Stag beetle. Two kinds

Stag beetle is common in the Caucasus, North Africa, Central America and Europe. The classification of this species includes rhinoceros beetles and deer. These insects prefer the humid climate of deciduous forests. During the day they hide in the hollows of trees, and at night they lead an active lifestyle. That is why large beetles are rarely seen on a flying day. Only in the evening they are going to artificial sources of light.

Nutrition and Reproduction

Stag beetle description

The stag beetle, reminiscent of its rhino structure, is still an unread book for scientists. The peculiarity of its structure is as follows - on the head of the male there is a horn bent back. The female has a convex tubercle in this place.

The coloring of beetles is replete with tones of brown shades. Males always have a darker color. Many experts believe that these insects do not eat at all. But studies have shown that rhino diets are made up of decayed plant debris and plant sap.

An adult beetle lives one season, which she devotes to breeding. A female rhino lays its eggs in piles of sawdust, in tree hollows or in dunghills. Larvae are considered large and reach from 8 to 12 centimeters. Their transformation into pupae occurs only after 4 years. After this period, new bugs fly into the light!

Another stag

Stag beetle

This beetle is called a deer. This view is no less interesting than the previous one. People of the Middle Ages even laid down the legend about these insects. It says that they are capable of attracting lightning. But in fact, the truth is this: beetles love to fly around large trees. And lightning falls precisely in such plantings.

Interestingly, the stag beetle is recognized as the largest of the world of insects. Due to unusual external data, he is often called an aristocrat. Scientists believe that there are 3 subspecies of deer beetles.

Big and small beetles

Subtypes differ in size. The smallest of them reach a length of 3.5 centimeters. Large stags are considered those whose sizes range up to 8-9 centimeters. Larger individuals were also recorded in Syria and Turkey. But most often in nature, these insects are of medium size.

Stag beetle than feeds
Admittedly, the massive stag beetle is quite interesting. The description distinguishes it from others in that males have horns (mandibles). They are not only decoration, but also serve their master as a weapon of self-defense or attack.

In the earlier era, mandibles performed a chewing function. When the deer’s nutrition changed, the horns began to be used in clashes with their own kind. Thanks to them, many people instantly recognize their owner, wondering: "What is the stag beetle eating and how it lives?"

In this matter, he is no different from his fellow rhino. For nutrition, the juice of trees, most often oaks, is used. Often in one such "wound" on the trunk 10-20 bugs accumulate.

Fights and mating happen here. It is interesting to watch their tournament fights! The males fight among themselves, trying to defeat the enemy. The winner gets a prize - a female!

Breeding stage

The stag beetle is inherently active and assertive. He is usually attracted to female pheromones. Thanks to them, the female individual manages to gather several males around herself. As a rule, they immediately enter the struggle to take possession of the female.

Red Book

During the fight, males change their body position. They stand on two legs and try using horns to get rid of the opponent by dropping him from the tree. Then there is a mating between the winner and the female, which usually lasts up to 3 hours.

The next phase is egg laying. The female deer beetle chooses the same places for this as the female rhinoceros. We remind you that these are stumps, hollows and heaps of organic residues. The only thing is that the larvae of the stag beetle develop longer - up to 5 years, acquiring a length of up to 14 centimeters and a thickness the size of a human finger.

It turns out real giants! In addition, it was revealed that the delicate bodies of the larvae are not afraid of frosty periods. The only thing they need is a certain amount of moisture. Its deficiency can lead to fetal death.

From larva to chrysalis

Scientists have recognized the fact that the larvae echo each other with rattling sounds that come from protrusions located in the paws of an insect. Further transformation is a cocoon. It is made by larvae of wood dust and excrement. Then fastened with salivary gland fluid .

3 months are allotted for pupal development. But even after turning into a bug, the individual remains in the cocoon for some time. An interesting nuance - the male larva prepares for itself a large cocoon in order to fit future horns.

Unfortunately, the total number of deer and rhinoceros beetles is declining. The reason for this is environmental factors, due to which the habitat of insects is modified and reproduction is declining. The Red Book and human consciousness are the only measure in order to preserve unusual species.


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