The medicine "Fenistil" (drops for babies) - salvation from allergies!

Unfortunately, a disease such as allergies can bother even the smallest and most defenseless children, causing them itching and other unpleasant symptoms. Each mother, having found signs of allergic reactions in her child, begins to worry and think about how to alleviate the condition of her baby. Often, allergists can prescribe antihistamines that are intended for adults to a child only in a small dosage. However, mothers doubt whether it is possible to accept them in such small crumbs, and whether there will be negative consequences from this?

Fortunately, in our time, new drugs have been developed that can be used by children from a very young age, they are absolutely safe to use and will help the baby get rid of allergies. One of these drugs is Fenistil (drops for babies). It is one of the newest antihistamines for children.

Fenistil drops for babies

You can take it already from the first month of life, it treats not only allergies, but also urticaria, Quincke's edema, allergic rhinitis, rubella, chicken pox, will help get rid of itching, relieve the condition with insect bites. The drug "Fenistil" (drops for babies) is used to prepare children for vaccinations, to prevent complications. In this case, drops are taken a few days before and after the injection.

Despite the fact that the drug is much more effective and safer than the outdated Suprastin or Tavegil, it has its own side effects and contraindications.

fenistil drops for babies Price

The medicine "Fenistil" (drops for babies ) : instructions

Indications for use

Itching on the skin in diseases such as measles, atopic dermatitis, rubella, chickenpox, dermatosis, eczema, food allergies, urticaria, insect bites, serum sickness.


The first trimester of pregnancy, children under 1 month of age, is prohibited for premature babies.


Children up to one year: 3-10 drops; after a year and up to 3 years: 10-15 drops per day. The medicine "Fenistil" (drops for babies) is recommended to be given to the child from a spoon, the drug has a pleasant taste.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, individual intolerance to the drug, fatigue, nausea, dry mouth, sometimes a sedative effect is observed . If you simultaneously use the medicine "Fenistil" (drops for babies) with other drugs that affect the central nervous system, it is possible to enhance their properties.

It is recommended to give medicine from a spoon or add drops to a bottle with warm baby formula, the main thing is that it is not hot, namely warm. However, it is still better to take it undiluted, so the drug is better absorbed.

Fenistil drops for babies instruction

The medicine "Fenistil" (drops for babies), the price of which is about 240-260 rubles, can be purchased at the pharmacy. Never buy any medicine on hand or in an unverified place, only in a pharmacy, otherwise there is a risk of acquiring low-quality and expired goods.

Having followed all the instructions and instructions of the doctor, having completed the course of taking the drug, you will notice that your baby’s allergy goes away, and the disease recedes! And what could be better for mom than when her baby is healthy!


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