What is a mod? Weapon mod. Minecraft mods. Computer games

Mod is, firstly, the abbreviated name of a huge number of additional software for computer games, made by developers who did not participate in their creation, or by fans using programs provided by the official creators of the game. However, official mods have also appeared at the moment, that is, additional software developed and produced by the game developer himself.

mod is

Mod - maximum freedom of action

The development of official mods was made possible largely thanks to Valve, which for the first time allowed players to download official add-ons for the game Half-Life. The Half-Life mod called Counter-Strike has become not only a hit of all time, but also the progenitor of an equally popular trend like online shooters. They, in turn, became the basis for creating a huge variety of mods for them.

Secondly, the mod is the ability of each player to change, i.e., modify all kinds of game parameters: characters, weapons, physics, detailed graphics and much more, which allows to improve the results of achievements and diversify the gameplay.

A mod is not a patch, much less a cheat

All these terms of computer slang denote programs that are quite similar to existing and having common properties. But, unlike a patch - a “patch” that covers developers ’software errors, and a cheat — a kind of“ add-in ”that gives unique advantages to a single player, the mod’s advantages are not a violation of the rules and often affect all players. Closest to fashion is the plugin. This term refers to add-ons that expand the capabilities of the main program and are located in separate libraries located inside this program. Examples of such plugins include font libraries for the Microsoft Word Office, templates for graphic editors, numerous libraries of greenery textures, tree barks, textures of building materials and structures for 3D MAX. The list goes on for a very, very long time.

minecraft mod

Game modification

The generally accepted division of mods is based on the possibilities of modifying either the entire game as a whole, or individual components. For example, the classic representative of the expansion of the universe category is the Minecraft mod, which turns a game from a sandbox into a shooter - the concept of the game is completely changing. PowerItems mod is an addition to the game of four staves, the action of which resembles a universal catastrophe and will please fans of cool action movies and global destruction. The first staff is Lightning Rod. It puts the player on a par with Zeus and allows you to throw lightning at given objects. The second is Summoner Rod, summoning assistants in diamond armor. The third rod is Air Strike, which allows bombing with seventy-five blocks of explosives. And the fourth, striking the imagination with its destructive power - Ground Zero, giving a chance to use a huge bomb. Its explosion will destroy all levels, making a funnel to the admin, over the size of which the resources of the game "think" for more than one minute. To install Minecraft from a player, you need to download and install the mods into the mods folder. The path to this folder looks like C: \ User \ Username \ AppData \ roaming \ .minecraft \ mods.

game mod

Mod Lost World Origin

An interesting category is represented by mods that allow you to completely change the appearance of the game, surroundings, characters and the equipment or vehicles they use. This global software and shooter "Stalker" are prominent representatives of the game, the mod of which, having appeared for the first time, amazed fans and subsequently caused an avalanche of all kinds of modifications. An interesting and very famous stalker in the game is the Lost World Origin mod, which allows you to globally update the game with the help of new plots and locations. And this is not only the union of four zones into several larger ones, the addition of five new transitions from the Dark Valley location to other gaming zones and the presence of underground locations, interactive guides that will require you to download the game from a flash drive. Information about new locations will have to be found in notes among the things of dead stalkers or bought from merchants who stop appearing at night. The weapons acquired from them will be very mediocre and quickly failing. Only custom-made barrels or modified equipment will work for a long time and without fail. New artifacts, vehicles, weapons and characters will be added. Familiar parameters will change - staying near a fire, the possibility of breeding of which will also be a novelty, will restore endurance, and the feeling of hunger, as in a familiar life, will turn from a simple game indicator into a whole range of problems that interfere with the game.

Skins for improving graphics

The next category of modifications for the game (the mod, which leads to the replacement of the texture or appearance of characters, weapons and other individual objects) are replayers. Retextures, they are also skins, allow you to visually change, and often improve the graphics.

What changes can be achieved by installing the mod on skyrim? Let's start with replayers that will help change the look of Cicero, werewolves, Khajiits, skeletons, give new wings and armor to the Lord of Vampires, create faces of guards in open visors, and also re-texture amulets and rings, armor of vampires and skeletons, type of blood, clothes. It is interesting to create a new look for objects - lamps, torches, bottles with the help of reconstructions of stationary 3D objects. And this is only a small part of the list. Living objects and natural phenomena, signs of magic and animation - everything is provided for the most demanding taste of the player.

Cosmetic events

Many players with great pleasure use the mod to change the appearance of Lydia from Whiterun. The developers, to put it mildly, gave this character a rather terrible appearance. Cosmetic mod allows you to correct the mistake, making Lydia a very cute girl. Cosmetic measures consist in "erasing" part of the makeup, reducing its brightness, rounding, more thoroughly drawing the shape of the lips, giving chiaroscuro to the face and reducing the luster of the skin texture.

Steve skin in Minecraft

mod for world of tanks
It is difficult to find a mod as popular as the program for changing Steve’s skin in Minecraft. It is interesting not only the ability to play with an updated character, but also the process of modifying the external data and clothes of a human mob, representing each player. The standard option is for brown hair and clothing consisting of a blue shirt and blue trousers. He also has blue eyes. The official Minecraft server provides every player with the opportunity to use the program to change the skin in the browser, where, with the help of simple and generally accessible icons, improvements can be made for every taste. Those who wish can create a blue-eyed blonde or a green-eyed brunette, dressed in any suit of the desired color, and also add accessories - headphones, hats and so on.

Weapon mod

No less interesting is the option of modifying weapons in the GTA game, in which the pistol mod has several hundred options. The weapon mod allows you to make an AK-74, M-16, a powerful shotgun SPAS-12, Sig Sauer SG751, and so on from a regular staff barrel. Connoisseurs and amateurs of time-tested army weapons will be able to appreciate these innovations.

Change for the better

It is worth saying about the huge number of mods that change the appearance of the central image, around which the game is twisted, a car. Of great interest are the possibilities of modifying atmospheric phenomena and the time of day. The ENB Atmospheric graphic mod for GTA 4 improves the graphics of the sky, reflections and rain. LibertyENB mod - Maximum Quality, also suitable for the fourth version of the game, will plunge into the realism of amazing dawn, sunny days, the piercing blue of the sky pierced by the sun's rays, bright sunsets and the velvet darkness of starry nights.

skyrim mod

Partial Game Changes

Mutators are mods that provide the ability to make partial changes to the details of the gameplay. A characteristic feature of such mods is the possibility of simultaneous application. However, the violation of the sequence of use of mutators can lead to undesirable consequences. Applying one modification may undo the previous one.

Features from the official server

The official game server gives its fans the opportunity to install a separate mod for World of tanks, as well as a carefully selected complex that includes modifications to weapons, sights, hit zones, climatic conditions, as well as chatting, a choice of a varied sound notification and adjusting the inscriptions on the armor, selection of camouflage tools and other details that improve both the quality of graphics and achievements, and improve dialogs. To install the mod for World, it is better to follow some rules. First, you should clear the game client and, before installing several mods, adjust the possibility of their further interaction. As mentioned above, not only game publishers, but also fans themselves can develop software. An example of such software can be a mod for World of tanks version 0.9.0.

Where to download the game?

On the forum you can download the full version - HD Global ModPack Full, which provides a general change in graphics, sound and HD-textures. However, Word fans can use the light version - Light, which modifies individual elements of the game. A lightweight version of the mod allows you to set a new model of sight, which greatly facilitates the gameplay by indicating the thickness of the armor in the proposed location of the projectile breakdown, the angle of its collision with the armor, the possible probability of detection by the enemy tank and other useful data. The player’s information panel receives the change as well - when aiming at the enemy’s tank, detailed tactical and technical characteristics of the selected target appear on it. A marker indicating the direction vector of the attack will tell the player where the enemy shots came from and at what time interval.

stalker mod

Reason to Improve Computer Capability

The quality of the Internet connection and the technical specifications of the computer will help to establish an advanced debug panel. These will be indicators of response time to requests and game performance. Significantly speed up the process of identifying equipment with new color solutions in the performance of icons. Icons of different colors correspond to each model of technology. Significant help is the damage panel, which displays damage caused by enemy shells to tank armor, and unsuccessful enemy shots. The same mod changes the appearance of shells and the display of the state of armor. The short save mode does not allow you to spend extra shells - for a short period of time, an enemy’s wrecked tank becomes inaccessible for shelling.

For owners of weak computers

Of no less interest are the mods, which, oddly enough, worsen the graphics. This gives the chance to realize themselves in the game to owners of weaker computers, whose video cards do not pull all the graphic delights of modern games. For example, a mod that allows you to reduce the already low graphics settings removes from the winter card filled with snow, types of powdered grass, snowdrifts, snow caps that adorn driftwood and tree branches. He leaves on the map only winter-bare land and bare, leafless plants. Similar changes can be made to other cards.

Realize yourself!

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing once again that a mod is a completely legal way to diversify the gameplay and surroundings, it is an opportunity to show imagination when modifying characters, as well as to make passing the game more convenient and achieve unprecedented success. So modify it more boldly - play more fun and enjoy achieving your goals.

weapon mod

Take advantage of the "Minecraft" -mod to get the most pleasure from a computer game. Show your imagination, open the horizons of your imagination. There is nothing impossible in this game. At the same time, the satisfaction of creating new images can be obtained by an experienced user with an ultramodern computer, and only a novice gamer with outdated equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20477/

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