How much does Maine Coon cost?

For the first time in your life, you saw Maine Coon ... Looks like a big, affectionate and fluffy raccoon, doesn't it? "Why not a raccoon, not a cat?" - some may ask. So after all, their color, powerful physique and furry tail make these cats look like a representative of the raccoon family. Whoever saw the latter will understand this comparison.

The first question of the future happy owners of the cat / cat of this breed: "How much is Maine Coon?" Answers may be different, the amount is called within 25-70 thousand rubles. The price depends on what class the cat belongs to (brid, show, pet), where to buy a pet, what is his age when buying. The most expensive are kittens from 2 to 4 months of a show class from elite nurseries. As you can see, an expensive breed.

how much is maine coon

But the question of how much Maine Coon costs is not the last. Looking at the size of an adult cat, many at the first opportunity will ask the owners: "What is the weight of the Maine Coon?" Having learned the answer (females - from 4.5 to 12 kg, males - from 5.5 to 16 kg), in horror they ask something like: "How to feed Maine Coon?" or "How much food does he eat per day?" Let's look at these issues in more detail.

Maine Coon weight

Maine Coon can be fed either with natural food or with feed (both canned food and dry food). But these cats can not any food or products. Let's start with natural food.

In no case should you give them raw fish, unpeeled shrimp, tubular and fish bones, milk, chicken eggs, fresh meat, pork and lamb, as well as handouts from the general table. The taboo on these products for Maine Coons is due to the characteristics of their gastrointestinal tract. For example, raw fish can cause urolithiasis, and tubular and fish bones can cause injuries.

In small quantities, you can give Maine Coon chicken liver (not more than once a week), quail eggs (2-3 eggs a week) and some dairy products (kittens - cream, adult cats - bio-yogurts, curds, drinking yoghurts no flavoring).

Cats of this breed can be fed beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal, duck meat. They also eat cereals soaked in water (but not boiled!), Rye bread (fresh and crackers), grated vegetables (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers), any greens.

how to feed maine coon

Now let's talk about finished feed. Ideal for Maine Coon - super premium food, which contains all the necessary nutrients. There is no need to save by buying cheap and widely advertised feeds, such as Whiskas, KitiKat, etc., since the catโ€™s appearance and health may deteriorate from them.

You can feed Maine Coon and canned goods, but also super-premium. Which feeds and canned foods have this classification, sellers at the pet store will inform you. But one thing can be said right away: they are very expensive. Some people who dream of having Maine Coon immediately lose their desire when they take a look at the cost of these feeds (although natural products are also expensive). And the question: "How much is Maine Coon?" disappears by itself. But if you are firmly confident in your decision, move on.

Talk about caring for Maine Coon. You need to comb it no more than once a week. Now, if he has a molt period, then this procedure needs to be given time every day. To do this, purchase two combs: one for the wool itself, and the other for the undercoat. The first should be with long and rare, the second with short and frequent teeth.

You donโ€™t need to bathe Maine Coons very often - they will perfectly lick themselves. Another thing is if they get dirty, so to speak, thoroughly, and they cannot do without outside help. You need to bathe them with special cat shampoos. Claws need to be trimmed if you value your furniture. To keep it safe and sound, buy a scratching post and train Maine Coon to grind its claws on it. The ears of the cat must be cleaned at least once every two weeks. They should not have wax discharge and odor.

And do not forget about the psychological support that a kitten expects from you. When Maine Coon moves from the nursery to a new home, its adaptation period is 2 months. Over time, you will understand why, in response to the question "How much does Maine Coon cost?" called such a gigantic amount. If you take good care of him, accept him as a member of your family, he will become an integral part of your home. Become a true friend to him and he will be your ideal pet.


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