Simple wall plastering: composition, application technique, permissible thickness

Almost everyone at least once in his life did repairs on his own. This is an incredibly long and complicated process, especially for beginners. One of the stages is wallpapering, but previously, according to SNiP, simple wall plastering is necessary.

The procedure is used to level the surface and in order to protect buildings from external influences. Plaster can be used as a basis for further decoration or as a main wall covering. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the application technique, as well as with possible options for work.

The composition of the mortar for wall plaster

The solution is able to mix in different proportions. It all depends on the features of the structure in which the composition is used. In addition, the experience of the master himself, who plans to make repairs, plays an important role.

Wall plastering

Of course, now in the hardware store you can find a huge variety of mixes for plaster, which you only need to fill with water. But they will cost much more than a solution prepared with your own hands. Especially this nuance will be important for those who need to plaster a large surface, and the budget is limited.

There are several types of simple wall plasters.

Clay mortar

This kind of composition of simple plaster is most often used in dry rooms to align the walls of stones, bricks, adobe and wood. The process of mixing the clay solution is quite long, since the source material must be soaked in advance. The dry mass should be cleaned and filled with water. After this, mix the composition and leave for about a day, maybe more. If after 24 hours the consistency does not resemble sour cream, add a little more water.

After that, it is necessary to pass the composition through a sieve so that no solid particles remain. When all the previous procedures are done, you need to add sand to the solution. Such a composition can be stored for a rather long time, and in order for it to come back into working form, it will be necessary to add water.

Limestone and gypsum mortar

This solution is used for plastering fiberboard, stone and wooden walls, as well as for foundations in a room with normal humidity.

To mix such a composition in huge quantities is not recommended, because due to the presence of gypsum, the mass rapidly hardens.

Plastering process

Gypsum-gypsum mortar must be applied within 10-15 minutes. If it froze, then you do not even need to think about how to dilute it with water, as it could be done with clay.

For the correct preparation of the solution, it is necessary to fill the gypsum in a container with water and stir until the state of thick sour cream. Next, add limestone to the finished mixture. The mixture must be used within a short time.


This solution is used to align walls and ceilings in dry rooms. When the composition dries, it changes its tone from gray to white. If you choose this type of solution, it must be borne in mind that it does not differ in special strength. But its peculiarity is that the composition dries out not in 10-15 minutes, but in 2-3 hours.

In order to prepare the mixture, it is necessary to pass the milk of lime through a sieve, then gradually add sand and mix at the same time. And after that, the solution is again passed through a sieve to get a homogeneous mass.

Limestone and cement mortar

This species is considered universal. The cement mortar is plastic, but sets in about two days.

It can be done in two ways: mix cement and sand, then add milk of lime, or it is possible to mix the lime dough with sand and water, then cement, and as a result, everything is mixed to a homogeneous mass.

Stucco technique

The process of plastering is divided into several stages.

Initially, you need to align the walls. The second stage of construction work is the establishment of lighthouses. This procedure is extremely important for further work. Lighthouses are small devices - slats that help you navigate when applying plaster. They are attached to the wall with a plaster mixture.

The next, that is, the third stage will be "spray". This is a rough coat of plaster. Its main function is to provide good adhesion between the wall and the subsequent layer. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the thickness of the "spray" should be less than 5 mm.

The solution in its consistency should resemble a thin sour cream. This layer does not require leveling, it serves to close all cracks and splits.

The fourth stage is the application of soil, the main layer of plaster. The mixture should be thicker than in the previous step. The thickness of simple plaster is from 10 to 20 mm.

The penultimate stage is called β€œnakryvka”, that is, all irregularities should be smoothed out. And the final stage will be grouting. No solution is used here. The master must manually smooth out all the irregularities in the plaster in a circular motion.

Decorative plastering techniques

If it was decided to use plaster as the main wall covering, then most likely you will want to do this in an unusual way. There are several common and very easy application techniques.

Venetian plaster

This technique is performed using a rubber or metal spatula. The plaster is applied in thin layers 5-7 times.

Venetian plaster

Apply and mash the layers in different directions. Due to this technique, in light from different angles, the plaster will look like silk.

Relief application

If there is no experience, but you want to create a beautiful embossed wall, then there is an easy option for applying plaster. It is best to use a notched trowel.

Relief application

First, the first layer is applied, it must be even, the subsequent ones are made in circular or semicircular movements.

other methods

Another option for applying the simplest decorative plaster is a print. It is made using a plastic film. Here you can apply your imagination: you can use the film in a rolled up, expanded or crumpled form. It should be applied to wet soil, after drying, remove the film. The result is a beautiful and unique pattern.

Print option

A method of applying plaster using a metal trowel is now becoming popular. This method is called "bark beetle". To make a beautiful textured pattern, you can apply plaster from left to right, from top to bottom, in circular motions. And, of course, the easiest way is to buy a special roller and just walk along the walls.

Plastering process

Do not forget that you can decorate your walls in any way, since this is not a wallpaper with an already created picture. You can make the wall plain or even draw something special.

For example, there is a great way to make an unusual drawing yourself:

  1. Get wallpaper with a pattern that you like.
  2. Cut this pattern carefully using scissors.
  3. Then attach wallpaper with cut out patterns to the wall, where 2-3 even layers of plaster are applied.
  4. Apply another layer of plaster over the wallpaper. As a result, when removing wallpaper, you can get the desired pattern on the wall.

But such work requires some skill, so you can pre-train on any part of the wall.


Wall plaster is currently quite popular. It can be found in a variety of variations. Someone is ready to pay a rather large amount to the master so that everything in his home is beautiful and neat, others take everything into their own hands and make repairs on their own. And often they do it no worse than experienced masters.

Stucco wall

However, it must be borne in mind that not everyone has sufficient knowledge and skills for the correct execution of work. Often, ignoring elementary rules, you can not only do a poor job, but also spoil the entire wall, which will entail additional costs for subsequent repairs.

Therefore, if there are doubts about the implementation of simple plastering, it is recommended that you immediately contact specialists who can complete the work as soon as possible, and the owner will only have to enjoy the finished result.


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