What to give dad for his birthday

Parents for us for life remain the closest and dearest people. After all, they love us not for our successes, talents and victories, but just like that. Even if the distance between us is thousands of miles, they still never forget us. Maternal love and self-sacrifice formed the basis of many legends, tales, poems and novels. They say less about father’s love, but this does not mean that it is not as great as mother’s love. It's just that men are very stingy in expressing their feelings, and their affection is less noticeable, but you can’t deceive a child’s heart anyway.

What to give dad

Today is your father’s anniversary, and you don’t know what to give dad a birthday, how to show his feelings, make him happier, express his gratitude, appreciation, respect through a gift? Remember that your attention and desire to please him is very important. Enough of kind words, a sincere smile and a strong hug, but you want to hand something special to him, you want the surprise to come to a place, pleased him so that dad could feel your care and all your efforts. Such a gift will show that you know exactly what parents want, what they dream about, what they are fond of. There is an opinion that men do not like surprises and gifts very much, that they can even be presented with just money in an envelope, but this is not entirely true. Each person will be incredibly happy with a gift made from the heart.

Thinking about what to give dad for his birthday, try to remember all his hobbies. If he takes care of himself, is fond of sports, then he will definitely appreciate the brand new bike. Loves fishing? A set of new gear, a fishing rod or a hiking backpack will come in handy. Hunter? A new tent or bedding will always come in handy. There are many more options for giving dad a birthday. This can be chess, car covers, wine glasses, a bottle of your favorite wine, a ticket to the resort or a DVR. Fans of jokes will definitely appreciate the game of bottles, chess stacks or the game of darts. An original flask will be a great gift. Especially if you make an engraving on it, "The best man in the world." It is convenient to take a flask with you, in hot weather it will help quench your thirst, and in cool weather it will help you keep warm thanks to a strong drink. You can give a good massager or office chair if the head of the family works a lot at the computer. The main thing is that the surprise really reflects the interests of the father. If you are at a loss with a choice and don’t know what to give dad for your birthday, you can always consult with your mom, discuss possible options with her, and maybe even buy one more valuable present.

DIY gift

You must admit that there is no greater pleasure than looking at the smiles of your loved ones. If you are still wondering what to give dad for your birthday, you can make the best present with your own hands ! It can be just a very bright beautiful postcard, a keychain. The original gift will be a T-shirt with a family photo or pleasant words, a mug, a magnetic photo. In addition, you can order a personal calendar or compose a fairy tale, especially if the family has small children. A grandson or granddaughter will gladly read a fairy tale to his grandfather, and your father will melt from such an unusual congratulation.

Instead of a conclusion

You can still list for a long time what to give dad for his birthday, how to choose a surprise and how to present it, but most importantly, all this should be done from the heart. You must really want to bring joy to your father, to see his sincere smile. Having looked at something interesting, imagine his surprised and enthusiastic face, his shining eyes, and you will immediately understand what exactly the most important man in your life will like.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21135/

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