Onion peel for a garden or garden: use as a fertilizer and pest control

Known for its beneficial properties, onion peel is widely used for a vegetable garden or a garden. The use of decoctions and infusions from it helps to get a higher yield. They saturate the soil with substances necessary for plant growth, and also act as a natural fungicide, protecting plantings from pests.

onion peel for a garden or garden

Composition and useful properties

Onion peel contains various mineral and biologically active substances. They nourish, tone the plants, save them from many diseases and pests. A well-proven fertilizer is onion peel for a vegetable garden or orchard. Its use in this capacity is due to anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and regenerative properties. It is worthwhile to consider in more detail some of the organic elements that make up the onion shell:

  • Carotene. The life-giving power of this substance has long been known. It is believed that carrots are its source, but carotene is also found in onion peel. It is a powerful antioxidant for most plants. It helps to nurture seedlings, increases the resistance of garden crops to various diseases. They are recommended to process balcony flowers growing in conditions of high gas contamination. In addition, carotene is a natural immunostimulant that suppresses the formation of free radicals. It destroys all harmful microorganisms, including fungus and rot.
  • Volatile This is a biologically active element of onions, which is mainly concentrated in its surface flakes. In any plant, volatile production is part of the protective complex. But onion peel is especially rich in them. For a garden or a garden, its use is largely due to the presence of this substance in large quantities. Phytoncides are effective against all harmful bacteria and fungi.
  • Vitamins of group B. Their high content explains the healing effect of onions. Vitamins of this group saturate infusions prepared from the husk with useful properties. Experienced gardeners water them with young seedlings, as a result of which its growth is accelerated, leaves and stems become stronger, and root rot is not afraid of such plants.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamins of the PP group). It is a necessary component for the full processing of nitrogen and sulfur. The development of the plant at any stage largely depends on this process. Most oxidative reactions in living cells are not complete without nicotinamide. The presence of this substance improves root formation, which is especially important when growing crops on heavy soils.

onion peel as a fertilizer for tomato

Onion husk for growing tomatoes

This natural material is indispensable for tomatoes. Onions protect them from various types of rot, strengthens the stems, reducing their fragility. In addition, it tones the plant, contributing to a higher yield. Onion peel as a fertilizer for tomatoes is first used only a few days after planting seedlings. An infusion of it is prepared as follows: husk is poured with boiling water (2 liters of raw materials 1 liter of water) and put in a cool place for two days. Then the filtered solution is diluted with pure water (1: 3) and 0.5 liter is poured into the near-stem well of each young bush. For plants over the age of 1 month, a larger amount of infusion is required - up to 1.5 liters. A few days after such irrigation, the tomato bushes become stronger, there are no yellow leaves left on them. The second top dressing is carried out during the flowering period.

Watering tomatoes with infusion of onion husks is recommended in the evening. Immediately after this, the plant does not need abundant watering, it can be transferred to another day.

Onion husk for growing cucumbers

Melons at any stage of their growth are susceptible to rot damage. Therefore, it is recommended that they be processed repeatedly during the season. The solution is prepared in the same way as for watering tomatoes. With the help of a sprayer or an ordinary grass broom, cucumber leaves are treated with infusion. This helps to prevent early yellowing of leaves and the appearance of other pathological processes.

Onion peel is also used as fertilizer. When spring digging of beds it is brought into the soil at the rate of 3 liters per 1 sq. m

When planting cucumbers, onion husks are often used. Fertilizing seedlings with its strong broth protects seedlings from mold and fungal diseases.

onion husk seedling fertilizer

Plant nutrition

Water extract of onion peel significantly improves the soil structure, enriching it with nutrients and trace elements. Feeding is performed by watering plants with specially prepared infusion. This will require 1 liter of onion flakes and 8 liters of boiling water. Pouring raw materials with water, leave the container for a day, closing it with a lid. After that, having filtered, diluted with water (1: 5) and used for irrigation. Such an infusion is able to fill in the nutrient deficiency, which is often indicated by yellowed leaves of plants.

The vitamins, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, boron and other elements contained in onion peel not only help get rid of various diseases, but also increase resistance against them. Therefore, onion husk is no less important for a garden or a garden for preventive purposes. The use of its infusions and decoctions is recommended for the cultivation of almost all garden crops - potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, etc. Those who receive such top dressing at an early stage of growth, plants bear fruit much longer.

What diseases is onion peel effective against?

One of the most serious diseases threatening seedlings is the black leg. To combat it today there is a huge selection of various chemicals. But to get rid of this scourge is quite possible with the help of a decoction of onion peels. Its advantage is that it is environmentally friendly, natural and completely safe for health. It allows you to effectively cope with the infection without any chemistry. You can prevent its appearance by simply adding onion peel to the soil.

fertilizer onion peel flowers

Powdery mildew is a common disease that affects especially often the planting of cucumbers. It can occur at any stage of growth - from the moment the first leaves are formed until the fruit ripens. It is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of plantings with the infusion of onion husks and always when the first signs of damage to this infection appear. Repeated spraying every 5 days is also necessary.

Against a disease such as bacteriosis of radish or cabbage, an infusion of onion husks is used. Noticing the first symptoms of this disease, you need to immediately spray in the form of a real shower.

Bacterial cancer that threatens tomato plantings can also be prevented with an onion husk infusion. Plants are not only sprayed on them, but also watered, which at the same time serves as an excellent top dressing.

Onion husk from pests

In its effectiveness in controlling insects, this product is in no way inferior to chemical plant protection products. It contains no nitrates, it is absolutely safe and saturates the soil with useful substances during disposal.

pest onion peel

Gardeners have long used onion husks from aphids, spider mites, apple moths, common earwigs and other pests. It does not have any negative effect on the formation of fruits. Plants are sprayed with concentrated broth made from one bucket of onion husks, several pieces of laundry soap and two buckets of water. The raw material is poured with boiling water, allowed to infuse, then filtered and soap chips are added, thoroughly mixing until it is completely dissolved. Spraying is carried out repeatedly - every week. It is recommended to pour the remnants of the product under the root - this will help get rid of pests in the soil.

Onion peel from a spider mite is used as follows: 1 liter of raw material is poured with two liters of warm water and insisted for two days. The filtered solution is ready for use. It is half diluted with water and a few drops of liquid soap are added.

Onion peel from the Colorado potato beetle, codling moth, aphids in the form of a decoction is quite effective. The tool is preparing quickly. To do this, you need 3 handfuls of onion flakes, which are poured with water, put on a stove and brought to a boil. Then they stand for another 5 minutes on low heat, let it brew, and after 4 hours the broth can be used to treat plants, diluted in water (2 liters of funds per bucket).

onion husk from aphids

Application Tips

Onion peel contains quartzetine, a very bitter tasting substance. In each grade, its quantity is different, so there are no clear and strict dosages in the preparation of decoctions and infusions. It is recommended to dilute them with water until a bitter taste is felt.

All products prepared from onion husks are not intended for long-term storage in a warm room. It is better to use them immediately, during the day.

Onion husk remains contain a large amount of nutrients. After preparing the decoctions, they can be dug under fruit trees or shrubs.

Onion peel keeps crop

This simple and affordable tool helps to solve several problems at once. The freshness of the collected fruits and vegetables is well preserved for a long time, if they are sprinkled with dried onion husks. It will also protect the crop from rotting, mold and fungal infection.

Application for indoor plants

Not only in the garden, but also at home, onion peel is useful. With its help, fertilize flowers. Onion peel for this will require only 1 glass. It is poured with two liters of water and brought to a boil. A few minutes still stand on low heat and, having cooled, use for watering. It is not necessary to filter - particles of onion peel that have fallen into the ground will enrich it with useful substances.

Such a fertilizer is not suitable only for cacti, aloe, ficus and other indoor plants with fleshy leaves. They can respond to onion top dressing by slowing growth.

onion husk from spider mite

Other uses

When preparing food for poultry and cattle, it is recommended to add a little decoction or infusion of onion peel there. It will be to their advantage.

Onion husk has long been used as a natural dye - in confectionery, cooking.

The therapeutic effects of this product are widely known. Various means are prepared from the husk that have a therapeutic effect.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21133/

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