DIY Topiary on March 8: workshops

In anticipation of the spring holiday, it's time to think about gifts. If you have some problems with finances, but there are no problems with imagination, then the crafts, a topiary on March 8, made with your own hands, will serve as an excellent gift. Below are examples of work and master classes on work of varying complexity. We will tell you what compositions can be made of, and reveal some secrets.

What is topiary?

Topiary is a decorative composition of various materials. It serves as an original decoration for the interior of any room. Compositions of artificial fruits, vegetables or natural coffee beans will be appropriate in the kitchen. The sizes of trees can be different: from 30 cm to 1 meter. Crown forms are more often spherical, but the fantasy of the craftswomen does not stop there. Recently, any composition consisting of artificial flowers, baskets, pots and even tea-ware is called topiary.

do-it-yourself topiary on March 8

Paper topiary: what you need to prepare for work

If there is little experience in creating crafts of this kind, it is better to start learning the basics with simple materials. Any paper is suitable for the composition: color, packaging, heavy and not very. In stores for needlework, you can buy a ready-made foam ball or make it yourself. To do this, just crumple a piece of newspaper into a tight ball and wrap it with tape.

As a trunk, you can take a branch of a suitable size and cover it with varnish. The thick wire wrapped in ribbon or twine also looks great.

Paper topiary can grow from any pot, vase or mug.

The main tool for both the beginner and the experienced craftsman is a glue gun. You will also need gypsum for pouring into the pot, scissors, decorative elements, ribbons, threads and lace.

That's all that is needed for crafts. Topiary can be done using the instructions below.

paper topiary

Step-by-step instructions for creating a paper tree

1. You need to dilute the gypsum and pour into a vase, pot or any prepared container to half.

flower topiary

2. Insert the finished barrel into the gypsum that has not yet set.

3. While the base hardens, you can try to make flowers. To do this, take colored cardboard, cut a circle out of it, and a spiral out of the circle.

crafts topiary

4. Then twist it into a flower. The topiary in the final photo below consists of roses made of corrugated paper.

5. Using a glue gun, glue the flower blanks to the ball.

6. Connect the crown and the trunk with glue.

7. Decorate the gypsum with colored glass or stones.

8. To make the topiary on March 8, made by yourself, reminiscent of the holiday, you need to cut a small number eight out of cardboard and wrap its rings in a circle with ribbon, decorate with beads or any other decorative elements. Tie or glue the figure eight to the craft trunk. Topiary can be supplemented with butterflies, dragonflies or birds.

corrugated paper topiary

Topiary soaring cup on March 8

The topiary looks unusual from a cup hanging in the air, from which chamomiles, tulips, crocuses or roses are scattered on a dish. In fact, it is not necessary that these are flowers. Here you can show your imagination and come up with something really original. Craftswomen love to make soaring topiary from fruits, coins and coffee.

There is nothing difficult to manufacture. The mini-master class below will help you understand the technique.

topiary soaring bowl

How to make a soaring bowl

You will need the following items and tools:

  • tea set (cup and saucer);
  • aluminum fork or thick wire;
  • glue gun;
  • decorative material (artificial flowers, coffee grains, coins, butterflies);
  • glue (for example, "Titanium").

First, bend the fork and glue it to the saucer. We are waiting for it to dry, and only then we put a cup on the other part between the cloves and also glue it. The plug needs to be wrapped with paper, preferably a napkin, and wrapped with thread. Using a glue gun we fix decorative elements. Do not forget to pay special attention to the docking points of all parts.

Heart-shaped topiary for loved ones

Of course, mothers, grandmothers, wives and sisters already know that they are loved. But the topiary on March 8, made with your own hands in the shape of a heart, will remind beautiful ladies that they are loved.

The technology of creation is the same as in the first master class. Only instead of a ball you need to make a heart of paper and string it with thread. For wrapping you can use red felt.

making a heart

From organza or packing net, you need to cut out the squares. Fold them in such a way that you get something like a multi-layer bag.

topiary red heart

Using a gun, glue them one after another on the heart.

glue sticking

In the end, you should get such a pretty tree.

topiary red heart without decoration

It remains to decorate it at your discretion. On a red background, white jewelry looks good: beads, lace, flowers. Do not forget to decorate the pot so that the composition is uniform.

final photo of the topiary

So, in a short time and without effort you can make a spectacular topiary on March 8 with your own hands. If you believe the science of feng shui, such a gift will not only decorate the interior, but also bring happiness, love and prosperity to the family.


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