Cousin - who is it? The origins of the term and its use

The terms used to indicate relatives are very numerous, and you can easily get confused in them. Some of them are left in the past and already forgotten, while others are actively used and known to all. Understanding the intricacies of related bonds is sometimes difficult. In this article we will try to figure out, cousin and cousin - who is this relative?

Cousin who is it

Who are the cousins

To designate children, uncles or aunts, as a rule, use such terms as “cousin” or “cousin”. But they can also be called cousin and cousin, respectively.

In general, there are several groups of family ties: consanguinity, unrelated ties, and kinship. Siblings with at least one common parent will be in a direct relationship in blood relationship. Cousins ​​are not related in blood relationship in a straight line.

Due to the fact that these definitions are rare, if you use the word “cousin” in society, you may be asked the question: “Who is this cousin?” The following definition can be given to this term: cousin, that is, the daughter of an uncle or an aunt both on the paternal side and on the maternal side.

cousins ​​and cousins

Origin of the word

The word "cousin" comes from the French "cousine", which means "cousin." In the 18th and 19th centuries, representatives of the Russian nobility spoke French, and therefore this word was widespread. Then all educated people knew cousin who it was. Ordinary people rarely used "overseas words", they were alien and incomprehensible to him. Therefore, when they heard “a cousine”, they might be perplexed: “Cousin - who is it?”

In modern Russian, it is rarely used, although many words in our language remain from the French heritage, but specifically it did not take root. For example, the words "papa" or "mom" also have French roots and are firmly established in everyday life.

Other meanings of these terms.

Cousin - who is it, explain the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language Ozhegova, Ushakova. According to the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim, the term can mean any distant relative, such as a second cousin. But nevertheless such names of relatives as cousins ​​and cousins ​​are more applicable to their main meaning - cousins.

Also, the word "cousine" in colloquial speech can call a good friend. Historically, the conversion of mon cousin, which means "my cousin," was used by the king in relation to the prince of blood or peer. This institution was used in the treatment of one person of the royal clan in relation to another titled person belonging to the clan.

cousin is who's relative

The following meanings of this word may also be implied: sidekick, bosom friend, and with an ironic connotation - a simpleton, gullible eccentric. Also called a cousin in the colloquial language of a fellow, that is, one who has similar views and tastes, and is also close in origin.

If you study Russian classical literature, you will notice that on the pages of works such words as “cousin” and “cousin” are often found. Who is this, we now know, the interpretation of these words is available in various dictionaries. You can also notice that in the old books of cousins, the French name is cousine or Old Russian “cousin”.

The use of words in English phrases

There are various kinds of phrases containing this word. For example, forty-second cousin is a distant relative, second cousin is a second cousin or sister, first cousin once removed is a child of a cousin or cousin, that is, a cousin or niece. The expression cousin seven / several / times removed means "seventh water on jelly", which means a very distant relative.

Cousin marriage

There is such a thing as cousin marriage. It means that cousins ​​of blood marry. This form of marriage was common earlier, especially among the elite. The conclusion of such unions was often determined by economic reasons.

From a legal point of view, there is no ban on such marriages, but public opinion often condemns such marriages, considering them immoral, incest. Due to incest, in such marriages, children with various pathologies and hereditary diseases are often born.

cousin is who

Why the use of these words did not take root in the Russian language?

The use of certain words falls under the fashion trend. For example, when Brazilian TV shows were popular, then, accordingly, words of Hispanic origin were also in use.

Why doesn’t anyone use the words “cousin” or “cousin” today, why has it become customary to call relatives in Russian again — cousin or sister? Perhaps the use of certain foreign words was influenced by the fact that after the October Revolution of 1917, the French language lost its relevance. Moreover, knowledge of a foreign language was equated to a political crime, since representatives of a noble family who were outlawed spoke French.

Surely explaining why some foreign words are firmly included in the speech, and some still do not take root, it is difficult even for experienced philologists.


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