Ways to Kill Sims in Sims 3

Probably every player who has been playing Sims 3 for a long time will ever decide to take a cruel step - to kill his character. Someone just wants to check and see how the sim dies. Many are interested in seeing Death coming for its victim. Some players have found an exotic hobby in this - they collect ghosts and create a whole family cemetery.

So how to kill a sim? The 3rd part of the famous simulator is especially generous with various types of death, but in the first games of the Sims series there were also a lot of them.

how to kill sims in sims 3

Is it possible to specifically kill a character in the game?

How to kill Sims in "Sims 3", and is it even possible? Yes, perhaps not in one way. This is easy to do if you know how. This article will detail how to kill a sim and turn it into a ghost. If you are mentally prepared to part with your character - read on.

Why did the developers allow the characters to die

Sims and its subsequent modifications are primarily a life simulator. And in it, sadly, is death. Everyone will someday die of old age, and there is no escape from this fact. But, besides this natural death, tragedies, accidents, catastrophes and accidents happen in life . Everything is unpredictable, and you can even die in your own bathroom. To bring the game as close to real life as possible, various types of death were introduced into it. Although, I must say, some of them are very cruel, and sometimes ridiculous. But this is what usually happens in life. And for players, this is another opportunity to experiment. The ways to kill a sim are varied - some of them can be easily applied to your character, and some require a lot of preparation.

Meet Death!

She is the most mysterious and supernatural character in the game. Death cannot be controlled, and it appears only after the death of the character. Her image is taken from the work of Terry Pratchett, and she looks pretty intimidating: in a black robe, with a hood on her head and a scythe in her hand. Starting with the first Sims 3 game, the appearance of Death has been accompanied by horrific music. If she suddenly begins to play, then another character has died in the city.

how to kill sim 3

How it all began

The first Sims game was released 14 years ago, in 2000. During the year, she became one of the most successful projects in the world. The gameplay was more like a sandbox, since there was no specific plot or goals in it. Building houses, meeting the needs of their characters - these are the main tasks. Already in the first game, the developers allowed the characters not only to die of old age, but also to die due to various circumstances. However, then there were few of them. How to kill a sim in "Sims" and what needs to be done for this? We will talk about this further.

How to get rid of a character

The easiest way to get rid of a bored character without waiting for his death from old age is to drown. In any game city, someone constantly dies for this reason. But the sim just doesn’t want to die. If you make him swim for a long time, for example, in the pool, he will still come out when he gets tired. To drown him for sure, you need to send the character into the water and immediately remove the ladder. A tired poor fellow will drown peacefully.

sims 3 how to kill sim

More cruel death is from fire. You need to lock the character in the room, removing all the doors and forcing him to cook at the stove with a low level of culinary skill. Usually the stove lights up, and the sim, locked in the room, dies. For death from fire, you can still use the fireplace and fireworks, but only if the installed add-ons.

You can also intentionally kill a sim with an electric shock, forcing several times to repair devices with a low level of development of a mechanical skill. Another extremely cruel death is to lock up the unfortunate and starve. There is an unusual way - a Sim can be killed by scaring to death with a low level of needs.

Continuation of the famous simulator - even more new ways to get rid of the character

In 2004, the sequel of the simulator, beloved by the audience, was released - The Sims 2. It appeared new options for how to kill a sim. "Sims 2" allowed to continue to mock the characters, destroying them in more sophisticated ways.

ways to kill a sim

The developers have added some very exotic methods to the game. For example, you can use the "services" of a carnivorous cannibal plant. It lures the extraction with a piece of cake. You need to place it within the reach of the character and wait until he is tempted by the treat.

The real horror for sim-sluts is death from a swarm of flies. If you do not let him clean the house and wash the dishes, one day a swarm of flies that appear in a few seconds will eat dirty.

There is another rare opportunity to kill your sim. You need to make him admire the sky. If everything works out, a satellite will fall on the head of the poor fellow. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in the game.

More traditional ways to kill a sim in Sims 2 is to freeze it in cold weather outside or, on the contrary, force it to be in the sun for too long. And you can send the victim in a thunderstorm to take a jacuzzi on the roof of the house, and then he is guaranteed death from a lightning bolt.

You can also kill a sim with disease. To do this, you need to litter the room, and he will get the flu. Then everything is simple - do not give treatment for a couple of days, and Death will come for him.

how to kill sim in sim

"Sims 3": how to kill a sim? Instruction manual

This continuation broke all records on the way to destroy characters. To the types of death already existing in previous games, a lot has been added. How to kill Sims in "Sims 3"? You are invited to more than 20 options ahead of schedule to send one of them to the next world.

Traditional methods have remained the same - drowning, death from fire, hunger, electric shock, frost or heat. With the release of all the add-ons to the game, a lot of extremely rare original ways appeared, such as killing sims in Sims 3.

Instead of an old satellite, a huge meteorite may fall on the character’s head. Before this, an inscription appears that for some reason it has become dark. The player has a few minutes to take the sim away from the dangerous place. If there was a desire to kill him, you need to leave him at the site of the meteorite’s fall.

A very exotic death - from the curse of the mummy.

how to kill sim sims 2

If you buy a marmalade tree and force the character to eat its fruit - marmalade, that is, the sim is likely to die from poisonous sweetness.

Many types of death appeared in the supplement "University". Here you can kill a Sim with a pull-out bed, a vending machine for bars or making him protest against Death. The first time she will appear to warn that this should not be done, and the second time she will take the Sim with her.

The Paradise Islands supplement gave an unforgettable death from a lack of oxygen for scuba divers, shark and kraken attacks , and a walk through a burning coal pit.

The latest addition, "Forward to the Future", provided two more opportunities to get rid of a boring creature. A sim can get sick from a frequent trip through a temporary portal. If he is not treated in the hospital, after three days he will die. And there is death from falling during a flight with a knapsack. Nothing depends on the player here. Just sim soared joyfully under the clouds, and now he is dying from a fall from a height. If you do not want to lose your Persian like that, you need to stay away from jetpacks.

how to protect sim in sims 3

How to protect your sim from premature death

So, the question of how to kill Sims in "Sims 3" is resolved. But what if the character is very dear to you and you absolutely do not want to lose it categorically? Constantly monitoring him is difficult, and in case of any danger you may not have time to come to the rescue. In Sims 3, this problem is solved using the Death Flower. You can find it in the form of seeds (and grow it) or find a bush with it in the cemetery. The sim must constantly carry the trophy in his luggage - this will save him from premature death. Death will take a flower instead. The main thing is to ensure that the gift for Kostlyava is always with the character.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E20499/

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