In what cases is the drug "Bioparox" prescribed for children

The drug "Bioparox" is a local antibiotic that has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is often prescribed in the treatment of childhood colds. But let's find out how safe it is to give the Bioparox medication to children.

What is treated with Bioparox?

The main advantage of this drug is that its effect as an antibiotic is of local importance. This means that it does not enter the intestines and is not absorbed into the blood, therefore it does not disturb the microflora and does not require the simultaneous use of medications to correct it.

Bioparox for children
The drug "Bioparox" suspends the activity of bacteria that are sensitive to it, causing tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis. It also relieves edema, reduces the amount of discharge from the sinuses and other signs of inflammation. Doctors prescribe the Bioparox medication to children if they are often sick, and they can hardly tolerate diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs. But it is worth knowing that the sooner treatment measures are taken, the sooner the long-awaited recovery will be.

Apply this drug as a prophylaxis of infections after tonsillectomy. The timely action of this drug in exacerbation of chronic adenoiditis will help to avoid the growth of adenoids. The use of the Bioparox medication for the treatment of sinusitis is very common.

Features of the use of the drug "Bioparox" for children

Bioparox for children price

Children very often get a cold, especially when they start going to kindergarten, where any infection spreads quickly, or during the winter cold and spring vitamin deficiency. There are many reasons for diseases of the ENT organs, and pediatricians often recommend using the Bioparox drug for children to treat them. However, it has a number of contraindications. It can not be used for babies prone to allergic reactions. Under the age of 2.5 years, cases of laryngospasm are possible when air does not enter the lungs due to edema of the upper respiratory tract. Since this medication is available in the form of a spray, you need to take into account the age of the child and his ability to hold his breath during inhalation.

Bioparox child 2 years

For example, if the baby is already freely regulating its respiratory rhythm, you can give the drug "Bioparox" to the child. 2 years is such an age when this tool can be used only as directed by a doctor. In some cases, after consulting with parents, pediatricians recommend taking this medication to one and a half year old babies.

How to use Bioparox spray

It is very convenient to use this medicine, because it has nozzles for the nose and mouth. In case of use in the nasal passages, you should first blow your nose thoroughly, and then inhale to produce 2-4 injections into each nostril. To use the drug in the pharyngeal cavity, you first need to clear your throat well, remove unwanted sputum, and then inhalate by inhaling the spray as deep as possible into the bronchi.

Those who are interested in the described drug should be interested in its cost. It is relatively low, because the price for the Bioparox drug for children ranges from 350-450 rubles. For such a moderate amount, you can buy a very effective tool for the treatment of colds at an early stage.


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