Pear decorative: description, types, care

It seemed to many gardeners that they knew everything about pears. After all, most of those who have at least a small plot of land, certainly try to plant this tree in order to enjoy delicious fruits. However, not everyone knows that pears can be used to decorate the garden, as there are decorative varieties among them. They have no less tasty fruits, but their main purpose is to add some zest to the design of your site.

a brief description of

A decorative pear is a medium-height tree that has a cone-shaped crown. It comes from China. It has an attractive appearance, beautiful leaves, which by the fall tend to be painted in bright red tones. During flowering, the plant is also able to charm with large white flowers. But the fruits, on the contrary, are inconspicuous in appearance and do not represent any nutritional value.

Resistance to diseases and climatic conditions

Decorative pear perfectly survives in a temperate climate, in sunny places. However, the tree has an average frost resistance and is able to withstand frosts only up to -25 ° C. But the resistance to diseases and pests is much stronger. This plant is ideal not only for decorating personal plots, but also for decorating city parks. Also can be used in single landings.

Varietal variety

Despite the fact that in our country, decorative pears, photos of which can be seen in this article, are not particularly common, nevertheless, some varieties should be given attention. After all, the varietal row of this plant is very diverse. They are distinguished not only by external signs, but also by taste, size of the fruit. However, an important difference is also certain growing conditions, which are also able to distinguish one variety from another.

decorative pear

Pear decorative varieties Calera Shantikler found mainly in the homeland of a tree - in China. It is planted near ponds or on small hills. Its distinctive feature is a narrow crown. The leaves are dark green with a characteristic sheen. During flowering, the crown acquires an almost white color, as it is covered with small inflorescences. The fruits of this species are very small.

The Caucasian pear is notable for its impressive height - up to twenty-six meters. It is propagated by seeds or cuttings, which are very unpretentious and can take root in any locality. It does not have to be watered at all, it is very resistant to drought. It looks especially beautiful during the flowering period.

decorative pear

Pear variety Ivolistnaya in height does not exceed 10 meters. Her crown is in the shape of an egg, and the shoots have a slight felt pubescence. It is very undemanding to the soil, gets along on salty soil. It does not tolerate gusts of cold wind. The flowering period of this species is very early.

Curly decorative pear

This type of decorative pear is surprising in that it can be used as a hedge. Moreover, it will not only be an original and worthy decoration of the site. The fruits can be used in the preparation of salads, eat them raw and even stew. True, the fruits have a slightly bitter aftertaste, which many may not like. When they ripen, they acquire a bright orange color. This gives the plant an even greater decorative effect. When the fruit opens and bright red seeds become visible from it, the curious looks of the neighbors will certainly be directed at your exotic plant.

Some tips for site design

If you decide to get such a plant as a decorative pear, then you should find a suitable place for it. After all, its main purpose is not tasty fruits, but the decoration of the landscape. This tree will look great in combination with pine, spruce, birch. If there is a pond on the site, then against its background a decorative pear will shine brilliantly at any time of the year.

decorative pear curly

This tree will look equally good in collective plantings. For example, you can completely use it in the design of the city park. It is not necessary to take plants of the same variety at the same time, you can make a spectacular combination, experiment with collective plantings.

Care Tips

A decorative pear, like any plant, can be affected by diseases and pests. Despite the increased resistance to them, some preventive measures should be taken that will protect the tree from them. First of all, it is cytosporosis, rust, powdery mildew. Leafworms, green aphids, pear mites can also annoy. They are able not only to spoil the appearance of the plant, but also cause significant harm to it. In some cases, the lesion can be so severe that it can destroy the tree.

decorative pears photo

From time to time, preventive treatment with fungicidal preparations should be carried out. A simple but effective method for improving the garden is whitewashing trunks. It is recommended to do this in the fall. Dead branches and damaged bark must be removed in a timely manner, like leaflets and branches affected by diseases. Seasonal spraying with gray and Bordeaux fluids will be beneficial.

Preventive measures should not be neglected, since they can prevent further painful procedures for treating the plant. Moreover, if a tree is struck, it will not only spoil the landscape with its appearance, but also your mood for almost the entire season.


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