Summary of “Children of the Arbat” by Rybakov: description, characterization of heroes and reviews

In this article we will talk about a very interesting novel and give a detailed summary of it. “Children of the Arbat” was written at the end of the 20th century by the remarkable Russian writer Anatoly Rybakov. This trilogy talks about young people born in the 30s. The novel was a shocking discovery for many - no one has ever truly described this period. Not surprisingly, it was first published only in 1987, when censorship was no longer particularly severe.

About the work

Summary of Arbat Kids

First, let's talk a little about the novel, and then consider its brief content. “Children of the Arbat” include three books: “Thirty-fifth and Other Years,” “Fear,” “Dust and Ashes.”

The most successful among critics is considered the first part. Subsequent books continued the story of the heroes. But they were rated by critics as less significant in terms of art. In general, the trilogy is the most famous and outstanding work of Rybakov.

“Children of the Arbat” (book): summary. Tie

The novel begins with a description of the largest house on the Arbat. It stands between Monetary and Nikolsky Lanes. It is inhabited by four people who were once classmates. Three of them were activists in childhood. This is Sashka Pankratov, the secretary of the school Komsomol cell, Maxim Kostin, the son of the elevator, Nina Ivanova. They were joined by Yura Sharok, the son of a tailor. He differs from them by cunning and extreme caution in matters of politics. In his family, the recently arrived "masters of life" were contemptuously nicknamed "comrades." Lena Bulyagina, the daughter of a Bolshevik diplomat, once adjoined them.

The trilogy “Children of the Arbat” (brief summary confirms this) tells about the life of ordinary boys and girls who fell into the maelstrom of historical events. So, our heroes graduated from school not so long ago. Nina became a teacher, Lena went to translators, Maxim graduated from an infantry school, Yura studied at a law school, and Sasha went to a technical university. Vadim Marasevich, the son of a renowned doctor, also belongs to their company. The young man marks in theatrical and literary critics. Often, the sister of Nina Varia and Vika, the sister of Vadim, come in. They meet the whole company in 1934.

children arbat book summary

Sashka's arrest

Our summary is continuing (“Children of the Arbat”). Sasha is in big trouble - he was expelled from the Komsomol and the institute. And all due to the fact that his epigram in the wall newspaper was rated by the authorities as hostile to the Soviet regime. After that, he visited the Central Control Commission, and he was restored. But one night the bell rang, and the Red Army took Sasha. Now he is sitting in Butyrka.

At the interrogation he was asked why Sasha was imprisoned. The young man suggests that the case may be in Mark Ryazanov, his uncle, the country's first metallurgist. Mark is already aware of what happened to his nephew, and is trying to figure out what’s up.


Rybakov depicts reality not embellished by socialist realism, which is confirmed by a brief summary ("Children of the Arbat"). The deputy head of the OPTU Berezin knows very well that Sasha is innocent. But his case drags on. From the hands of Krivoruchko, deputy director of the Sashkin Institute, it falls into the hands of heavy industry. And the commissar in those years was Ordzhonikidze. But what exactly is the reason, Berezin, a member of the board of the NKVD, does not even guess. And the thing is that Stalin did not fully trust Ordzhonikidze.

Sofya Alexandrovna, Sasha’s mother, was allowed a meeting with her son and ordered to take food and warm clothes for him. This means that the prisoner has already been sentenced. Varya Ivanova, introducing Sophia, helped her carry programs and go grocery shopping. She escorted Maxim Kostin to the Far East and accidentally saw how two Red Army men led Sasha, overgrown with a beard. The pale guy walked obediently, carrying a suitcase in his hands, and a bag hung behind his shoulders.

Almost no one was left of the former company. Maxim went to the Far East, the innocent ideological Sasha got into exile. But the two-faced Sharok got a job in the prosecutor's office and became the arbiter of fate. And the others live their own lives.

fishermen children arbat summary

New acquaintances

Not only the era, but also human relationships are perfectly portrayed by Rybakov in his trilogy. “Children of the Arbat” (a brief summary serves as direct evidence of this) talks about how quickly school friends become strangers to each other.

Once Varya accidentally met the beauty Vika Marasevich on the Arbat. The girl was in the company of a smartish man and invited Varia to come visit and call. Although Varya had never done this before, she decided to take advantage of the invitation. The girl was in a completely different world. Overseas fashion reigns here and drink coffee with liquor, rather than huddling in communal apartments and standing in lines.

Varie began a different life. A native Muscovite, she only heard such names as “Savoy”, “Metropol”, “National”. With Kostya, one of her new acquaintances, she goes to rest on the sea. This self-confident man does not look like Sasha at all, he certainly will not obey the executioners.

Returning, Varya with Bones settle with Sasha's mother. They visit expensive restaurants, go to theaters.

Exiled life

Summary of children Arbat Rybakova

Shows the other side of Soviet life a brief summary. Rybakov’s “Children of the Arbat” reflect many facets of reality, and life in exile has become one of them.

The first letter from Sasha came from the village of Boguchany, in the Kansk province. He tells how a friend told him about local life. There, where Sasha was sent, one can meet the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Trotskyists, anarchists, and national deviators. During the journey, he met many exiles, and not all of them were interested in politics.

The village of Mozgova became Sasha’s place of exile. He has to rent an apartment. Sometimes Sasha repairs an old public separator. Once the device breaks, and he is accused of deliberate damage to property. An employee of the NKVD has to give explanations. Sasha is promised to give at least 10 years for sabotage and taken under arrest. But soon he is still being released. The hero is embraced by despondency and disappointment. He grew up hoping for a bright future, was a convinced communist and believed in the party, but in the end he was sent to Siberia for no reason.


children arbat series summary

The novel "Children of the Arbat" (summary) is drawing to a close. Sharok transferred to the Leningrad department of the NKVD. Stalin is unhappy with the behavior of the “Zinoviev’s opposition” and plans to launch terror in St. Petersburg. His organization was entrusted to Zaporozhets, the head of Sharok. Berezin begins to speculate about the leader’s plans and conveys his fears to Ordzhonikidze, but he does not even know what such events will lead to.

Varya learns that Kostya has a wife, and he is also a player. The girl decides that it is time to arrange her life herself and gets a job as a draftswoman. Relations with the young man are getting worse, and Varya decides to break up. The girl increasingly begins to remember Sasha, and in the end decides to write to him.

Having received the message, the exiled understands that he still loves Varia. Sasha thinks about the future again, it seems to him that not everything is lost. But soon the news of the Kirov assassination in Leningrad comes to him. This suggests that dark times are approaching.

Characteristics of Heroes

Let's talk a little about the heroes of the book "Children of the Arbat." A summary of the chapters made it clear to us that the main actors are Sharok, Sasha and Varya. Minor characters - Nina Ivanova, Lena Budyagina, Vadim Marasevich and Maxim Kostin.

The main antipodes of the novel, on which the whole narrative is based, are Yuri Sharok and Sasha Pankratov.

The first, the son of a tailor, whose workshop was taken away during the revolution, cannot forgive the Soviet government for nationalization. Yuri is an individualist who focuses only on his career and lifestyle.

trilogy children arbat abstract

Sasha is different, this is a hero close to the author. He is an expression of the views of his generation. However, the author practically does not depict his inner world, the hero lacks introspection. The concept of the character is visible to the reader, but an individually unique character is absent.

Varya is different from both characters, and at the same time incorporates their features. The girl, originally in love with Sasha, ends up in a new world and begins to despise her former lover. To appreciate the virtues of Pankratov, she has to find out what is hidden behind brilliance and luxury.


Readers praised Rybakov’s trilogy. For many who first read it in the 80s, the book was the first work in which the Stalin era was truthfully described. Among the advantages of the novel, historical veracity, the clarity of the elaboration of the images of the main characters, the style and language of the author are especially distinguished. Despite the seriousness of the work, there is a place for the love line, which also goes to the plus of the work.

Among the shortcomings, too many books are noted, as well as psychological overload, which leaves a heavy residue after reading. Roman Rybakova is not an easy read for entertainment. This is a serious work, which describes the tragic fate of people.

Film adaptation

children arbat chapter by chapter

The film “Children of the Arbat” was filmed in 2004. The summary of the series almost coincides with the above presentation of the book. The only thing is, some scenes of the trilogy are completely absent in the picture, or were greatly trimmed.

The film adaptation was highly praised by critics and viewers. The screenwriters were Valentin Chernykh and Julia Damsker, directed by Andrei Eshpay. The film, like the book, is worth attention.


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