Mixtures for children: "NAS Antireflux", a mixture for premature babies

For each newborn baby, regurgitation is considered a normal physiological phenomenon. A small amount of stomach contents in this condition enters the esophagus and oral cavity. You can fight this problem with the help of special milk mixtures. Many parents give preference to the mixture of “NAS Antireflux”. Let us consider in more detail the advantage of this product and its analogues.

Why do kids burp?

Babies up to about 4-5 months old suffer from a phenomenon such as regurgitation. This is an involuntary process in which part of the contents of the stomach is thrown into the upper sections of the alimentary canal. There is a similar phenomenon even in completely healthy babies. Most often, the reason lies in the imperfection of the digestive system. The esophagus in newborns is small, and the stomach is generally vertical. With the contraction of the circular muscle located between the esophagus and the stomach, the child begins to spit up.

nan antireflux

One of the reasons that can provoke the phenomenon is also considered to be the ingestion of air during feeding. Moreover, this occurs both with breastfeeding and with artificial feeding. Spitting up can be caused by eating more food than the baby needs at a certain age. This problem is especially relevant for children eating milk mixtures.

Constant regurgitation can indicate serious violations in the body of the crumbs: increased intracranial pressure, pathologies of the digestive tract and nervous system.

How to help?

If the baby is on artificial feeding and suffers from regurgitation, first of all, it is necessary to choose the milk mixture correctly. Baby food manufacturers offer a special product line for babies with this problem. Such mixtures are called antireflux. They relate to clinical nutrition and therefore cannot be used as a child’s main food.

The adapted antireflux mixture has a thicker consistency, which allows it to “linger” in the child’s stomach. Only a pediatrician can prescribe such nutrition to a newborn. The doctor determines the feeding scheme. On an ongoing basis, such a milk food should not be given to a child.

Popular blends

If for some reason the baby cannot receive breast milk, it is important to choose the right substitute for it. Currently, manufacturers of artificial mixtures offer a wide selection of products. Choosing from such a huge assortment can be very difficult.

nestle nan

It should be borne in mind that the best mixture for a newborn is the one that was prescribed by a doctor. However, parents often are faced with the fact that the baby simply refuses such a product or begins to spit up more often. The last can be eliminated only with the help of antireflux mixtures:

  1. Nutrilak-AR.
  2. "NAS Antireflux".
  3. Nutrilon Antireflux.
  4. "Hipp Antireflux."
  5. "Humana AR".
  6. "BelLact AR".
  7. "Frisovoy 1".
  8. "Grandma’s basket Antireflux."

What is the difference?

In most products, whey proteins predominate over casein, as in breast milk (with the exception of Nutrilak-AR). All mixtures are classified according to the type of thickener. Some contain locust bean gum, others contain starch. These substances are used as a thickener.

the best mix for the newborn

Carob gum is a natural polysaccharide that is not digested in the stomach. The substance contributes to the rapid entry of the contents of the stomach into the intestine, where its cleavage begins to occur. Carob gum is a good probiotic and effectively removes constipation.

The starch in the composition of infant milk formulas retains the contents in the stomach, while maintaining a feeling of satiety in the baby. It should be borne in mind that such mixtures can cause problems with bowel movement in newborns.

Milk formula “Nan Antireflux”

The composition of this product includes lactose, potato starch, vegetable oils, hydrolyzed (partially) whey protein, magnesium and calcium chloride, taurine, iron and zinc sulfate, nucleotides and other useful substances. The manufacturer has created a unique mixture for babies who need special diet food. In this case, the child’s body will receive all the necessary components for full development.

antireflux mixture

Most parents note that the dairy product really helped rid the baby of spitting up and improve digestion. A Nestle NAN anti-reflux formula should be used with a different diet or breastfeeding.

How to give the mixture?

Parents should remember that mixtures marked AR belong to therapeutic ones. Giving a newborn baby only such food is prohibited. In addition to antireflux, the child should receive a normal mixture. Dairy food, which contains starch, is usually prescribed for children with normal stools. Regurgitation should be infrequent. Duration of use - at least 30 days.

nan antireflux composition

If the baby is on artificial feeding, one feeding with the usual mixture is replaced with “NAS Antireflux”. At the same time, doctors also recommend dipping the baby with water. Nutrition is used with caution when breastfeeding. To burp less disturbed the baby, 10–20 ml of the mixture should be given before feeding.

In the event that the child does not stop spitting up or begin to repeat more often, you need to choose another mixture.

Mixtures for premature babies

Toddler babies need special care and nutrition. A special mixture for premature babies can satisfy the needs of special babies. Such products are most similar to breast milk, but at the same time contain more nutrients and have a minimal burden on the immature digestive system.

Mixtures for lightweight and premature babies are more high in calories. In their composition, the content of easily digestible protein and fats is increased, the amount of lactose is reduced. As additional components, baby food is enriched with glucose, maltodextrin, taurine, nucleotides. Contains more vitamins and minerals.

"NAS Pre"

One of the best mixtures for babies with low weight, experts call Nestle NAN Pre. The product contains an increased amount of whey protein (about 70%). In addition, the mixture is enriched with various substances useful for crumbs. As a substitute for starch, the manufacturer uses maltodextrin, a substance obtained by the breakdown of plant starch. For premature babies, this component is much more useful.

mixture for premature babies
Please note that the product is not suitable for crumbs suffering from galactosemia, allergy to cow's milk protein or glucose-galactose intolerance.

Application methods

The mixture for premature babies begins to be used even in a hospital or maternity ward. To do this, it can be administered through a probe or given to the baby from a bottle. When choosing a dairy product, the weight of the child is taken into account. Mix "NAN Pre" is suitable for children weighing from 1800g. If the child weighs less, “Nutrilon Pre 0”, “Friso Pre” or “Similak Special Care” should be introduced into the diet.

If against the background of the introduction of the mixture there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, colic), it is necessary to choose another product. The best mixture for an underweight newborn will be one that will not interfere with normal digestion and allow you to confidently gain weight.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20494/

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