Interesting DIY bottle decorating ideas

Recently, decorating bottles with own hands has become very popular for decorating the interior of the kitchen and dining room, for serving wine or champagne to the festive table. You can decorate filled containers and empty, plastic bottles and glass, even, long - any shape. The main thing -

think in advance the appropriate design and select the necessary materials.

The article will consider different options for decorating bottles and cans with your own hands. First, we will figure out what design techniques exist, what you need to have on hand before starting work, in what sequence to decorate in order to save the product for a long time.

Ways to design containers

Do-it-yourself decoration of the bottle can be carried out both on the inner and outer surfaces. Naturally, only empty bottles are drawn inside, which are subsequently used only as vases or simple decor items.

Bottles can be filled layer by layer with cereals or vegetables. Basically, this decor is done for kitchens. For children's rooms, it is recommended for safety to use plastic bottles filled with balls or depicting a fairy or cartoon character. Additional items are fabric items - scarves, hats, skirts (depending on the type of character), you can stick toy eyes or a bead pattern on top.

Glass bottles, which will serve as vases, can also be painted inside with acrylic paints, adding individual elements on the outside.

Outdoor decoration

If decorating a bottle with your own hands is external, then there are many ways to design such crafts:

  • wrapping with twine or hemp rope, knitting threads or nylon cord;
  • sticking fabric around the glass surface in whole or in part, often use burlap;
  • to give tenderness to the design, some masters add lace or satin ribbons;
  • the container is wrapped with genuine leather and even nylon tights;
  • stained with paints, adding a geometric pattern;
  • Do-it-yourself bottle decoration also takes place using decoupage technique.

Drawing a picture on containers

A variety of patterns are applied to bottles using acrylic paints. They are bright, dry quickly and have no pungent odor. Painting work can be carried out at home, at the desktop. In order for the drawing to stand for a long time, the surface of the bottles after staining must be additionally opened with acrylic varnish.

painting on plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself decorating plastic bottles with drawing the contours of the future pattern on the surface with a marker. Then, with a thin brush, carefully draw the main strokes and color the voids. If you have experience in drawing, then you can create directly on the bottle. The picture may contain different patterns - both geometric and floral ornaments. The more all kinds of small details, the more beautiful the painting on the bottle looks.

Glass painting

In the decoration of glass bottles with their own hands, acrylic paints are also used. To make a pattern of stripes, as in the photo below, use electrical tape or masking tape.

striped painted patterns

First, they think through the drawing, then make the marker with the necessary marks on the glass. Then they stick together with adhesive tape those places on which the paint should not fall. You can stick tape with strips, or you can make lines of a more complex pattern, for example, intersecting strips, squares, rhombuses and any other combination.

Then, using a spray can, they blow the surface of the glass container. After this procedure, the bottles are placed in a warm place to dry. Only when the paint is completely dry can the adhesive tape be removed. To leave no traces, it is advisable to wipe the glass with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. In this type of painting, the strips remain transparent.

If you want to add a different color and fill the voids, then you need to tape over the painted area and blow out the following details from the spray can. The process takes a long time, but the bottle can be made bright and colorful for a long time.

We use threads

DIY workshop for decorating bottles with twine - more. So, wrapping around the neck starts from the top. You will need a glue gun, since the edge must be attached firmly and securely. Thus, several turns are glued, then it will be necessary to smear the PVA glass and wind the twine already on it.

wound bottles

Each next row is located tightly to the previous one so that the bottle itself is not visible. Decorating bottles with twine with your own hands can be done in one color or several. When changing threads or ropes to another skein, a glue gun is also used. They fix the last turn of the used skein and 2-3 turns of a new one. Then the winding continues and PVA glue.

After the threads have covered the entire surface, you can start decorating the bottles with your own hands and improvised means, for example, sticking beads or flowers, pebbles and rhinestones, attaching a bow from satin ribbons or fabric. The golden edging, attached in a spiral line from the neck to the base, looks beautiful. Adding lace lace, you can give the product sophistication and sophistication.

Fairy tale character

After reading the tale by A. Volkov β€œThe Wizard of the Emerald City”, you can make a glass Scarecrow with your child. To do this, use an empty champagne container. First, acrylic paints cover the entire surface of the glass. Since the Scarecrow is made of straw, it is better to choose a color beige or light brown. You can use paint in the spray can.

scarecrow bottle

After drying, the rest of the drawing is applied with a thin brush - eyes, a sewn mouth, nose, eyebrows. The lower part of the container is pasted over with a cloth on which a bow and a pair of buttons of a contrasting color are attached.

The upper narrow part of the neck is wrapped with hemp rope, and on a wide place the neck is caught by a straw hat and the hero's hair sticking out from under it. It is recommended to decorate the hat with artificial flowers and tie a bow from twine.

Dressing bottles with tights

They decorate bottles with a variety of materials with their own hands. The latest fashion trends have been decorating with nylon tights. No matter how strange it may sound, but it is thanks to these products that wonderful interior objects are obtained, as in the photo below in the article.

dressing tights

On a glass bottle try on a zipper in the opened form and mark its width and length with a marker. Then, using a glue gun, any coins are attached, it is advisable to use the lightest and smallest ones to place as many of them as possible on this surface.

Then we open the "snake" and use the glue gun to fix the lower part and the upper one closed together. After making sure that everything is firmly held, we set to work with tights. Only one stocking may be used.

First, the surface of the glass of the container with a wide brush is coated with PVA glue. Then they pull on the bottom of the stocking or one part cut off from the tights. Then, on top of the capron, the PVA is thickly smeared again and a folded shape is attached with a hand in a rubber glove. In the place where the coins should be poured out of the opened "zipper", an incision is made with scissors and the edges are turned inwards and attached to the fastener with an adhesive gun.

Tights are tightly wrapped around the neck, with your hand you can form any shape from the products impregnated with glue. After drying, the tights harden, now they can be painted in any color, silver folds.

Decoupage option

And now we offer a master class on decorating bottles with our own hands, using two methods for decorating containers - wrapping tights and decoupage. For those who are unfamiliar with the decoupage technique, we will tell you that this is a method of sticking a picture of napkins on any surface. Thus, it is possible to decorate not only glass, but also wooden products.

First you need to choose a beautiful napkin with your favorite pattern. Then, with an easy and neat movement, the upper thin picture is removed from the multilayer product. The bottle is smeared with PVA glue, an image is applied to it. Then cut off a piece of cling film and, laying on top of the wet picture, slightly press down with your hand. You can not rub the image with your hands, since the paper is too thin and tears easily, so the cling film is simply pressed with patting movements.

decoration techniques combination

Then it is carefully removed. Start work on tights. The surface of the bottle is completely covered with PVA glue, even on top of the picture. Then gently pull the half of tights or stocking onto the bottom. In the place where the drawing is located, the product is cut with scissors. It turns out a window for the image.

The rest is pulled together with beautiful folds. On top of the tights, the final PVA layer is thickly smeared and pressing the hand creates decorative folds and knots. After the glue is completely dry, paint the resulting decor with paint. Folds are covered with white paint with a sponge. It turns out the aging of the material. Now this method is often used in decorating rooms, furniture, and interior items.

Snowmen in the nursery

As crafts for the New Year's Eve, the children's room can be made of plastic bottles of such cheerful snowmen. Making them is easy. The capacity is filled with fluffy cotton balls. The neck of the bottle is wrapped in black tape. This is a snowman's hat. Further, the remaining small parts are attached by the application method to PVA glue.

snowmen from plastic bottles

You can attach a felt scarf to the "neck" of the snowman.

How to make a bottle for the New Year?

At the New Year's Eve, you can decorate not only holiday dishes, but also a bottle of champagne. This is easiest to do with satin ribbons. You will also need a glue gun, PVA glue and a decorative edging and half beads. To make a beautiful Christmas tree, you need to cut a green satin ribbon into identical segments. For a change and more colorfulness, add a golden ribbon as well.

Christmas tree on a bottle

First, the "collar" of the craft is glued to the PVA glue. This is a green ribbon wrapped around the neck and crossed in front. Further, each segment must be joined together by ends and attached to the glass. These rounds are pasted over several rows. The upper sections are hidden under a golden edging. Toys-beads are placed on the "branches". The work is performed from the bottom up.

New Year's decor

Do-it-yourself bottle decoration for the New Year may include several techniques. For example, in the photo below on the glass, decoupage (the image of Santa Claus) is combined with decoration by other materials at hand.

christmas decor

The article selected only a few options for decorating glass and plastic bottles. Adding your creative ideas and combining several techniques together, you can diversify the decor for any holiday and interior.


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