Processing roses in the spring from diseases and pests. How to process roses?

Spring is a special period for roses, because it is at this time that they open. That is why caring for them should be special, including the treatment of roses in the spring from diseases and pests.

Rules for caring for roses in the spring

Weather in the spring is quite unstable. For example, the temperature can range from +20 ° C during the day to -5 ° C at night. That is why the gardener has a feasible task to prevent a burn of the plant, or freezing at night, or the occurrence of diseases. You must ensure the initial growth of the plant, as well as preparation for flowering. And do not forget that the treatment of roses in the spring from diseases and pests should be carried out.

Comprehensive care of the plant in the spring includes the following components:

  • pruning bushes;
  • top dressing;
  • watering roses;
  • spraying bushes from pests and diseases.

Only following the rules of comprehensive care for roses will help to get a healthy and beautiful plant in the end.

spring treatment of roses from diseases and pests

The time frame for care is as follows:

  • March: removal of winter cover, as well as garter of plants and their releasing;
  • April: processing roses from pests and diseases, feeding them, propagating and planting new bushes;
  • May: disease prevention, fertilizer application, plant pruning.

Removing winter cover

Opening roses in the spring can not be done immediately, it is better to perform this procedure gradually, gradually accustoming them to full lighting. It is highly undesirable when not completely thawed soil is exposed to direct sunlight. This leads to the fact that water from such soil does not enter the plant, but at the same time evaporation occurs. The result may be drying roses. That is why in the first place you need to remove the film with insulation materials, and cover the shoots with a cloth that will create a shadow. This fabric needs to be removed only when the soil is completely thawed.

Also, do not open roses in spring too early, because aggressive winds and low temperatures can damage plants. But it’s not worth delaying. Brewing bushes is no better.

It is better to take cover in the evening and in cloudy weather.

Killing plants

In March, the first basic treatment of plants, namely their releasing, is carried out. In this case, you need to follow the basic rules:

  1. Unnecessary soil should be removed completely or evenly distributed throughout the rose garden.
  2. It is better to carry out the hilling process in the evening, when direct sunlight does not fall on the site. It can also be done in cloudy weather with lower temperatures.
  3. For hilling, it is not necessary to rake already existing soil near the bush, it is better to sprinkle new. This will make the process of unleashing less painful for the plant.

Rules for pruning roses

How to prune roses in spring? First of all, you need to choose the right time. It is better to do this 3-4 days after the bushes have been opened. The rose must be carefully inspected and all shoots that can harm the plant, namely the diseased, dead, or those that grow inward, be removed. As a rule, only a small amount of strong shoots with kidneys are left. If you take care of the plants correctly, absolutely everything will wake up the buds. How many kidneys should I leave? Choose exclusively for you. As a result, do you want strong shoots? In this case, it is better to leave a maximum of two kidneys. If you are satisfied with the undersized shoots, then the number can be increased.

When spring pruning, you must follow the basic rules:

  • A cut is recommended for a kidney that is facing out. The distance should be about 1 cm.
  • The angle of inclination should be 45 °.
  • Before pruning roses in spring, you need to carefully prepare the tool. The procedure can only be done with perfectly sharp scissors. This condition is necessary to obtain smooth slices.
  • As a prophylaxis of diseases and the settlement of insects, the cut-off site must be carefully cleaned and all irregularities removed.
  • All diseased, damaged and dry shoots must be removed. This also applies to thin shoots.
  • Shoots that are interwoven or located at too close a distance to each other are also subject to removal.

how to prune roses in spring

Removing all shoots that are undesirable contributes to good air exchange of the bush and its illumination. This is a guarantee that fungal and other diseases can be avoided.

Top dressing roses in spring

How to feed roses in spring to avoid their illness? When applying fertilizers, one fact must be taken into account: a rose is a rather whimsical plant that does not like a large amount of mineral salts.

Fertilizer for roses in the spring you need to choose carefully. Use requires aqueous solutions, and it is organic fertilizers. The treatment of roses in spring from diseases and pests, especially fungi, is very popular by spraying with a special infusion, for which you need tansy and nettle. To get rid of other types of diseases, it is still better to use special chemicals.

fertilizer for roses in spring

Also, mineral or organic fertilizer for roses in spring can be replaced with compost or manure. The latter should spend at least 6 months before use in a compost pit. It is advisable to do this top dressing every 2-3 years. Before feeding roses in spring, you need to calculate the amount of compost. This is very easy to do: 6 kg of manure is required per 1 m 2 of soil. This volume must be mixed with the topsoil.

The quality of the soil should be given special attention; it should be sufficiently moist and loose. Mulching can help. An additional effect will be weed control.

Watering the bushes

Roses are very demanding on the quality of the soil. It is necessary to ensure that its humidity is sufficient. If your site has loose soil, drip irrigation will be an effective method.

fertilizer for roses in spring

If it is impossible to organize drip irrigation, watering should be done manually. This should be done quite rarely, but at the same time quite abundantly. For irrigation you need about 20 liters per 1 m 2 .

Watering should be in a special way. For water, you need to make indentations in the ground around the bush itself. It is in them that watering is necessary. It is better not to touch the leaves, especially on those days when the air temperature is too high. If you neglect this, the result of negligence can be a thermal burn, and in the future, the death of still very young shoots.

Spraying bushes from diseases and pests

The optimal time for the treatment of roses in the spring from diseases and pests is carried out is the period of the beginning of active green growth of the plant.

Rose is a beautiful flower that is loved not only by people, unfortunately, but also by various kinds of insects and fungi, as well as various diseases. That is why every spring these bushes need to be processed in order to get rid of various parasites that could winter with the plant.

It is better to carry out the treatment a few days after the main processing, when the rose begins its active growth. It is recommended to use special chemicals.

Copper sulfate is a universal remedy.

Particular attention should be paid to how roses should be treated with copper sulfate in spring. This measure is optimal, because, according to experts, this tool does much less harm than others, if the treatment is carried out in accordance with all the rules. Before processing roses in spring, you need to prepare a solution of copper sulfate. The container must be taken exclusively glass or plastic. The solution should be a certain concentration. Usually it is 1% or 3%. It is the latter value that is necessary for spring processing of roses. When working with this tool, you must carefully monitor the observance of safety precautions.

Diseases Affected by Roses

In order for rose cultivation to bring you only healthy and beautiful flowers, you need knowledge of possible plant diseases, as well as methods of control and prevention.

Most pathogens of the diseases to which these plants are subject have one negative property - they can persist for quite a long time even on dead parts, for example, cut shoots or fallen leaves. That is why the removed parts must be burned immediately.

Roses in early spring are susceptible to various diseases. The most common include:

  • Rust of roses is the result of the vital activity of the fungus. It occurs, as a rule, on weakened plants in the spring. The main symptoms are rusty spots that are located on the top of the leaves. These spots gradually blacken, after which the infected parts disappear.
  • Black spotting is the result of a parasitic fungus infection. The attack occurs due to waterlogging of the soil or with a lack of fertilizer at the end of the spring period. However, the disease manifests itself only in late August and early September.

roses in early spring

  • Powdery mildew - the name is due to a white coating that appears on various parts of the plant. It resembles flour, and when the spores mature, a liquid is released that is similar to dew drops. The disease can easily pass to neighboring bushes. The bush, affected by powdery mildew, dies. However, it is this disease that is still easier to prevent than to cope with it later.

spring treatment of copper sulphate

Causes of Disease

Today, there are a number of main reasons why a rose starts to hurt:

  • Failure to comply with pruning rules, not only in the spring, but also during preparation for wintering. The main mistake is the incorrect processing of the cut site, after which the shoot does not heal.
  • Watering the plants in the evening, when excess water just does not have time to evaporate.
  • Location in close proximity to an already infected plant. Most often, from other bushes, a disease of fungal origin can pass.
  • Climatic conditions unsuitable for growing roses. A humid cool climate can only provoke the spread of fungal disease.
  • Non-compliance with irrigation rules. Water may be too much or, conversely, too little.
  • Lack of nutrition. An insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil can contribute to the disease.

Rose Treatments

The choice of treatment method depends entirely on the cause and nature of the disease:

  • Fungal diseases are treated, as a rule, by removing infected leaves and shoots of roses.
  • Against mold, you can use sulfur or the drug Funkhenex.
  • A bacterial disease can also be cured by removing diseased parts of the plant.
  • From rust and black spotting, spraying the plant with horsetail infusion or a solution of sulfur with hydrated lime will help.
  • Preventive measures will help to protect the rose from powdery mildew, in particular, the exclusion of nitrogen-containing fertilizer. Cure an already diseased plant will help ash in combination with manure.

How to process roses in spring to protect against pests? The main drugs are:

  • Fitoverm;
  • "Insecticide";
  • "Karbofos";
  • soap solution;
  • iron or copper sulfate;
  • nettle infusion.

roses in the garden how to care

Preventive measures are always more effective than direct control of the disease. Now you can grow roses in the garden. "How to care for them to get beautiful and healthy flowers?" - This question may become problematic for you. Answers to it may come with experience.


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