Almonds for breastfeeding: useful properties, effect on the baby's body, advice of neonatologists

Since ancient times, almonds have been considered a symbol of fertility and fertility. In the modern world, walnut is popular in the fields of cooking and cosmetology. It is an indispensable source of protein, vitamins A and E. The use of almonds favorably during breastfeeding, it is useful for the full development of the baby, and also helps to improve the quality of milk. But despite this, nuts belong to the group of allergens. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully use almonds while breastfeeding a newborn (GV), since the use of almonds by a nursing mother can lead to allergies and colic in a child, but you should not refuse it at all. So, let's see if almonds can be breastfed and at what age it is better to start.

Beneficial features

Almonds enrich the composition of milk

Frequent use, due to the nutritional properties of almonds, improves well-being, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system. The most important elements of almonds are:

  • B vitamins play a large role in cellular metabolism;
  • Vitamin E is a “female” vitamin that provides shine and elasticity of the skin, also takes part in the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • potassium will help strengthen muscle tissue, as well as its use favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • calcium helps strengthen teeth, bones and joints, and also forms muscle and bone tissue;
  • magnesium improves the quality of blood vessels and helps lower cholesterol;
  • thanks to iron, a vital hemoglobin level in the blood is maintained;
  • Manganese helps to remove toxins, supports the production of thyroxine, which is a thyroid hormone and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • fatty acids, such as omega-3, omega-6, have a positive effect on memory and attention, these polyunsaturated fats are very useful for women, as they are responsible for the menstrual cycle and the appearance of the skin.

More information about almonds and their properties is contained in this video.

This video will help you figure out if almonds can be used for GV.

About possible negative consequences

Almonds can trigger allergies

Despite all the wonderful properties of almonds, a child may have an allergy, which usually entails reddening of the skin and itching. This is the minus of this nut. As a rule, an allergy is inherited, that is, if an adult is allergic to a certain product, then it is likely that the child will also have it.

In order not to provoke an allergy in the child, it is necessary to use almonds when breastfeeding a newborn in a small volume, and at the same time, his condition must be monitored. Certain varieties of almonds have a bitter taste, as they contain hydrocyanic acid in large quantities, which poisons the body, unlike sweet. A woman who is breastfeeding a newborn is not recommended to use this variety of nuts.

The effect on the body of a nursing mother and her baby

Almonds are good for baby

It is believed that almonds stimulate lactation, but so far this has not been scientifically proven. This nut variety does not affect this, but it will complement the composition of breast milk with the necessary minerals and fats for quick saturation of the newborn. Also, the properties of almonds have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development of the child. Almonds can be consumed separately, or as an additive to the dish, so you diversify your menu. After giving birth, the female body undergoes changes and requires vitamins, including calcium. To replenish it, it is advised to drink milk, and almond milk will be a good alternative to cow's milk. Incidentally, it is less allergenic than cow.

Undoubtedly, almonds add calories and nutrition to milk. After childbirth and during breastfeeding, the body of both the newborn and his mothers need nutrients and vitamins. Almonds are subject to improvement of well-being, replenishment of nutrient deficiencies, improvement of the quality of teeth, hair and skin. It also contains antioxidants that help free the body from free radicals and fight the development of cancer cells. So, here is the effect that almonds have on babies and their mothers:

  • controls blood sugar;
  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
  • improves the quality of blood formation;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • improves vascular elasticity;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • affects the brain;
  • energizes;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • cleanses the liver.

Almond contraindications

Almonds with Guards

Despite the fact that almonds have a huge number of important properties, there are also contraindications for use. Often this is due to allergies, individual intolerance to the components of nuts and intestinal problems. Excessive consumption of almonds leads to flatulence and bloating, as it contains a large proportion of fiber and various fats.

Almonds are contraindicated if:

  • you have skin diseases, because nuts provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • there is a predisposition to allergies; the reaction can overtake after a few days, since it has the cumulative effect of harmful substances;
  • there is an individual intolerance to the elements that make up the almond; should take into account the fact that during lactation and pregnancy, the female body is radically rebuilt;
  • you have ARVI, tonsillitis or just a cold, as, according to experts, nuts exacerbate symptoms;
  • Feel nauseous and have a headache, as this can provoke excessive consumption of nuts or their inadequate quality.

Before introducing a new product into your diet, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. In addition, it is worthwhile to delay the introduction of almonds in the diet when breastfeeding a newborn if you notice that the baby is reacting sharply to changes in your diet.

Neonatologist Tips

Peeled almonds

When asked whether almonds can be breastfed in the first month, experts suggest waiting for the almonds to be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman after the baby is three months old and it is advisable to initially try walnuts or pine nuts, as they are considered less allergenic.

If a rash, various redness on the skin is detected, and also if intestinal colic and digestive upset are observed, it is necessary to immediately exclude almonds. The bitter and sweet varieties of this product contain hydrocyanic acid, but in different dosages. Therefore, you should not use a dose greater than the prescribed dose when breastfeeding, because this can adversely affect the newborn. Subject to the rules for the introduction of almonds in the diet for HS, a nursing woman will be able to avoid the negative consequences of using this product in a newborn.

The specifics of introducing almonds into the diet of a nursing mother

Peeled Almonds Digest Faster

Introducing almonds into the diet is recommended only after the child is three months old, and it is advisable to initially try the least allergenic varieties of nuts, such as pine and walnut. To get started, try just one nut and follow the reaction of the newborn. If there are no negative reactions and intestinal disorders, then you can increase the dose by one nut per day, and so on until you get to a daily use of 30 grams. If the allergy has made itself felt, then it is necessary to remove almonds from the diet and resume after 3-4 weeks.

Almond Tricks

Almonds should be used while breastfeeding in the morning. If you remove the skin from almonds, then the likelihood of allergies is less, and also in this form it is much better absorbed in the body. In order to reduce the risk of allergic reactions, as well as protect the body from various pathogens, the nut should be processed as follows: fresh almonds must be thrown into boiling water and cooked for about two minutes, then rinsed with cold water, peeled and put in the oven when temperature of 150 degrees for 10 minutes. This method will help to eliminate all kinds of contaminants and bacteria, but at the same time retain useful properties.

How to choose almonds

When choosing nuts, follow these rules:

  • buy unpeeled almonds, peel and dry at home;
  • when purchasing almonds in packages, give preference to a product without salt and various additives;
  • nuts should be about the same size;
  • almonds should have a pleasant aroma;
  • choose almonds that are not bitter.

If you do not have time to peel the almonds before eating, then it should be sent to the oven or fry in a pan. Such a process will help destroy the various microbes that are on the surface.

Almond storage

Store in a dark place.

An important aspect is the storage of almonds. In order to preserve its useful properties for a long time, it is necessary to ensure proper storage by placing it in a cool place in a container with a sealed lid. If storage involves several months, then almonds can be frozen. Thus, you keep freshness of nuts for a long time.

So, we came to the conclusion that almonds during breastfeeding are possible if you follow the recommended intake of 30 grams. In the absence of a negative reaction, almonds will bring invaluable benefits to your health and baby.


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