How to choose a harness for a dog, how to wear an accessory?

The harness is a convenient accessory to provide complete control over the animal while walking. But if the device has never been worn on the dog, its use can cause discomfort and even frighten the pet. Let's find out what to focus on in order to choose the right harness for the dog, how to dress the specified product.

What is a harness?

how to wear a harness on a dog
To figure out how to properly put the harness on the dog, it is worth considering the design of such an accessory. The device has the form of a thin strap that covers the body of the animal in the chest and shoulder blades. The harness on the neck and stomach is fastened. The ring from which the leash leaves is at the withers, which does not make the pet feel discomfort as a result of excessive pressure on the neck.

Types of harnesses

harness on the dog how to dress
There are several varieties of harnesses for dogs:

  1. Standard - are a regular walking option. The ring for fixing the leash is placed between the shoulder blades of the animal. Devices with a minimum number of belts are used for walking small dogs. For fairly large pets, standard harnesses with an abundance of straps are used.
  2. Towing - resort to the use of such ammunition mainly during competitions. Harnesses of this type can be seen in dog teams. The defining difference from the previous version is the presence of wider, more durable belts and fasteners.
  3. Harnesses with weighting - are used if necessary training the pet, strengthening underdeveloped muscle mass. Often, such devices are used during the recovery period of a pet from injuries, fractures of limbs.

How to accustom an animal to a harness?

Experts recommend starting from the first months to throw a harness on the dog. How to wear such a device, we will consider further. Puppies get used to new attributes that appear in their lives more easily. Therefore, in this case, the harness will not cause them extra discomfort.

To accustom an adult animal to using the accessory, you need to have a good deal of patience. To start, wear the product should be at home. As soon as the dog gets used to such a leash, the owner can proceed to control the movement of the animal. After that, it’s worth some time practicing on the street, choosing places without people, other animals and public transport for this place.

How to dress a dog with a harness: step-by-step instruction

how to wear a harness dog instruction
To quickly prepare the animal for a walk using harness, it is worth using the following recommendations:

  1. How to put a harness on a dog? The scheme involves straightening the leash so that its soft part is located inside. If the animal resists, it is necessary to clamp its body between its legs.
  2. The upper and lower loops of the harness should be worn on the dog’s head. At the same time, a supporting, vertical strap should be located in the chest area of ​​the animal.
  3. On the side of the loops that are already worn, there are several straps where you need to pass the pet's paws. The ends of the paw straps should be buckled.
  4. In conclusion, it is enough to correct the harness, make the necessary adjustments by pulling up the fasteners and fasteners. Before taking the pet for a walk, it is worth checking whether the harness is removed over the head. You also need to evaluate the reliability of fixation of the elements where the animal’s paws are threaded. If the harness drops, it is worth tightening the fasteners tighter. Ultimately, the front strap should be located in the chest area of ​​the pet, and the D-shaped ring for the leash - between the shoulder blades.

How to make this accessory yourself?

how to put a harness on a dog scheme
If you wish, you can try to make a harness for a dog with your own hands. How to put on a handmade accessory will be much easier to figure out. In the course of work, such tools and materials will be required:

  • kapron slings about 30 mm wide;
  • material for the manufacture of a lining in the form of a flannel fabric or felt;
  • steel rings
  • snap buckle;
  • strong threads;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

For the manufacture of harnesses, it is better to use solid steel rings. If these structural elements contain slots, with strong jerks, the latter can be bent. It’s worth picking rings into which you can freely stretch several loops from the slings.

How to make a harness for a dog, how to wear such an accessory? To begin with, it is worth making measurements of the parameters of the body of the animal. Measure the girth of the chest behind and in front of the limbs of the pet. Next, determine the distance between the shoulders of the dog.

Work begins with cutting lining. The material, folded in half, is superimposed on the slings that will pass in the chest area of ​​the animal. Kapron slings are sewn together with the lining. With the help of scissors, all excess parts are neatly removed, the edges are processed by machine stitching.

The buckle lock is attached to the slings in the chest area of ​​the animal. An additional material length is provided for adjustments. A leash ring is sewn at the top of the product. It is desirable that the latter ultimately be located exactly between the shoulder blades of the pet.

During the assembly of the device, it is recommended to periodically put it on the animal, making the necessary adjustments. This will ensure not only a comfortable fit of the product on the dog, but also to make sure that the four-legged friend does not break out during a walk.


how to dress a dog with a harness step by step instructions
So we looked at how to put on a harness. The instruction involves holding the dog tight during this procedure. A suitable product will not only provide complete control over the animal during the walk, but also make the accessory less uncomfortable for him. Proper operation of the harness does not make you worry about the safety of a four-friend and allows the animal to know the world around it.


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