How to grow garlic - useful tips

How to grow garlic is the main topic of this article, along the way we will talk about reproduction and plant species. Growing it at home is not only necessary for your health, but also for the benefit of garden crops. Planting time of a crop depends directly on its type. You certainly know that winter garlic and spring garlic are planted at different times, however, this is not the only difference between them. Together with you, we will understand this issue. Our article will help you learn how to grow garlic of these species, as well as tell you how useful the culture in the garden. Below are recommendations and tips for caring for the plant.

how to grow garlic

Growing spring garlic and winter

Technologies for growing garlic are quite simple, however, this vegetable has a number of specific requirements. So, for example, this culture is quite demanding on soil fertility. That is why it is better to grow a plant on cultivated soils of loamy and sandy loam type, with acidity that is close to neutral. Culture is considered a photophilous plant. Usually its cultivation occurs on a separate ridge, with a lack of space, compact plantings with other vegetables and berries are organized. Strawberries, strawberries, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, gooseberries, raspberries, black currants will also be planted next to this plant. The β€œgarlic” neighborhood will also be approved by flowers - tulips, gladioli and roses. This culture can scare away slugs, caterpillars, drills. There is an opinion that even a mole does not like to dig its holes near garlic. Roses growing near him will be healthier, since he is the protector of flowers from black spotting. It is worth mentioning that beans, cabbage and peas are not able to share the same bed with the garlic crop, as it inhibits their growth, despite the fact that cabbage and bean vegetables are its good predecessors, however, as well as pumpkin and green crops . If you are interested in how to grow garlic and all the following details, read the information that interests you in the continuation of the article.

winter garlic


A feature of garlic is that it does not produce seeds, and its reproduction is obtained by a vegetative method. The spring species is propagated only by the bulbs of the bulbs, while winter species is propagated by the air bulbs-bulbs and cloves. To get a full onion, you need 2 years. In the first year, when growing from the plant’s bulbs, a small onion set is formed, which consists of one clove, and only in the second year a multi-tooth full bulb is formed.

growing spring garlic

How to grow spring garlic

Spring-type planting is relevant precisely in the spring. In the case when the soil is dry, it is necessary to water the plant often and abundantly. If you have already sprouted the teeth, then plant them carefully so as not to damage the roots. The plant loves loosened soil and moisture. It is necessary to organize the correct watering and in no case to use any mineral fertilizers for garlic, as this will simply harm the earth and your health.


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