The cat after sterilization asks the cat: the consequences of the operation, especially the care of the cat, the advice of veterinarians

Many people keep animals at home. Cats are often chosen as pets. Life with these animals has many advantages. But sometimes the owners have to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as sexual hunting. To avoid it, many go to the veterinarian for an animal surgery. There are times when a cat after sterilization asks for a cat. Why is this happening? How to cope with this phenomenon?

What can explain sexual hunting after surgery?

Many cat owners decide on a similar procedure for obvious reasons. Firstly, the sexual activity of animals is accompanied by loud screams that violate the calm and sleep of the owners.

cat screams

Secondly, far from all people give good emotions of concern associated with the birth of cubs. Having decided to undergo surgery, many owners ask themselves: “Does it happen that a cat asks for a cat after sterilization?” Unfortunately, a similar situation is very likely. This occurs for a number of reasons, the most common of which are:

  1. Poor quality surgical intervention.
  2. Hormonal disruptions.
  3. Features of the development of the sex glands.

Signs of sexual activity are usually inherent in females who underwent surgery in adulthood. Symptoms are evidence of a change in hormone balance. Some time after surgery, a behavior characteristic of the estrus period is observed. Watching a pet, the owners begin to understand that a cat after sterilization asks for a cat.

Features of the operation

In order for this procedure to be successful, it is necessary to properly prepare the pet.


Firstly, 12 hours before the event, the cat should not be fed and given her water. This limitation helps to avoid vomiting. The most difficult period is when the animal moves away from anesthesia. The female’s recovery depends on her age, general health, the nature of the operation (whether the event was planned or emergency), type of anesthesia. During the first hours, a decrease in temperature may be observed. The limbs become cold. In order to warm your pet, you should put it on a warm heating pad, cover it with a warm cloth. How do cats behave after sterilization? During this period, the female often shows aggression and increased sensitivity to environmental factors, refuses to communicate with the owner, does not move much.

It is necessary to create a calm environment for the pet, put it in a separate room. The animal also has a special dressing. A bandage prevents seams from damage. It should be left on the body of the female for about 7-10 days. Features of care and diet after surgery must be checked with a veterinarian. Temporary loss of appetite and stool retention under these circumstances are considered normal body reactions. However, care must be taken that the female consumes food and empties her intestines and bladder regularly. In the absence of bowel movement for three days, you need to consult a veterinarian about the selection of a laxative. Even if the preparation for the operation and the procedure itself were carried out correctly, there are times when the cat asks for the cat after sterilization.

Reasons related to hormone production

In the body of any animal, substances that regulate sexual behavior are produced.

cats mate

Many owners mistakenly believe that after the operation, sexual activity ceases. The fact is that in the blood of the pet and in the subcutaneous tissue for some time a certain amount of hormones remains. Due to the effects of these substances, the cat asks for the cat after sterilization. The more adipose tissue the pet had at the time of the surgery, the longer the signs of sexual hunting persist. There are times when a female continued to scream for a year, demanding a male. Sometimes this phenomenon is explained by the presence of hormones in the tissues of the adrenal glands. Fortunately, the amount of these substances quickly runs out, and sexual activity ceases.

Features of animal behavior

Sexual hunting is accompanied by a change in the nature of the nursery. If a cat asks for a cat after sterilization, its need for mating is manifested as follows:

  1. The animal begins to meow loudly and hoarsely.
  2. The female suddenly becomes restless.
  3. She marks the territory.
cat marks

Sometimes this behavior is maintained by the pet for the rest of his life, despite the surgical intervention. Fortunately, in sterilized animals, excretions do not have a pronounced odor.

It should be borne in mind that the level of hormones in the blood of females is affected by the work of not only the genital, but also the adrenal glands, as well as the pituitary and hypothalamus. And after surgery, these organs can produce substances that provoke sexual activity. This situation often indicates the presence of tumors. As a therapy, veterinarians prescribe medications and special capsules that are administered under the skin.

Incorrect operation

One of the explanations of why, after sterilization, a cat asks for a cat, is the mistake of a specialist during surgery. This happens when in the abdominal cavity remains the sex gland or its fragment. If such a violation is found, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. An operation using a laparoscope in this case is not used, since it will not give the desired result. Owners should observe the animal after this event and have an idea of ​​the signs of sexual activity in a cat after sterilization. The photo clearly shows how the animal behaves.

What do pet owners need to do?

In order for the pet to calm down, you need to consult a specialist for the selection of therapy.

cat inspection

Today, pharmacies have a large selection of medicines based on medicinal plants that help to cope with the problem. Based on the results of the examination, the veterinarian will advise the correct remedy for the animal. Fortunately, such drugs do not cause serious side effects.

Other tips

If after sterilization the cat began to demand a cat, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of its diet.

cat feeding

Eating nutritious foods enhances sexual activity. In addition, the operated pet has a great danger of gaining excess kilograms. To prevent the development of obesity, you should reduce the portion of food. The answer to the question of whether a cat can ask for a cat after sterilization is definitely positive. Sometimes owners have to give the animal drugs to stop sexual activity. However, in some cases, avoiding stress helps to eliminate the symptoms of sexual hunting without medication. It is better to place the female in a separate room. This will allow the animal to calm down.


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