Table grape variety "Transfiguration". Description and features of cultivation

Variety "Transfiguration" is a grape of early ripening. It is obtained by crossing two cultures - "Talisman" and "Kishmish" variety "radiant". The “Transfiguration” grape variety is distinguished from other varieties by a high, stable yield, resistance to damage by fungal diseases, low temperatures, and unpretentiousness to cultivation and care. But the most attractive feature is the delicious taste of fleshy, large berries with juicy pulp. The Transfiguration grape variety is ideal for growing in small summer cottages and huge plantations.

Grade description

The bush of this grape variety has great growth power, has many well-ripening shoots, and its cuttings quickly take root. The fruits are large, can weigh up to 18 grams and have an oval, more elongated shape, up to 50 mm in length. A pinkish tint gives each berry an incredibly mouth-watering look.

Grape variety transformation

A bunch of grapes is surprising in its size and weighs up to one and a half kilograms. The Transfiguration grape variety is well transported and has high commercial value.

How to choose seedlings?

In order to receive high and stable crops in the future, you need to plant strong, healthy seedlings. What should I pay attention to so that the Transfiguration grape variety does not disappoint you? First of all, seedlings should not be frozen or dry. If the plant is healthy, the root should be white and the cross section green.


The best time to plant is spring. The Transfiguration grape variety, the description of which is presented in the article, loves well-warmed soil. Therefore, there is no need to rush. While the earth is gaining heat, dig holes so deep that the root fits, but the root neck remains on the surface of the earth. Before planting, the grape bush should be soaked well with warm water, and then covered with a film so that the root remains moist.

Grape Variety Transformation Description

The bottom of the planting hole is laid out with organic fertilizers covered with a small layer of earth, so when planting, burns do not form on the roots, the tips of which should be slightly trimmed. After the seedling has been planted, the well should be well watered and closed with polyethylene on top. This will help keep the heat needed for seedling growth.

How to care?

The Transfiguration grape variety, whose description may affect the final choice in its favor, needs annual pruning. It is better to do a fan-shaped, leaving a fruit vine with 6-8 eyes and 25-35 shoots with one inflorescence on each. This normalization of the crop is associated with the large size and large weight of the clusters. For the period of winter cold grapes needs shelter. To facilitate this process, the vine is shortened by ¾ length. Pruning is done in the fall.


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