When does a newborn baby begin to hear sounds and see?

When a newborn baby begins to hear, he begins to respond to changes in the world around him. Many adults can already communicate with him in the womb, and the baby responds to certain sounds with restless movements. That is why the psychological state of the unborn child depends on the situation around the pregnant woman.

The first attitude of the baby

Often a pregnant woman is still able to feel when a newborn baby begins to hear. Periodically communicating with the tummy, the mother in response receives tremors from his legs and arms. From 20 weeks, it is useful for future dad and mothers to conduct conversations in good tone, listen to the sounds of nature and calm music.

when a newborn baby begins to hear

When a newborn baby begins to hear, his first impressions of the world are formed. This knowledge is rooted somewhere deep in his mind and has an impact on his future life. And already at 20 weeks of gestation, the baby is able to distinguish between the murmur of water from the heartbeat of the mother.

When a newborn baby begins to hear even in the womb, he shudders from sudden pops and other sounds. Mom feels this and can draw conclusions that the baby is normal with hearing. However, it is not recommended to test your hearing in this way. It is better to include calm music, sing songs, be surrounded by sound natural atmosphere.

How is the world perceived from the inside?

When the newborn begins to hear even in the womb, everything is perceived by him as somewhat distorted. This is due to the fact that high frequencies do not penetrate inside due to the thickness of the placenta and amniotic fluid. Perceived loudness has been determined by scientists and is more than 30 dB. Up to this threshold, all other vibrations of sounds are suppressed.

what time does the newborn begin to hear

The muffled sounds of the baby can be heard as we perceive the world when we are under water. Amniotic fluid reliably protects the auricles and amortizes with aggressive sounds from the outside. Gradually, the sensitivity of the hearing organs grows and the intonations of voices are already becoming distinguishable.

When a newborn begins to hear his mother’s voice after birth, he easily distinguishes it from many unfamiliar sounds. Therefore, it is not recommended to underestimate the importance of communication between parents and the pregnant woman’s tummy. The psychological state of the unborn child depends on the atmosphere in which the pregnancy proceeded.

The difference between the hearing organs in a child and adults

To understand what time newborns begin to hear, consider its development from the very first days of life:

  1. Immediately after birth, all children are practically deaf. The ears are filled with amniotic fluid, which completely covers the inner ear.
  2. The development of organs by 4 weeks allows us to distinguish between the main sounds.
  3. Spatial perception of sounds becomes possible only by 9 weeks of life.
  4. Sound perception in an adult forms after 12 weeks.

How much the newborn begins to hear depends on the characteristics of the development of the body. Here many factors influence: mother’s nutrition, health, labor conditions, etc. Deviation in development is recognized if the baby by 6 months of age does not respond to ordinary sounds: voice, music, noise.

Object perception

Newborn children, when they begin to see and hear, are already able to navigate in space. The vestibular apparatus helps them. With the help of vision, they can accurately establish the sources of noise, voices. At first, the objects around are perceived blurry, but gradually the contours of objects become clearer.

hearing and sight of a newborn

By 3 months, the baby’s visual range is about 3 meters and objects that are too close are not perceived at all. Gradually, everything around becomes clearer. A newborn can already see his fingers, faces, distinguish moving objects.

He will learn a little later to focus his vision and find moving objects with his eyes somewhere around six months of life. The world around is no longer gray, the baby sees colors well, is capable of catching slowly moving objects. Already well versed in space, can determine the sources of noise. He perfectly remembers the face of his relatives and is frightened of alien unfamiliar images.

Addictive to sounds

In any surrounding atmosphere, the baby gradually begins to feel more relaxed and confident. Adaptation at an early age is fleeting. Even with increased noise, the newborn will sleep soundly if these sounds are constantly present. Conversely, he will awaken when silence reigned around.

newborns when they begin to see and hear

It is not recommended to keep the baby in absolute silence. More often, parents artificially create a constant noise around the newborn: the sounds of nature, the quiet sound of music, voices. Under such conditions, the growing child will not have problems in the future public life. For example, in kindergarten, he will be able to be calm after a dinner's sleep and will not pay attention to the sniffing of a neighbor or the creaking of a door.

The newborn will not react sharply to the noises that he has already heard. For example, barking a dog does not scare him if he hears him in the courtyard of his house every day. On the contrary, for those who have never met a sharp threatening sound, this will be a surprise and the baby will cry. It is recommended that children include a variety of melodies and sound sets for optimal development.

Addictive to objects

A newborn gets used to the faces and images of relatives. But until the year of life is easily lost and does not recognize them if they put on a hat or change their hairstyle. Associative thinking is not yet developed and the baby cries when strangers pick it up.

when a newborn begins to hear after birth

The illumination of the room affects the perception of objects. In bright sunlight, the eyes distinguish colors much better. At 6 months, the newborn is completely distinguished by its primary colors. He is interested in toys decorated in a bright style. Various rattles and tweeters help him get comfortable in a huge world.

However, it is difficult to concentrate attention at an early age and familiar objects are no longer so attractive. Each new object, sound or sensation evokes joyful emotions. In the year of life, everything that happens around the crib is already interesting. The older the baby becomes, the more space is required for him to know his abilities.

Physiological features

How much a newborn begins to see and hear depends on many factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Intrauterine development.
  3. Parental care for a child.
  4. Ambient sounds, objects, and even smells.
  5. Gender of the child.

The sounds that the newborn reacts to carry some information. If an unfamiliar noise follows an action, a familiar reaction is generated. So, with a loud hand strike, the baby's muscles are compressed.

what time do newborns begin to hear

After repeating a similar clap, a behavior feature is developed that manifests itself in a similar reaction in adulthood.


In the early stages of life in newborns, interest in new objects remains for no more than 2-3 seconds. In the first months, the muscles of the eyes train, the adaptation process takes place. A young organism learns to focus its eyes. At first, you may notice that the child has a slightly slanted look - this is still fragile vision, later it will even out.

when a newborn begins to hear

Optimum concentration in gaze, hearing and in movements will form years to the 3rd. However, not all children have the ability to engage in painstaking and monotonous activities. Moving objects attract the attention of children much faster than a book or stories of parents.

Attracting the attention of a newborn is not so simple. It is noticed when the baby is lying, he is less concentrated. He better recognizes objects when in an upright position. In the first weeks of life, he can make out objects at a distance of no more than 30 cm.

It should be remembered that the younger the baby, the longer it takes him to tune in to a new subject. To see mom’s face, he needs to look at him for more than 10 minutes. It is recommended that children’s toys be placed not directly above the child, but a little to the side so that they attract his attention and make him look away. The older he gets, the less time he will need.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2050/

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