Who is Cap and why is it so popular?

Using the Internet from time to time, you are probably wondering who Cap is. After all, mention of it can be seen in every second comment on the forum! Perhaps this is some kind of national hero of our time?

Well, you could say that. Have you ever been annoyed by people who broadcast in difficult situations about what everyone had known for a long time? And doing this with the appearance of the highest eastern Guru, telling you the Main Secret of the Universe. So, all these types and served as the basis for creating a new Internet superhero. Cap, comics about which flooded virtual space, is engaged in what helps people. And he does not require anything in return!

who is a cap

True, his help is peculiar. A striking example of the help of the cap to the population can be considered ex-President Medvedev, who, after coming to power, once said: "Freedom is better than lack of freedom." However, his colleague, George W. Bush (also ex-president), did not lag behind: how do you like the phrase “He is hiding”, which the president enlightened journalists? They wanted to know why Bin Laden is still at large, despite all the attempts of the American army to catch him.

In addition, to the question: “Who is Cap?” The satirical series “South Park” also responds well, in which the appearance of this amazing character can be seen in episode 11 of the 14th season. In the cartoon, under the guise of Cap, politicians and journalists are brutally ridiculed who, after the tragedy on the BP oil platform, smartly uttered empty and obvious phrases (and the jubilant crowd thanked him for them!). As you can see, Cap Evidence is not only a good hero.

cap comics

However, in most cases, the image of Cap is more acutely satirical. Thanking Cap in the comments, the man shows his disregard for the previous speaker, who revealed to everyone the secret of the open door. Unfortunately, there are more and more such people.

It must be remembered that the real Cap always utters after saying another profound thought “So-and-so”. In this, he differs from miserable amateurs who are only trying to imitate him. The difficulty in identifying the Captain lies in his exceptional ability to change his appearance. You never know for sure who he might pretend to be next time! So the question is: “Who is Cap?” so far, it can be considered an unsolved mystery of our time.

cap evidence

But why did Cap turn out to be such a popular hero that the whole world knows? The thing is that the appearance of Cap gives a chance to defuse the situation. In addition, with the help of the Captain, you can briefly and concisely characterize a person who is trying to pass for smart. At the same time, he says many well-known things, dreaming of hiding his ignorance.

In this case, the Captain hurries to the rescue and puts the presumptuous insolent in place. Knowing who Cap is, you can accurately answer your opponent in a dispute. Of course, the frequent use of the name of Cap does not lead to anything good, since you yourself can turn into it. Do not overdo it!

So, after learning about the secret of Cap, you can more confidently feel in a polemic of any complexity, easily answering the most tricky questions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E21141/

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