Cable for heating pipes self-regulating: overview, types, installation features and reviews

In order to eliminate the failure of pipelines in regions with cold winters, a heating cable is laid. Such systems regulate operation depending on external temperature conditions, which ensures the maintenance of a normal flow of water through pipes. They are located underground, for example, in the case of plumbing and sewer systems.

The main types of heating cables

self-adjusting cable for heating pipes

As the main element of any cable network for heating pipes, a heating cable acts, which can be one of two varieties: resistive heating and self-regulating cable. In the first case, we are talking about products that have a lower cost and are simple. Due to this, they can be used in everyday life when arranging underfloor heating systems and heating pipes of insignificant diameter, the last parameter cannot exceed the figure of 40 mm.

If we consider a self-regulating heating cable, then it is most often used when heating pipes and tanks, the diameter of which exceeds 40 mm. This also includes external electrical panels, gutters and roofs. A unique feature that a self-regulating cable has is the ability to heat or cool in accordance with changes in temperature, without the need for temperature sensors and electronic controls.

Overview of Key Features

heating cable self-regulating for pipe heating

The self-regulating cable for heating pipes is based on a conductive matrix, which has the form of a continuous carbon-based polymer element. The conductive characteristics vary with temperature when the thermometer creeps down. At a specific site, the current increases, the released heat power becomes more intense. When the temperature rises, the process occurs in the reverse order.

Considering the cable scheme, we can distinguish the main elements, among them:

  • parallel conductors;
  • thermostatic shell;
  • metal braid.

Conductors are made of large quantities of copper conductors, which guarantee constant voltage along the entire cable length. The thermostatic shell isolates and protects products from moisture and abrasion. A metal braid shields, grounds and protects the conductors, as well as the matrix from mechanical damage. Self-regulating cables have many advantages over resistive cables .

Reviews of simplicity and cost-effectiveness

heating cable self-regulating for pipe heating price

Choosing a self-regulating cable for heating pipes, consumers note that when the external temperature decreases, the thermal output is reduced, this allows you to reduce energy consumption and refuse to use temperature sensors. Among other things, thermostats also do not need to be installed, because the cable can be directly connected to the electrical network. Sometimes buyers emphasize that a self-regulating cable has a more impressive price compared to resistive analogs, but the use of the former is justified, because operating costs are reduced. If there is no water or ice in the pipe, the use of a cable eliminates icing and reduces the power consumption by half.

Benefit Reviews

self-regulating cable for heating pipes Price

The self-regulating cable for heating pipes, according to customers, has many advantages, among them it should be highlighted:

  • high resistance to voltage surges;
  • ability to self-regulate;
  • the ability to cut the cable into pieces of the desired length.

It is worth noting also the fact that resistive cables imply the need for a uniform medium along the entire length, which is difficult to provide in practice. This quite often contributes to overheating of the product and the failure of the entire system. While the self-regulating pipe heating cable is able to reduce the temperature in areas with less heat sink, the temperatures in other sections remain unchanged. Such cables do not burn when the voltage rises, which allows them to be used for a long period.

Consumers note that it is possible to overlap, which is required when heating shut-off and control equipment. When comparing with resistive cables, consumers note that self-regulating can be cut, while the former have a fixed length. However, this parameter reaches a maximum of 150 m.

Cable installation

self-regulating cable for heating pipes

A self-regulating heating cable for heating pipes can be installed in two ways, one of them assumes an internal location. This method is used in the presence of pipes with a diameter that does not exceed 50 mm. In this case, there will be no access to the pipe, which refers to functioning pipelines underground. In this case, the cable must be pushed into the pipe, its length should be equal to the length of the pipe.

Indoor installation specialist advice

self-regulating cable for heating pipes freezstop

A self-regulating cable for heating pipes, the installation of which can be carried out according to the technology of internal installation, must be output for connection to the power supply using a special coupling. This technology is not applied if the pipeline transports drinking water.

Features of external installation

With this installation, the cable must be fixed on the surface of the pipe. The length may be equal to the length of the pipe or be slightly longer, it will all depend on the way in which the cable is laid. If a linear installation method is used, the cable and pipe lengths should be equal. This technology is relevant with a small pipeline diameter. If this parameter is impressive, then it is permissible to lay the second cable, placing it on the other side. It is worth recognizing that the second method is more effective.

Self-regulating heating cable for pipe heating can be laid in a spiral way, while the cable length will be longer than the pipe length. Laying is carried out around in a spiral. This method is used for pipes of medium or impressive diameter.

Mount Features

In the two cases described above, the cable is fastened with aluminum tape. When a self-regulating cable for heating pipes is laid, the price of which will be mentioned in the article, it is important to ensure uniform heat distribution. To do this, after fixing the cable, you need to wrap the pipe with aluminum tape. To reduce heat loss and guarantee greater efficiency of the system, it is necessary to use insulation material.


It is important to choose a cable not only by manufacturer, but also by cost. For example, a self-regulating cable for heating Freezstop pipes will cost 1000 rubles, while the length of one section can vary from 1 to 20 m, while the length of the installation wire is 3 m. The maximum possible operating temperature reaches +65 ° C, whereas the minimum installation temperature is -15 ° C.


Self-regulating heating cable for pipe heating, the price of which was mentioned above, is necessary in those areas where the system was not laid correctly, for example, not deep enough. Sometimes such heating is also required for piping systems that were not well insulated, have open areas and joints of internal and external sewage. It is best to choose a self-regulating heating cable for heating pipes, the price of which will be higher compared to resistive, but the work will be more effective.


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