The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”. Composition plan

The theme of the Caucasus has always been close to Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, the nature and customs of this region delighted the poet. And the work in question embodied this love, and also reflected the romantic beginning in the work of the writer. And the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” has become key and plot-forming.

The originality of Lermontov’s work

Lermontov's work became a reflection of the romantic trend in literature. His hero is always alone and confronts the world. Early work is characterized by a strong influence of Byron, which embodied in the idealization of the character. Later, the hero becomes original, acquires alienation, accompanied by tragic love, betrayal of friends and reflection on the eternal in solitude.

The tragedy of the poet’s works lies in the invasion of harsh and cruel reality in the inner world of the hero. The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” is largely based on this confrontation. Like all the main characters of the writer, Mtsyri has an inherent desire, struggle with society, a desire to evolve and achieve his goal.

The loneliness of the hero of Lermontov is an attempt to find peace of mind, come into harmony with the world, take a break from society and comprehend what is happening. Only left alone with themselves, characters can realize themselves.

Lermontov’s work, like the poet’s life itself, is very controversial. He loved his homeland, but sang the Caucasus, he was born in high society, but hated him. There are many such contradictions, and all of them were somehow reflected in the writer's works.

The story of the creation of the poem

The idea to write about a young man languishing in a monastery and dreaming of an escape came to Lermontov in his lyceum years. But, as Lermontov himself later wrote, at that time he was still at a crossroads and could not decide on his ideals. Therefore, the writer did not get what he intended: the poems Confession, Boyar Orsha. The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem was not yet born.

After failures, the idea was forgotten and again reminded of itself during the first reference to the Caucasus. On the way, Mikhail Yuryevich drove past a monastery in which he met a monk. The conversation with him made a great impression on the poet, and he again returned to the original idea.

The image of Mtsyri

Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” sets out the story of the last days of the life of a young man who, as a boy, was captured and was left to the monks in charge. The main questions that are raised in the poem are the meaning of life, the inexorability of fate, the freedom of man. The young man, risking his life, escapes from his place of imprisonment in order to gain freedom and return home. Years could not try it on with foreign land and confinement.

A prisoner who is ready to the last battle for freedom, embodying courage, dignity, courage - this is the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem. Composition (Grade 8) should help students understand the power of the human spirit and its ability to fight.

The method of presentation in the poem is indicative. Talking about the whole life of the boy, Lermontov fits into just one chapter, but the description of the three days of wandering occupies almost the rest of the work. Thus, the author points to the significance of events, their fate in the main character.

The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” embodies the incredible strength of character and spirit. He strives for his goal - to return to his homeland, and nothing can stop him. The young man does not know the way, but goes, he is tormented by hunger, thirst, fatigue, but this is not a reason to stop. The girl to whom Mtsyri has a certain sympathy also remains behind, since the hero remembers his goal. Even the serious wounds left by the leopard do not take away the hope of getting home.

Even dying and realizing that he was going in the wrong direction, Mtsyri does not regret his action. Because only these three days of freedom were a real life for him. Partly, the features of the author himself are embodied in the image of Mtsyri in the poem of Lermontov. According to the plan, analyzing this work, you can find many similarities, for example, the desire for freedom, the struggle with the usual existence.

Composition plan

All school programs have a written work on the theme "The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem." An essay, a brief summary of which can be taken from the material presented by us, is always written according to a specific, clearly defined plan. The main points of such a plan are as follows:

  1. The ideal hero of Lermontov: to give a brief description of those features that the writer has always endowed with his heroes.
  2. Mtsyri features a romantic hero : provide a brief description of romanticism and list the features of a romantic hero.
  3. Why Lermontov created just such a hero: to characterize the social problems that made the poet fight for freedom.

Alternative writing plan

You can take as a basis another structure for writing on the theme “the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem”. An essay (Grade 8), written according to the plan below, will also fully reveal the problems of the work:

  1. The childhood of the protagonist: it will help to understand the origins of his character.
  2. Revealing the personality of Mtsyri through the description of three days in the wild: in the way the hero talks about the acquired freedom, the most important qualities of his character are manifested.
  3. How is the hero close to Lermontov?


The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem is thus plot-forming. It is no accident that the idea of ​​creating a work arose from the poet in his student years, when he himself was locked up. Lermontov embodied in his hero his own aspirations for freedom and the desire to fight for it to the end.


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