Private schools and educational licensing

Each of us is concerned about the life and future of our own children. Educational institutions play a special role in shaping their personality and knowledge. The public education system has long established itself as callous, sometimes oppressive and ineffective, the purpose of which is only to obtain a compulsory certificate of secondary education.

educational licensing
There is an alternative to these types of institutions. It is private schools, gymnasiums and universities. Our country provides for licensing of educational activities of this type, as well as the collection of taxes from their owners. This is a significant barrier to their popularization and lowering the cost of training in such institutions.


All forms of educational activity are subject to licensing on an ongoing basis with the subsequent receipt of a diploma or state certificate. The main authority that regulates this process is the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science. Of course, obtaining a permit for educational activity is not as problematic as a license for hazardous waste, but it is also necessary for it to coordinate documents in many instances.

hazardous waste license
Even after obtaining the appropriate license, a private educational institution is subject to constant verification by the regulatory authorities. They have the right to request documents, demand a report on the established violations and monitor their elimination.

Cost of education

Everyone is well aware of private higher education institutions. Institutions that have undergone licensing of educational activities do not differ much in cost from paid forms of education in state institutions. The quality of study varies across universities. Often, the higher the cost of study, the more professional the teaching staff. This is due to the ability to hire teachers who have useful experience, skills and require an appropriate fee.

If we talk about private schools, then they are less common in Russia than in Western Europe or America. Few people trust this type of secondary education. Some do not see the difference in teaching principles. There is a category of people who have experienced the quality of such a form of training. Of course, the cost is very different, because the state in this case does not act as a sponsor. In addition, the teachers of such schools are highly paid professionals, which affects the high cost of staying in a childโ€™s private class.

Licensing of educational activities is not all that is needed to maintain a private school. On top of that, serious and stringent requirements are made to ensure the safety of students, room sanitation and the quality of cooking. The tax inspectorate also closely monitors the activities of such institutions.

As a result, private schools and the licensing of educational activities are a risk not only for students and their parents, but also for founders and entrepreneurs who conduct this kind of business.


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