Lychnis chalcedony: reproduction and care

A frequent inhabitant of gardens, which attracts the eye, stands out against the background of greenery with a dazzling red color, is Chalcedony lichen.

Plant description

The name of the flower comes from the word "lamp." People call this plant differently: dawn, arrogant arrogance, adonis and even cuckoo soap. Its fiery inflorescences are so bright that it seems as if light is coming from them.

lichen chalcedony

This is a perennial plant, whose life expectancy in one place is approximately 5 years. Erect stems of lichen covered with ovoid or lanceolate leaves reach a height of 80-100 cm. Flowering begins in June and lasts for 75 days. It is the flower that gives the main decorative effect to the plant. Lychnis chalcedony in this period resembles bright luminous bulbs. Small (up to 3 cm) red flowers with two-bladed petals are collected in spherical inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter.

Growing conditions

Widespread in the European and southern parts of Russia, Lychnis is considered an unpretentious plant that can grow in a variety of conditions. But if you take into account when planting some of his preferences, he will respond with more plentiful and long flowering.

When choosing a place to land, you should take a closer look at the warm, well-lit areas. Lychnis chalcedony in the sun feels especially good. The soil should be sufficiently loose, fertilized and well-drained, since the flower does not grow well in areas with stagnant water. Wet, damp places are also unsuitable. These flowers will grow on poor soils, the main thing is that there is no excessive waterlogging that can lead to rotting of the roots.

Lychnis chalcedony cultivation

One of the advantages of this plant is its high frost resistance. Without requiring shelter for the winter, Lychnis can tolerate frosts of minus 35 Β° C.

Care Features

In one place, the plant should not be grown for more than 5 years. Without a regular transplant, its flowers will begin to fade, and the inflorescences will lose their splendor and attractiveness.

Like any other garden plants, lichen chalcedony needs watering. To bloom was brighter, perennial need to provide top dressing. This is especially important during the period of plant development.

The first time fertilizers are applied before flowering begins. A solution is pre-prepared: in 10 liters of water, superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea are diluted in 1 tablespoon and watered at the rate of 3 liters per 1 m 2 . The next top dressing is carried out after flowering. With good care, Lychnis will decorate the garden with its bright "lights" from June to August. And if wilted and drying inflorescences are removed in time, then this period will be even longer. Closer to winter, the ground part of the plants is cut under the root.

Lychnis flower


Lychnis flower can be propagated by any of the following methods: using seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush. Cuttings are prepared in June, cutting off shoots from the plant up to 20 cm long. They are rooted in the usual way, placed under a film, and in early September they are planted in a permanent place. Reproduction by dividing the bush is usually carried out in the fall. Plots are planted observing a distance between them of at least 30 cm. This is perhaps the easiest way to propagate the plant. It is possible to transplant lichen in this way even during flowering, the main thing is to do it carefully so as not to destroy the root soil lump.

Lychnis chalcedony: seed cultivation

A fairly large number of seeds formed in this flower, often gives self-sowing. Some varieties of Lychnis reproduce in this way.

For winter or in April, you can sow seeds in open ground. The soil must be provided with sand before this, you can add humus or compost.

To ensure more friendly seedlings, it is recommended to carry out pre-sowing stratification. For this, the seeds are sown in a small container with earth and, covered with glass, put in the refrigerator for 14 days. Then kept at room temperature until germination. Usually they appear on the 10th day or a little later. After 2 real leaflets are formed on the plants, they need to be dived in cups, and in early August the lichen flower will be planted in a permanent place. The optimal distance between them is 30–40 cm. Young plants will begin to bloom only in the second year.

Lychnis chalcedony flower

Pests and diseases

Lychnis chalcedony, the care of which is very simple, nevertheless requires additional protection and prevention of various diseases inherent in garden flowers. This is mainly rust, root rot, leaf spot. A careful inspection of the plant and ensuring good drainage during planting will help to avoid them.

The insects that can cause the greatest harm to lychnis are primarily aphids and leafworms, which can completely destroy it. Therefore, at the slightest signs of the appearance of these insects, it is necessary to conduct processing with a decoction of tobacco, you can also use tomato tops. With strong reproduction of pests, special chemical insecticides will be required.

Use in landscape design

Lychnis chalcedony is used for both single and group plantings, planting next to non-aggressive neighbors. Flaming bright red flowers look great on the green background of other perennials, standing out with a spectacular spot.

Lychnis chalcedony care

Lychnis is often used to decorate garden paths, borders, as a frame for flower beds and the shores of small reservoirs.

With very little effort, it is possible with great pleasure to contemplate these amazing brightest β€œlights” in your garden almost all summer.


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