Validity period and replacement procedure

If a person wants to drive a car, he needs to issue a special document. It is called a driverā€™s license. It is issued for a certain period, after which it must be replaced. Today we will be interested in the duration of the rights, as well as the reasons and procedure for re-issuance thereof. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Types of Rights

To begin with, every citizen must understand that a driverā€™s license is different. Depending on their type, the validity period of the corresponding document will change.

How to change rights by term

At the moment, in Russia it is possible to formalize national and international rights. At the same time, the latter are not issued without the first. In other words, a person cannot get an international driverā€™s license without a national one. On the contrary - easily.

Deadline for national certificate

The validity of a driver's license in Russia, depending on their type, will differ from each other. This is quite normal. First, find out how long a local driver's license is recognized.

The validity period of national type rights is 10 years. After this time, you will either have to contact the authorized bodies for a new certificate, or become a pedestrian.

Important: there are circumstances in which the validity of rights ends prematurely. We will talk about them later.

Term for international law

Earlier it was said that a driverā€™s license can be not only national, but also international. Externally, such documents are very different from each other. They also have a different validity period.

Does the driver have an international driver's license? The validity period of such rights is only three years. Also, the validity of the international certificate ends with the recognition of national rights invalid.

Accordingly, if a person enters into international rights together with national ones, in ten years he will have to order the corresponding document 4 times - 3, 6, 9 and 10 years after the initial issue.

Reasons for early exchange

The validity period of the driverā€™s rights was indicated above. It will depend directly on what kind of document in question. But as already mentioned, the validity of a driverā€™s license may end early.

Validity period

When does this happen? For example, if:

  • a person changes personal data or gender;
  • the appearance of the driver has changed significantly (for example, after plastic surgery);
  • The document has been damaged or damaged.
  • a citizen has lost rights;
  • driver's license was stolen;
  • man decided to open a new category of transport available for management.

Also, a citizen will have to replace a driverā€™s license if his health condition has changed. And no matter which way - for the worse or for the better.

Next, we will focus on the replacement of rights by validity. This process often raises many questions among drivers. In addition, it is slightly different from the early replacement of a driverā€™s license.

Right or obligation?

But first you need to understand how important it is to replace rights in time if they are recognized invalid. Is this a personā€™s right or duty?

Actually, right. His citizen can realize at any time starting from the date of recognition of a driverā€™s license invalid. There is no penalty for delay in replacing a corresponding document in Russia. The expiration of a driverā€™s license is the basis for re-manufacturing.

Nevertheless, if you do not timely renew the mentioned document, the citizen will have to become a pedestrian. An invalid driverā€™s license is not permitted. It is for such an act in Russia that they are brought to administrative responsibility. It is expressed in a fine.

Where to order

Rights expiration close? Then it's time to think about how to properly execute a similar document again. It is not as difficult as it might seem initially.

Where to apply for a driver's license in Russia

Citizens should contact the authorized bodies for the mentioned document. These include:

  • MREO;
  • Traffic police;
  • MFC.

In addition, a person can reissue the mentioned document through the services of "one window" or through an Internet service called "State Services". In the second case, you will have to register in advance on the corresponding site, and then verify your identity on it.

The need for a commission

What term of validity of rights in one case or another will be, we figured out. And how, if necessary, to renew the mentioned document?

First of all, you have to deal with the most common questions. For example, do I need to go through a driverā€™s commission when replacing my rights by time?

Yes. A citizen who has decided to renew his expired rights must contact a medical institution and go through the so-called commission for drivers. After it, a person will be given a certificate of the established form. We are talking about the form of VU-003. It is valid for 2 years, in exceptional cases - 1 year. It is required if the primary grant of rights takes place, as well as their replacement in time or in connection with a change in health status.

Where are the commissions

How to change rights by expiration date? It is recommended to start with the passage of the driver's commission. You can sign up for it:

  1. In private multidisciplinary clinics. In this case, the citizen will be able to go through the entire commission in a few days and in one place. True, such a service would cost about 5-6 thousand rubles. In some regions, the cost of a driverā€™s commission may be higher / lower than indicated.
  2. City polyclinic. In this situation, the cost of maintenance will be about 2000 rubles. Before a visit to the clinic, you will first have to go to the dispensary to a narcologist and psychiatrist, taking from these specialists certificates about the citizen's health. The process of passing the driverā€™s commission may take several weeks.

Where exactly to pass the commission, everyone decides for himself. If you have time to wait, you can go to the clinic. For urgent registration of the VU-003 form, it is recommended to contact a private multidisciplinary center.

Specialists for the Commission

Validity period is clear. In practice, citizens quite often experience difficulties with obtaining and renewing a driverā€™s license on time. Which specialists will have to look into the process of obtaining the form VU-003?

Medical certificate for rights

Usually their complete list depends on which particular category of transport is available for driving. Most often, a citizen needs to visit:

  • optometrist;
  • surgeon
  • Laura;
  • neurologist;
  • narcologist;
  • a psychiatrist;
  • general practitioner (or general practitioner).

Also, people after 60 years old will need to go to a cardiologist and get an EEG. This is a common procedure, no need to be afraid of it.

Before you go to narrow specialists, it is recommended to immediately pass a general blood and urine test. Additional tests, if necessary, will be prescribed by doctors at the time of examination of the driver.

Need for exams

What about exams? If the first registration of rights takes place in life, a citizen must surrender them without fail. Both theory and practice. But what to do when it comes to replacing rights in connection with the expiration of these?

In this case, there is no need to take exams. If the term of validity of the rights has expired, the applicant will have to undergo examination tests when he opens the next category of TS in the document.

Cost of services

Duration of rights is not the most important thing that a driver should know about. Remembering how long you are allowed to use the same driverā€™s license is easy. But the procedure for re-issuing such a document is a lot of trouble in real life.

Driving license cost

Production and reissue of a driverā€™s license - services are not free. They provide for the payment by a citizen of the so-called state duty. It varies depending on the type of document being reissued.

For national rights on paper they pay 500 rubles, for a plastic analogue - 2000. If you need to re-register international rights, they will cost 1600 rubles.

Duty Discounts

Citizens who pay fees for certain public services in Russia through the e-government website can expect to reduce the corresponding payments. And for driverā€™s licenses as well.

If you pay state fees through ESIA, the driver will receive a discount of 30 percent of the payment amount. This means that the previously indicated duties can be reduced by the corresponding value.

Replacement procedure: personal appeal

How long will the rights be in any given case? From now on, the answer to such a question should not put a person in an awkward position.

To apply for a driver's license or renew it, a citizen will need to perform the following steps:

  1. To form a package of documents necessary for further application for rights. We will get acquainted with it later.
  2. Fill out the application form for the manufacture or renewal of a driverā€™s license.
  3. Contact the authorized service with the information prepared in advance.
  4. Contribute the state duty for rights to the state treasury. Itā€™s best to do this in advance. That is, before the submission of the request for the production of the certificate.
  5. Get ready-made rights in your hands at the agreed time.

There should not be any significant problems with prior preparation. It is necessary to act a little differently if a remote appeal to the traffic police is chosen for the re-production of rights.

Instructions: renewal of rights to ESIA

In this case, you will have to register in advance on the e-government website, as well as confirm your identity on the portal. We assume that such conditions are met.

"Government services" - replacement of rights

Then, for renewal of rights by term, you will need:

  1. Find the appropriate service on ESIA, having passed authorization in advance. In our case, we are talking about the menu item "Replacing a driverā€™s license due to expiration."
  2. Indicate the information requested by the electronic form about the driverā€™s license and the customer.
  3. Upload a pre-prepared photo on the right.
  4. Choose the date, time and place of visit to the authorized body for the document.
  5. Confirm the submission of the application.
  6. Go to the "My Account" and through the section "Submitted Applications" to pay the fee.

Nothing more is needed. After processing the request, the citizen will be made, and then a driver's license will be issued. It is awarded only at the authorized service and only to the direct customer.

Documents for the operation

Rights expired? Better change them as soon as possible. Otherwise, the citizen will have to abandon the management of the vehicle.

Documents for registration of rights in connection with the expiration

If a person decides to replace an expired driverā€™s license, the following documents will come in handy:

  • passport;
  • form VU-003;
  • old rights;
  • photo for documents (driver's license, 2-3 pieces);
  • completed application;
  • document confirming the fact of making a fee.

If there is a replacement of international rights, you need to prepare both a national driverā€™s license and an international one.


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