Nature and description of the toy poodle breed

Choose a dog for yourself? Want the smartest and most beautiful, sweetest and most obedient? Then pay attention to the poodle breed. These are charming creatures with curly, soft hair and great intelligence. They come in different colors - from red to black. It is generally accepted that this breed gets along very well with children and lends itself perfectly to training. Remember at least circus poodles that easily perform complex tricks.

toy poodle breed description

The largest representative of this family

This, of course, is a royal poodle. Description of the breed can be continued indefinitely, especially considering the fact that many people who once kept poodle houses are infinitely in love with this breed. It should be noted that the big poodle is the calmest representative of this species. They are less energetic than the others, but they love their master also selflessly. His height is about 40 cm at the withers, and weight can reach about 20 kg. A wonderful friend who can take part in games and sleep peacefully while you are at work. These dogs are less likely to cause allergic reactions, which also contributes to their popularity.

Small poodle

It would seem, what is the difference between them? However, while studying the material, we stumbled upon the fact that the American club recognized a small poodle as a separate breed. The description of the breed suggests that it is, in fact, a small copy of the dogs described above. Although they are distinguished not only by size, but also by higher mobility. That is, it will take much more time to spend on playgrounds. Small poodle grows up to 38 cm in height, and weight should be from 6 to 8 kg. Dogs are very easy to learn and will happily perform any tricks for you. Some distinguish medium poodles, but they are not a separate breed. These are two names for the same dog.

toy poodle breed description

Dwarf poodle

These are exactly the charming crumbs that we wanted to talk about today. In a small apartment, the size of the pet matters: the smaller your dog, the more free space it will have. Cute creatures are very similar to plush toys and will quickly earn the love of the whole family. Dogs up to 28 cm tall and weighing up to 6 kg are proudly called dwarf poodle. The breed description necessarily marks such a detail. The color of the nose of this crumbs will necessarily coincide with the colors of the coat. This looks especially funny with light representatives of the breed. However, a lightened nose is considered an undesirable sign.

How will your miniature poodle grow ? Description of the breed emphasizes their extraordinary intelligence and attentiveness, the ability to focus on the main thing. If you have ever had a poodle, then this is your breed forever.

small poodle breed description

Similarities and differences

The difference between them is not so dramatic that it was impossible to see kinship. In fact, dwarf or toy dogs are just a smaller poodle. The description of the breed, the nature of its representatives, of course, are of interest to those who are going to get such a dog. These are the descendants of the retriever, they inherited his brain, energy and sense of humor. These are lively, loving and fairly calm dogs. Caring for your hair will take a lot of your time, you need to be prepared for this. And the poodle himself will be very bored if the owner does not pay attention to him.

Toy poodle

Today there is a confusion between the two names of the same breed. Miniature creatures are called dwarf. As already mentioned, they reach a maximum of 28 cm at the withers. In this case, individual representatives, the smallest, not reaching 25 cm at the withers, are called pocket, or toy poodles. Translated, this means "toy."

dwarf poodle breed description

The history of dwarf creation

And we have to study the description of the breed of toy poodle. And we begin by looking at how these crumbs were bred. Any attempt to figure out the past of this dog will lead you to a standstill. Selection has been conducted since time immemorial. And to get a modern look, I had to use dozens of different bloods. In their relatives, a large number of hunters can be traced - from greyhounds to water dogs.

Established standard

Now we must consider the actual description of the breed. A toy poodle is a small, but very sympathetic, okay and well-built dog. But the most important thing is, of course, her character. Exceptional kindness and love for everyone around - this is the breed that has received recognition. If you have children, then this curly creature will be the best gift for them.

The dog’s head is small. The standard defines the proportion according to which its length should correspond to part of the growth at the withers. The head is not massive, but not light, with an occipital tubercle. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, the muzzle itself is dense.

Description of the toy poodle breed shows us a very fine, neat dog. She should have a well-developed nose. Almond-shaped eyes set moderately oblique. Ears are hanging, long, slightly expanding downward.

royal poodle breed description

Body structure

The neck is very elegant, not long. Rather, it is medium in size. The back is short, with a strong lower back. The description of the toy poodle breed makes it clear to us that, despite its modest size, it is not a toy at all, but an active and hardy dog. The chest is medium-sized, its front end protrudes slightly forward. The lower part of the sternum is approximately at the level of the elbows. The stomach is moderately tightened. As a rule, the tail is docked, but today its length is not a disadvantage.


Gentle, small, defenseless - it is these epithets that usually pop up in your memory when you have a charming toy poodle in front of you. The description of the breed makes it possible to understand that, despite the touching appearance, these crumbs are very dependent on physical activity. They have limbs with well-developed muscles. Despite their small size, they can withstand a significant load. The paws are oval, and the pads are collected in a lump.


How do you see a toy poodle? Description of the breed characterizes these crumbs as follows. This is an exclusively pet. A doggie becomes attached to a person very strongly and depends on him primarily emotionally. On walks, he does not devote time to talking with other dogs. For him, only you exist.

poodle breed description character

Relationship with children

Representatives of this breed are completely devoid of aggressiveness. However, they are very sensitive to aggression in their turn. These are gentle and kind dogs that do not expect insults from you. In relation to strangers, the dwarf poodle is incredulous. However, this is not an attempt to show aggression or expect a trick. Most likely, the poodle simply does not perceive the alien as the owner. These are monogamous people who really need the one who raised him.


Everything that is listed above makes it clear that when raising an animal, it is necessary to choose exclusively positive stimulation methods. Gentle crumbs love praise very much and can become isolated if force is applied to them. These are very smart creatures. In principle, a poodle can well do without professional training. Their mind more than once leads dog handlers to the conclusion that this is the most intellectually developed dog among all. Both children and adults will be delighted with communication with the poodle. However, you need to control the smallest, because inaccurate behavior can injure the baby or make the impressionable baby nervous and shy.


The young poodle is very active. He will constantly explore the whole space, constantly move. It is simply impossible to catch sleeping. Very often, these crumbs bark loudly and loudly. With age, this goes away. It is only necessary to survive the juvenile period. In general, a balanced and calm dog can show protective qualities only to protect its owner. He is everything to her, the whole world, and, despite the small size, the toy poodle will selflessly hold the defense. But if you have other dogs, then get ready for jealousy.

Pet Care

We are almost done telling what a toy poodle is. The breed description (photos of representatives we provide in the article) also includes information on how to care for the crumbs at home. Particular attention is required wool. About once a week you will need to pick up a brush and scissors. Having previously bought a pet, you can proceed to gently comb out. I must say that a poodle of any size loves water, so it will not be difficult. This is due to their hunting past, when dogs got game out of the water.

miniature poodle breed description

Haircut shape

Here, each owner decides for himself. The easiest way is to evenly cut the hair evenly and comb with a thick comb. But for exhibitions there are much more options. As a rule, a β€œlion” haircut is always chosen when a lush mane and balls on the legs are left. The rest of the coat is carefully shaved. However, today there are different haircuts at exhibitions, and a dog that is cut short has equal chances with real models.

For a haircut it is not at all necessary to turn to professional grinders every time. It is enough to see once how a specialist brings beauty to your pet, and then you can do it yourself.


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