Choose a name for the cat

Choosing a name for a cat, you do not just come up with the word with which you will call the pet for the next ten years, but also create the image of the animal. Indeed, for strangers, the cat’s nickname characterizes him to some extent, forms the first impression of him.

The name for the cat should not be too long and difficult to pronounce. It is better to choose a word from two syllables - it can be easily repeated many times, for example, looking for an animal. The names of purebred cats are often polysyllabic and consist of several words. But in everyday life, it is better to call the representatives of the cat's elite shorter and simpler.

Choosing a name for a cat is usually forever: it takes a lot of time for the pet to get used to a single nickname, and a periodic change of names will completely confuse the animal - in the end, the cat will stop responding to nicknames, which will greatly complicate your communication.

In the name for the cat, it is better to include sounds that are well heard by cats, these are β€œZ”, β€œC”, β€œF”, β€œU” and β€œH”. Words with these consonants are perceived by the pet better, getting used to such a nickname will happen faster. Speaking the name will help speed up the process every time when carrying out procedures that are pleasant for the animal: feeding, stroking, playing, in a quiet, calm voice. Never call a cat with a nickname at the moment of irritation to punish him for tricks - this is a sure way to refusing the animal to respond to his name.

Some owners want to call the cat somehow funny to show others their own wit. The main thing is not to forget that a rare joke remains funny for 10-15 years, that is, as long as this name will be used. Funny nicknames for cats related to politics, advertising, sports or the life of stars very quickly lose their relevance. And then the owner will get tired of answering questions from others, where did such a nickname come from, and how did he distinguish himself in honor of whom the cat was named.

Nevertheless, some unusual nicknames for cats really distinguish their owners from the owners of Murziks and Barsiks: Baxter, Asteroid, Arizona.

It is desirable that the cat nickname is suitable for the exterior and breed of the animal: the name Fluff will suit the animal with thick, fluffy hair, the so-called hairless sphinx will look ridiculous. Simple nicknames that many generations have called their pets are suitable for simple, often not purebred, pets. Pedigree cats from the pedigree, which are supposed to exhibit, etc. better to call some rare and memorable name. So, for the Egyptian Mau names of pharaohs or heroes of mythology are suitable, and the representative of the American shorthair breed can come up with a cowboy nickname that reflects the nature of these active, playful animals.

Often the name is dictated by external circumstances. The white cat will be called Snowball, found small - Kid, prone to tricks - Buyan. Color is also decisive: Red, Gray, Black - very common nicknames.

Owners who tend to humanize animals give them human names. This is not a good idea, often relatives or acquaintances coming to visit and meeting a cat there - their namesake, get offended, or just feel embarrassed. If you really want to name the animal in honor of someone, you can slightly change the name so that it is not a copy of the human.

Examples of names for a cat

Abram, Agate, Agathon, Baikal, Bars, Hippopotamus, Billy, Buran, Jack, Varyag, Viron, Shuttlecock, Hamlet, Hector, Hermes, Gerard, Beetle, Zembo, Zephyr, Zodiac, Kazbek, Cameron, Karabas, King, Cube, Lucky, Leo, Lord, Lucas, Maximum, Milord, Murys, Myaucello, Nelson, Spark, Oscar, Eagle, Perseus, Rubin, Ginger, Sable, Tarzan, Tom, Phantom, Focus, Cyclops, Shaman, Amber.


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