Projects of two-story houses: options, photos

The development of construction does not stand still, in our time the fashion for cottages of several floors is growing. Separately, it is worth mentioning that many companies build two-story houses with a garage according to customer projects. This means that there is no limit to your imagination. Let's figure out the most basic points that should be considered when planning a country house.

House with a garage

Relevance of the building

Currently, the construction of a two-story house is not an innovation. Not only residential premises, but also many industrial and commercial buildings are being built precisely in this design. As a rule, cottages with two floors are built with a combined garage. Such buildings are now the most popular among all houses.

We will understand why the planning data in our time is chosen by the largest number of people who want to have their own home.

Firstly, the justification of the construction on the part of budget savings. Two-story structures, compared to one-story ones, require a smaller footprint and an installed roof. Accordingly, the construction of such buildings requires less cash costs. Saving a budget is the main goal that every developer pursues.

Secondly, the occupied area on the site of such houses is much smaller than that of a similar one-story building. The cost of land today is not as small as we would like, as a result of which the conservation of square meters of a building site is very important.

And the last but not least aspect when choosing a layout is security. Each person is more comfortable sleeping on the second floor than on the first. Also, for greater protection, it is possible to install an alarm on the lower tier, while the upper rooms will be free.

Arrangement of floors

As a rule, each of the levels of the structure is divided into separate zones. In the layout of two-story cottages, double zoning is used: 1 - for the everyday, awake state of residents; 2 - a zone for rest (sleep).

The lower floor is mainly used to equip the kitchen, bathroom, guest room. An approximate placement of furniture can be seen in the photo of the project of a two-story house. Older people will be very comfortable and comfortable living on the ground floor. For them there is no need to climb stairs and endanger themselves to stumble and fall.

Ground floor plan with garage

Very often two-story houses are erected with a garage, which is attached to the main structure of the building.

The second floor is the personal space of the owners of the home. Nothing here should disturb people on vacation after a long day's work. It has a bedroom and a separate bathroom. Thus, it turns out a kind of small apartment. A great addition will be a separate wardrobe or pantry.

Building style selection

Separately, it is worth mentioning that when choosing the design of the future home, it is necessary to choose the style in which the building will be created. In this matter, the fantasy is limitless. Many modern design services companies can fulfill any requests of their clients.

The future owner of his own suburban two-story house has a huge selection of ready-made styles from classic to newfangled hi-tech.

Two-storey house on a small square

If it’s hard for you to come up with an image of the home, then as an option a ready-made project with minor modifications and changes to suit your taste is suitable. Almost all companies meet their customers, therefore, there will be no problem choosing the style of a two-story house. Even the most daring ideas can be translated into reality.

On the second floor

What can be the upper rooms in a house under construction? One of the options for architectural performance is a floor with an attic. If you are not limited by the choice, then you need to understand the possible options.

  1. Floor with full lighting. This performance is classic - flat and straight ceiling. The attic is cold, without the use of insulation. In this case, the roof can be viewed from the inside. The space under the roof can be used to store things that are not afraid of temperature extremes.
  2. The attic floor . The ceiling with this version of the arrangement has a slope and a rather complicated shape. The roof is finished with heat-insulating material. The disadvantage of this type of construction is the lack of an attic space, respectively, for storage of things you need a pantry, which will significantly reduce the floor area. Roof windows will be a source of additional lighting. A positive aspect is the cheapness of the structure. For the construction they use high-quality and durable materials that will not lose their properties over time.

Materials for the home

One of the important issues in the construction of a two-story house will be the choice of basic material for the construction of load-bearing walls and ceilings together with the roof. The main points to use are:

  1. Strength - the ability of a material to maintain its properties for a long time. If this factor corresponds to the design of your home, then without special fear you can purchase exactly the materials indicated in the plan. In this matter, it is worth contacting specialists who will talk about all the nuances in using this or that material. What to choose, foam blocks or aerated concrete, in which cases it is worth replacing kripich with ceramics or an analog. A professional in construction will perfectly understand all this.
  2. Heat retention. One of the important qualities of modern two-story houses in our regions. Walls must be made in such a way that the operation of the premises is accompanied by minimal heat energy. Therefore, before replacing some materials with others, it is worth checking whether it corresponds to the thermotechnical properties. Perhaps, a change in the plan will not be required, otherwise, additional insulation of the supporting structure will be necessary.

Nowadays, classic brick is used as the main material for the construction of walls. Many begin to use ceramic blocks, which are characterized by increased strength and environmental friendliness. Building a house from such elements takes a relatively less amount of time due to the size of the blocks.

To better maintain heat in the premises, aerated concrete bars of small sizes are used. It tolerates bad weather and all climatic fluctuations. A good point is durability. Walls made of such material are not subject to decay, due to their microclimate inside porous blocks.

The use of foam blocks

The most environmentally friendly, but at the same time expensive and troublesome are houses made of natural wood. Such cottages to a greater extent support the life and comfort of the home. Unlike log performance, the assembly of the beams is much faster.

Wooden house

Frame houses

In the modern world, construction time is a very important aspect. The construction of a two-story frame house differs from a traditional building in the speed of work, ease of manufacture and not significant financial investments. Demand for frame structures is growing every year. Especially widespread such a performance in the buildings on the projects of two-story houses 9 to 9. At the same time, the service life of the housing exceeds one century.

Frame assembly

Before creating a plan or project for a frame structure, it is worth considering some key points. By observing these rules, you will significantly save on work, and the quality of the house will not be inferior to similar structures made of bricks or concrete blocks.

  1. The cost of construction is directly proportional to the number of partitions in the premises.
  2. If you do the internal work yourself, a two-story house will cost much less, and will not "cost a pretty penny."

Construction control

During the construction of the cottage, you must monitor the construction process yourself. In case of contentious issues, resolve them locally. Consider the main points in the construction:

  • materials should be purchased only from reliable suppliers, and their quality should be at a high level;
  • after completion of work, the construction company is obliged to draw up documents for the warranty period, which should not be less than 3 years;
  • look at the company’s website and get acquainted with the completed orders, read reviews on completed projects of two-story houses by the developer;
  • the owner should have one copy of the building planning documents in hand (in print);
  • it is necessary that the organization has existed for at least 8 years, with a high reputation among competitors.

Given these tips, building your personal cottage will not be a big deal.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to discuss the pros and cons of two-story houses at present.


  • there is the possibility of saving on the roof and insulation between floors;
  • the total cost per square meter is much lower than that of a one-story building;
  • in the cold season, the upper floor is slightly warmer and drier;
  • excellent view of the world around, as a result, you can admire the beauty of nature from above;
  • the appearance of the building is more prestigious and more beautiful.
    Doi from a brick

Against the background of the positive aspects, we consider the disadvantages of two-story houses:

  • the working area is smaller due to the stairs to the second floor, while the cost of another bathroom is increased;
  • the cost of the foundation for the construction of such cottages is greater than for low houses;
  • in hot weather, the top floor will be very stuffy (this drawback is eliminated by applying a simple rule - a wall on the south side, windows on the north side);
  • most of the time the first floor is used.

When designing your country house, consider these nuances. But at the same time, create a two-story house that is ideal for you and your family. Particularly popular in our time are houses made of wood. They look very expensive and great. In their appearance, the builder’s manual work is visible, which adds solidity to the building.


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