2 cm weighing 16 g. They have an oval shape and are painted in pale pink. By the end of ripening, the berries acquire a reddish hue.

The pulp is soft, juicy, watery. Inside the berry there may be 2-3 medium-sized seeds. On top of the fruit is covered with a thin peel with a thin layer of natural wax, which does not affect their taste. Helios grapes have a pleasant taste with a nutmeg shade.

grapes in autumn

The fruits are characterized by a high degree of sugar accumulation. That is why many experienced growers overexposure clusters on the vine, thereby increasing the sugar content. Berries for a long time do not crumble and do not crack.

Frost resistance

Helios grapes are frost-resistant. It will not hurt him to lower the temperature to -23 ° C. However, most experienced wine growers are advised to protect the plant from severe frosts. For young seedlings such events are required. This grape should be mulched in autumn.

Pest resistance

Helios is resistant to most diseases characteristic of grapes: oidium, rot, mildew. Although the variety has a high degree of sugar accumulation, it does not attract either wasps or birds, which usually harm the fruit. This is because the berries are not prone to cracking.

Helios grape variety

Planting Helios grapes

This is a very important process, because if planted incorrectly, the plant will develop poorly and bear fruit, berries can become smaller, their taste characteristics will change.

Grapes are planted in autumn or spring. Autumn plantings must be protected by shelter from frost.

Seedling Selection

First of all, attention should be paid to the root system of a young plant, which should be healthy and well developed. It is desirable that the sprouts do not have kinks, are green, without traces of rot and other diseases. The recommended shoot length is 20-22 cm, they are painted in saturated green.

Before planting, remove the side shoots and lower the roots into the solution to stimulate root formation for a day.

Helios grapes description

Site preparation

Perhaps one of the disadvantages of this variety is its pickiness to the ground. This variety will actively develop and bear fruit only on fertile soils. Landing pits dig at a distance of three meters from each other. Depth must be at least 80 cm.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between two layers of soil. The first layer of earth that you dug from the pit is mixed with humus, potassium salt, superphosphate. Then, the resulting mixture of soil and fertilizers is poured back into the pit with a layer of about 35 cm and carefully packed. The root system of the young plant is placed on this layer. It is well spread and sprinkled with a second layer of soil. The soil is again well compacted.

About each seedling, you must leave a hole with a diameter of fifty-five centimeters. After planting, each plant is watered at the rate of 25 liters of water per 1 m². Then the soil must be loosened, and the hole mulched. Together with a sapling, a peg for a garter is placed in the hole, which will become a support and protect the root system from subsidence. Some winegrowers recommend mulching the soil around a young plant with a layer of sawdust - this will protect the soil from drying out.

Helios grape planting

Plant care

Helios grape care procedures are mulching, moisturizing. In addition, this variety needs timely pruning, top dressing, weeding, preparation for winter.


Helios pink grapes require a careful approach to watering, since excess moisture can lead to lower yields. In spring, when the air temperature does not drop below 0 ° C, the plant should be well watered. At minus temperatures, this cannot be done, since the water will freeze and destroy the root system of the plant. After pruning, the bushes are watered very abundantly: up to thirty liters of water per square meter of soil.


To maintain optimal moisture levels in the soil, you must use organic mulch. This may be fallen leaves, straw, vegetable tops, compost, etc. The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least ten centimeters.


Helios grapes are high-yielding varieties, and therefore its vine is sometimes subjected to excessive loads. The cutting procedure for this variety is very important. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before the activation of vegetative processes. To properly distribute the load on the vine, pruning is carried out on seven eyes. The recommended load on one bush of this grape is thirty-five eyes.

Top dressing

For active growth, development, high productivity Helios needs timely top dressing. Once a year, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil under the bush, and once every three years the plant is fed with organic matter.

In early spring, the soil is fertilized with ammonium nitrate. Before flowering and after its completion, grapes are fed with potassium salt, superphosphate. Organic top dressing is desirable to combine with watering. Use compost, humus, peat.

helios grapes reviews

Gardeners reviews

Today, many gardeners grow Helios grapes. Reviews about him are different. Vine growers believe that this variety has both undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone likes the taste of berries - some gardeners consider it not sweet enough. But this, of course, is a subjective opinion.

There are complaints about the appearance of bunches - some grape connoisseurs think that they look rustic against other hybrid table grape varieties. However, without exception, gardeners note the indisputable merits of this variety. Berries after rains do not burst even during full ripening. It also attracts the possibility of transporting ripe crops over considerable distances while maintaining its presentation. Helios grapes are mainly consumed fresh, but the qualities of this variety make it possible to make jams, juices and wine from it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E204/

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