Can I give a guy a watch: tips and traditions

Can I give a guy a watch? The answer to this question is asked by many girls. On the eve of the upcoming holidays, such an accessory would be a great gift for a loved one or a well-known guy. However, there are many superstitions and will accept, according to which the clockwork is not recommended to be presented to loved ones. Is it possible to give a guy a watch on his hand, or does the ban only apply to a wall clock? We will talk about these and other nuances in our article.

Can I give a watch to my beloved guy

Some representatives of the fair sex, after donating clockwork to their halves, in case of quarrels or disagreements, try to connect what happened with the present. Lovely ladies remember signs and begin to analyze how relations would have developed without donated hours.

is it possible to give a guy a watch
However, young people rarely believe in superstition, so they enjoy this kind of present from their lovers. An ideal option before purchasing this kind of gift is a preliminary conversation in which lovers can find out each person’s personal attitude to the bad signs associated with clockworks.

Superstition and their history

Perhaps many have heard that a wall or wristwatch is not the best gift, that it portends trouble and is considered a bad omen. Where did this superstition come from ?

This belief came to us from China. Local residents believed that the clock mechanism measures what an ordinary person can not see with his own eyes. The Chinese are also worried by the moment that the hieroglyphs that mean time and death are almost the same. In their opinion, to receive a watch as a gift is tantamount to an invitation to a funeral. However, this belief has undergone some changes in our country. For example, when asked whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy, the older generation will answer that this leads to separation, shortening the life of the person to whom they were presented.

is it possible to give a watch to a guy

Western traditions

There is also another theory, following which giving a watch is undesirable. She came to us from the West. Adhering to the traditions there, it is not recommended to give close objects to sharp objects - forks, knives, edged weapons. Wrist and wall clocks, as a rule, have pointed hands, therefore they are also not supposed to present them as a presentation. It is believed that this can violate a person’s favorable aura.

It is not customary to give stitching and cutting objects, according to such a superstition, that such kind of attention can break off relationships, friendship or nascent love.

However, after years, some signs begin to lose their strength and do not seem to be as effective as they once were.

When is it permissible to give a watch?

All the above beliefs do not have concrete confirmation. Based on this, when asked whether a girl can give a guy a watch or not, each young person should choose the right answer for herself. First of all, she must predict how her young man will treat such a gift. If a representative of the weaker sex knows that her boyfriend is very superstitious, that after accepting the presentation, he will worry and think about the gift for a long time, then you should not give preference to watches among the abundance of other gifts. Is it possible to give a guy a watch if neither the girl nor the guy is superstitious? The answer is yes, but only if such a gift is appropriate.

I believe - I do not believe

Presenting a present to a young man in the form of a wall clock is possible if he does not believe in superstition and bad omens. You can give a modern guy a table or wall clock, which is made in a style that harmoniously suits the interior of a bachelor’s home.

Is it possible to give a guy a watch
An electronic or hourglass, which is simple in design and able to fit into any environment, can also be a great option. Can I give a guy a watch? Consider how well-known world-renowned watch manufacturers have learned to circumvent superstition.

Is it possible to give a guy a watch

The present in the form of expensive watches always speaks of the good taste of the giver and the respectability and self-sufficiency of their owner. Such a gift is an essential sign of attention for a young man. It can be presented for any occasion. It is possible to solve the problem with the negative side of the gift and the bad signs associated with clockworks. For example, Chinese manufacturers, known for their ingenuity, are not tired of creating universal mechanisms with a variety of different functions.

Can I give a watch to my beloved guy
The world became acquainted with a watch without numbers, with dual dials, built-in calendars, a compass, a navigator and other original functional solutions. Presenting such gifts carries a completely different meaning. Giving stylish things that have lost their negative connotations will appeal to everyone, even the most believer in all sorts of signs.

However, for those beautiful females who still attend the question whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy without fear for a joint happy future in a couple, there are a number of recommendations.

Tips for giving a watch

Very superstitious girls who choose a clockwork as a gift should consider that:

  • For this kind of gift you need to take a coin, then it will be considered that the watch is not a gift, but a purchase.
  • The redemption amount should not be too large (you can even 10 cents) so that the present itself does not lose its meaning.
  • Handing and taking money for a purchase is necessary with the left hand.

If a person is not familiar with such traditions, you need to explain to him the essence of superstition and take from him only a couple of coins for a gift. As a rule, everyone treats such signs quite easily.

can a girl give a guy a watch
When the nature of superstitions and bad signs is clear, and the necessary advice is taken into account, the question arises whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy on N.G. (New Year)? In what cases will such presentations be appropriate.

Occasion for a gift

You can present the watch to a young person for his birthday, housewarming, graduation, or for the New Year. This can be done on any other holiday, but with the condition that the selected clockwork will be to the taste of the recipient of the gift.

is it possible to give a watch to ng to a guy
When buying a watch, you need to consider several nuances:

  • For housewarming, you can safely present the young man with wall, table or even floor walkers.
  • A guy who is a great cook will have an hourglass. They can be used as a timer during the preparation of any dishes. Also, a similar present can be presented to a young man who would use them during physical training.
  • For young people who lead an active lifestyle, an electronic and waterproof watch movement with an integrated chronometer will be a great gift.
  • A pleasant and memorable present for your beloved guy will be an engraved watch.

Clockwork, as a gift, you can express your sympathy or sincere feeling. This can be symbolized by choosing the mechanical version of the watch. The uniform course of the time measuring device is associated with a heartbeat, and the strap, which fits the wrist tightly in the region of the pulse, is interpreted as the desire to always be with a loved one everywhere. This gift in the form of a wrist watch mechanism will not only not cause superstitious prejudices, it will be able to tell about the girl’s real feelings.


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