Moscow Big Ring - all about the "betonka"

We will try to cover a wide range of information about the MBK: the opinions of drivers about the road, the history of its construction and a detailed description, reconstruction plans and already done things to modernize the highway.

Moscow Big Ring

This is the ring road of the Moscow region, the federal highway A108, also passing through the Vladimir and Kaluga region. On the way of MBK come across cities:

  • Balabanovo;
  • Voskresensk;
  • Dmitrov;
  • Wedge;
  • Kurovskoye;
  • Likino-Dulyovo;
  • Mikheevo;
  • Orekhovo-Zuevo;
  • Ruza;
  • Sergiev Pasad.

Moscow Big Ring, reconstruction

This transit road with a length of more than 550 km is of great regional importance - it helps to avoid a busy Moscow junction. One of the names - "concrete" - the road received because of its asphalt-concrete pavement laid on concrete slabs. The width of the route varies from 7 to 15 m, and the overpass in front of Likino-Dulyovo has control arches that limit the height of passing vehicles to 3.8 m. However, there are also options for getting around them.

The most remarkable road constructions of the ICD:

  • bridge over the channel to them. Moscow;
  • a bridge over the Ozerninsky reservoir;
  • junction with the Yaroslavl highway;
  • viaducts over the directions of the Transsib.

MBK History

Moscow Big Ring was built in 1950-1960. by and large for military purposes - the missile defense of the capital. That's why concrete slabs were laid so that the track could withstand rocket tractors with a minimum weight of 40 tons.

But soon ordinary Soviet citizens began to use the convenient road more and more often. Therefore, in the eighties, covering the slab with asphalt, the Moscow Big Ring was made a general-purpose highway, and the movement of personal vehicles on it became quite legal for itself. In 1991, the track was first marked on automobile maps.

Reconstruction of the MBK

In recent years, a lot of repair and restoration work has been done at MBK:

  • 2014: construction of a highway on the territory of the second stage of the Dimitrov bypass;
  • 2016: construction of overpasses in the sections of the Ryazan-Kashirskoye highway, Minsk-Volokamsk highway; Overhaul of A108 in the Dmitrov-Yaroslavl direction.

Moscow Big Ring

In 2017, the Moscow Big Ring reconstruction overtook in the section from the village of Stenino to the intersection with the Volga highway (M7). Overpasses are also under construction on the sections of the Yaroslavl-Gorky highway, Kashirsk-Simferopol highway.

Drivers opinions on the track

Moscow Big Ring reviews from car enthusiasts and professional drivers has a variety of. Among the advantages of the road, they note the following:

  • comfortable ride in the summer;
  • almost complete absence of traffic jams (if you are not lucky to meet with a "flock" of trucks);
  • wide curb;
  • friendliness of drivers;
  • relatively even coverage.

But at the same time, there are a lot of minuses, both local and general:

  • hidden traffic police posts along the route;
  • in places the road is narrow, with holes;
  • "eternal" continuous;
  • driving in winter requires great care: the road is slippery, with ice;
  • the route has three steep descents, a dangerous climb in the weather near Semenovsky;
  • a large number of signs prohibiting overtaking;
  • unsuccessful intersection with the Leningradskoye Shosse to Klin - a difficult intersection, high probability of traffic jams;
  • level crossings, significantly increasing the travel time;
  • because of the movement in a circle, the distance seems psychologically larger.

Moscow big ring reviews

In general, the Moscow Central Ring to this day remains a popular and vibrant federal road for both ordinary motorists and professionals. In addition, after the reconstruction and modernization of three sections of the route is expected to increase its comfort. However, drivers wish the reconstruction of a qualitatively different plan - the expansion of the "concrete".


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