Animal bullying: Article 245 of the Criminal Code and regional acts

One of the violations of Russian law is animal abuse. The article for this provides not only administrative, but also criminal liability. The punishment is due to the increasing cruelty to "our smaller brothers." The media often covers stories, often leading to injuries and even death.

Is there any administrative responsibility for animal cruelty?

Unlike many countries, the article for animal mockery in the Russian Federation does not provide for liability for the cruelty shown to representatives of the animal world. But the punishment is spelled out in many regional subjects of the country. And cruelty to animals can be considered an administrative offense.

animal bullying article

Administrative responsibility in different regions

For example, for setting one pet on another. Moreover, if the injured animal has been injured or has died, the guilty person may be punished with a fine of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles. A similar liability occurs if the pet is injured or fatal in other circumstances.

In St. Petersburg fines are provided for people transporting animals or birds in ways that worsen the well-being of animals or birds. Under an administrative offense, such acts as deprivation of food and water, and painful experiments also fall. If the above resulted in injury or death of animals or birds, then individuals are fined up to 5000 rubles, and legal entities - up to 100 thousand rubles.

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In Nizhny Novgorod, for the bullying of animals, the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses underwent some amendments made additionally in the summer of 2015. According to them, those guilty of cropping tails, cutting ears and removing fangs and claws in animals can be fined if the above actions were committed without the presence of a veterinarian. In this case, a monetary penalty of up to 5,000 rubles is imposed on an individual, and up to 40 thousand rubles on a legal entity.

In Primorye there is a law prohibiting bullying of animals. The article states that trapping, breeding or killing of pets for the subsequent use of their body parts (meat, skin, bones, etc.) is prohibited. Additionally, the law states that aggression against other pets cannot be promoted.

In the Kuban, there is simply a law according to which all pets must be officially registered and have a special chip. The pet owner must immediately draw up the necessary documents for the animal. Then all these data are entered into the electronic database. But for violation of this law, administrative responsibility is not spelled out.

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Criminal liability for animal cruelty

In Russia, the law prosecutes animal mockery (article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 245). Most often it is used when the regions do not have their own administrative punishment. According to the Criminal Code, abuse is punishable if:

  • human actions resulted in injury, injury or death of the animal;
  • there was a hooligan motive, selfish motives, or sadistic methods were applied;
  • during the reprisal against the animal, young children were present.

It turns out that even if the animal was subjected to repeated pain (constant beating, etc.), it is impossible to bring a person to criminal liability if his actions did not entail the death or injury of the pet.

First legislative changes

Therefore, some changes were made to the legislation. In 2009, in the art. 245 of the Criminal Code, Part 1. There was a punishment for bullying animals (the article in the first part provides for liability for one person) in the form of a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, correctional labor or restriction of liberty for up to one year in both cases. In Art. 245 of the Criminal Code, Part 2. (for a crime committed by a group of persons) they are charged an amount of up to 300 thousand rubles. or imprisonment of up to two years.

In 2010, the types of punishments remained unchanged, but correctional labor in the first part of Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was changed for up to 180 hours and added to the second part for up to 240 hours. In 2011, article 245 of the Criminal Code was revised again. The punishments remained the same in both parts. But the time period has changed in 1 hour - up to 360 hours.

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New bills

Recently, more and more information has appeared about flayers torturing pets and homeless tetrapods. Therefore, the article of the Criminal Code for mocking animals began to be carefully revised. Options are proposed for bringing to administrative responsibility those who inflict not only physical but also moral suffering on animals and birds (restriction of movement, deprivation of food and water, etc.). Estimated fines for this for individuals - from 1000 to 3000 rubles., And for legal entities - up to half a million.

In 2016, Fair Russia proposed:

  • introduce responsibility for fights involving representatives of the animal world;
  • introduce a punishment for poisoning animals into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • increase the sentences for cruelty to pets up to 800 thousand rubles.

Somewhat earlier, it was also proposed to amend the legislation. For example, to oblige the guilty person to compensate for the therapy and rehabilitation of the crippled animal. It is supposed to punish for the propaganda of livelihood, up to the restriction of freedom. And also to tighten the responsibility for the second crime when animal abuse was committed.


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