Cystitis in dogs: treatment, symptoms, causes

Often in weakened animals, the mucous membrane of the bladder becomes inflamed, and cystitis develops as a result. In dogs, treatment boils down to the complex administration of drugs that modulate support and relieve unpleasant symptoms. It is quite simple to notice an unpleasant disease in a four-legged friend. If the animal is nervous, whining, crouching and even barking while going to the toilet, then it is most likely an inflammation.

Cystitis in a dog - symptoms

The reason for the development of the disease

In the body of each dog, a variety of bacteria live. If the animal is healthy, then they do not harm him. But if immunity is reduced, then pathogens immediately begin to attack it. Conditionally pathogenic organisms live in the intestines - staphylococcus, streptococcus and E. coli. They are the first to populate the bladder and cause its inflammation.

A particular predisposition to the disease is observed in dogs that are improperly cared for, experiencing constant stress, are often sick and are exposed to hypothermia.

Against the background of various infectious diseases, cystitis in dogs can also develop. Treatment will depend on the pathogenic microflora, which sank down to the genitourinary organs. Most likely, cystitis will develop in animals that are sick:

  • jade;
  • urolithiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Often the problem is found in females who have problems with the genitals, in particular with the uterus.

Cystitis can also occur when the dog receives poor-quality food. Synthetic additives, flavors and preservatives alter the composition of urine, which in turn irritates the bladder. Shells become especially sensitive to pathogens, and immunity is drastically reduced.

Cystitis in a dog - signs

Types of disease

Dog cystitis can manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms and treatment vary. Often the disease affects not only the bladder, but also drops even lower. In this case, the urethra suffers. Specialists distinguish the following forms of the disease:

  1. Catarrhal. Tests show an increased protein content in the urine.
  2. Hemorrhagic. Significantly increases the level of hemoglobin.
  3. Dystrophic. In the analysis sample, particles of inflamed epithelium are diagnosed.
  4. Purulent. Pus is present in the discharge.

Non-specific reasons

Some breeds are particularly prone to developing the disease. This is especially true for dogs with short legs, such as dachshunds or spaniels. Females get sick more often than males. This is due to the structure of the genital organs, pregnancy and childbirth.

Mating can also contribute to the disease. This procedure exacerbates the chronic course of cystitis or causes a new disease if an infection has been introduced. It is worth noting that the treatment of a pregnant dog should be entrusted only to a veterinarian. In this case, many popular drugs are simply contraindicated. If a chronic course of the disease is observed, then a specialist may suggest sterilization.

Chronic cystitis in a dog

Cystitis in a dog - symptoms

Treatment at home is possible only with an uncomplicated disease and under the full guidance of a specialist. Inappropriate behavior of the pet will help to notice the beginning of the development of the problem. If previously the dog was quite calm, then the pain syndrome will certainly make her irritable. An active four-legged friend suddenly becomes lethargic and shows apathy for former entertainment. The following symptoms should alert any owner:

  1. The animal began to urinate frequently. In this case, the discharge comes out in small portions.
  2. The dog's calm posture changes; during urination, she crouches and whines.
  3. A pet can suddenly pee at home on the floor.
  4. The dog asks outside, tries to go to the toilet, but the liquid either drops out or does not come out at all.

If the above symptoms are specific, then there are a number of manifestations that indicate a general infection of the body:

  • fever;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Often dogs do not let themselves be stroked. Animals are especially nervous if you try to feel their stomach.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs at home

Acute course of the disease

Cystitis in dogs is divided into two forms. Treatment will be most effective if you start it immediately after the first signs. At first, the disease is characterized by an acute course. All symptoms are pronounced, and the clinical picture is not smeared. The veterinarian, after taking tests for pathogenic microflora, prescribes antibacterial therapy. After completing the course, the pet fully recovers. As a rule, the duration of the disease is no more than a week.

Chronic form

Chronic cystitis in dogs causes more problems. Treatment will depend on the root cause of the problem. If the situation with frequent urination is repeated repeatedly, then a specialist may suggest a complicated disease. Therefore, it is necessary to find the cause of such relapses. Quite rarely, chronic cystitis is the initial disease. Often there are other problems behind this manifestation:

  • tumor process;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • abnormalities in the development of the genitourinary system;
  • bladder tuberculosis.

Therefore, if cystitis is constantly manifested in a dog, treatment should be selected taking into account the primary problem that only a veterinarian can establish.

Diagnostic measures

During the examination, the doctor first probes the belly of the pet. Often, prior emptying of the bladder is required. If this could not be achieved naturally, a catheter is inserted. Treatment of cystitis in dogs at home is possible if the analysis shows an acute form of the disease. In this case, the number of red blood cells and white blood cells in the urine increases sharply.

However, the drugs should be selected by the doctor. For this, it is necessary to establish the pH of the secretions and the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. If the chronic form is diagnosed, then the veterinarian must find the cause of persistent inflammation. To do this, the mandatory set of examinations includes:

  1. Ultrasound (uterus in females and prostate in dogs).
  2. X-ray studies.
  3. Blood and urine tests.
Ultrasound for cystitis

It is clear that at home such procedures are difficult to carry out, so a trip to the veterinary clinic is mandatory.

Cystitis treatment

If the veterinarian has found cystitis in dogs, treatment should be started immediately. Only in this case can one achieve a lasting result and prevent the disease from becoming chronic. However, the disease may return if the pet has a predisposition to it. To prevent this, after treatment, attention should be paid to preventive measures.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs at home is carried out under the supervision and control of a veterinarian. First of all, the animal needs warmth and peace. It is recommended to warm the bladder area with a heating pad or a regular bottle filled with warm water. Similar procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day. Keep warm for about 15-20 minutes. You can put on a dog special warm pants.

A pet diet should be reviewed. During treatment, it is not recommended to give food with cereal crops. It is also necessary to limit salty foods that trap fluid in the body. At the beginning of the disease, meat broth is the best option. If the animal is accustomed to dry food, then you should purchase a therapeutic version of the familiar brand.

Dog cystitis treatment


To effectively cure cystitis in a dog, a doctor should choose the drugs for treatment. He will recommend the dosage and the optimal dosage regimen. In this case, a laboratory study of urine is mandatory. If the tests showed the presence of an alkaline medium, then Salol will be effective. If the acidic environment prevails, then "Urotropin" is prescribed.

To speed up the elimination of pathogens, the dog must often drink a lot. Therefore, it is necessary to establish strict control over the drinking regime. Ammonium chloride will help in removing bacteria.

If the dog has pus in the urine, then washing the bladder will be required . For this, a catheter with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions is used. Well-established solutions of boric acid, furatsilina and potassium permanganate. The veterinarian appoints and carries out this procedure in a medical office.

Antibiotic therapy

A prerequisite is antibiotics for cystitis in a dog. Treatment is carried out according to an individual scheme, and drugs are knocked out on the basis of analyzes. The main drugs are:

  • Monural
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Baytril.

In addition, you can add homeopathic remedies that will help relieve frequent urges and reduce pain during urination. It can be Atropinum Compositum and Nux Vomica-Homaccord.

First aid kit

In the medicine cabinet of any owner of a four-legged friend, there should be tablets for cystitis in dogs. The drug "Stop-cystitis" has a quick treatment and preventive effect. The suspension effectively relieves inflammation, removes pathogenic bacteria and relieves painful cramps. In addition, the product has an antimicrobial and good diuretic effect.

Quite good, but the budget option is furadonin. It is effective against many bacteria, therefore it has a bactericidal effect. Tablets are given to the dog along with the food, but the dosage is calculated by the doctor based on the weight of the pet. However, the drug can cause vomiting, so the use is strictly controlled. Pregnant dogs are not recommended.

The use of folk remedies

Treatment of cystitis in a dog with folk remedies complements, but does not replace, general therapy. Cranberry juice is very effective. It quickly reduces the acidity of urine and eliminates inflammation. However, in large quantities, it can lead to precipitation of oscalates.

Lingonberries against cystitis in dogs

Various herbs are also quite popular. If urination is impaired, then nettle infusion with lingonberry leaves will help. It has an antiseptic property and promotes more efficient removal of fluid from the body.

Problem prevention

In order to prevent inflammation of the bladder, it is always necessary to treat infectious diseases and not to stop taking pills after the disappearance of the main symptoms. In addition, it is required to maintain the animal's immunity at the proper level and to prevent hypothermia.

If the pet is too small or deprived of thick hair, then it is recommended to walk it in a special jumpsuit in the cold season. The dog should not be allowed to endure or delay urination for a long time.

If a chronic process has developed, then all possible sources of infection are treated. Similar problems can overtake a pet even with gingivitis or periodontitis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the general well-being of the animal and regularly undergo examinations at the veterinarian.


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