The most coveted woman in the world. Top most beautiful and sexy women

Beauty, including women, is a relative concept. “To whom the mare is a bride,” as Ostap Bender rightly remarked. One man finds the girl fragile and elegant, the other - skinny and awkward. And such a range of ratings will be present even in a group of close friends. And what can we say about representatives of different peoples, races, generations?

Beauty is a relative concept

The concept of "the most desirable woman in the world", strictly speaking, does not make sense at all. A girl who is considered to be a beautiful European will probably not seem very attractive to a Hindu or a Somali. And the most charming woman of the Bushmen tribe, a local conqueror of hearts, will cause the Englishman or Russian, at best, a feeling of deep surprise, to say the least.

The beauty of the Paleolithic age does not become less attractive to fellow tribesmen from the fact that we, distant descendants, contemptuously wrinkle our nose: "Fu, how does she look like a monkey." Therefore, in discussing who the most beautiful woman is, one must remember that this is just the opinion of a limited number of people and in a short period of time.

the most coveted woman in the world

From the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages

Perceptions of beauty have changed many times and dramatically. The best woman, according to the primitive troglodyte, is tall, large, large-chested and broad-hipped. This is exactly what statuettes that archaeologists find during excavations of ancient settlements look like.

But the ancient Spartans believed that the most interesting women should be slim and athletic. Only in a healthy body can there be a healthy, noble spirit.

The beauties of the Middle Ages are pale, anemic virgins, fragile, like the first spring flowers. Nothing in the guise of a beautiful lady was supposed to suggest sinful thoughts. Only pure, platonic admiration! Small mouth, flat chest, high forehead and inspired eyes. Therefore, the most fashionable women of the Middle Ages hid a figure under a specific cut in dresses, shaved eyebrows and a line of hair on their foreheads and drank a bite in order to maintain a delicate pale skin.

National standards

Around the same time, the Vikings believed that a real woman should be tall, strong and strong. It’s not only that the horse will stop racing, it will wrap him back in the stall, and even give it to him to run home faster.

The views of beauty among the Japanese are very fanciful. The sexiest women, in their opinion, have small breasts, tiny as cherry berries, mouths and are slightly lop-eared. And they must be graceful - even when they sleep. This is indeed a very important criterion that determines female attractiveness, while a European can easily forgive a woman for some clumsiness - a good figure would be .

The most beautiful woman

The most beautiful girl - for whom?

People's perceptions of beauty have changed many times. Obviously, this is not a manifestation of instinct or some kind of natural, natural craving for a certain type of appearance, due to objective necessity. The most beautiful woman is the one who matches fashion trends in this particular cultural environment. In the African tribe, this is a girl with the longest neck or the blackest teeth, in modern Europe - tall, thin, with a small nose and big eyes. The criteria changed along with people's ideas about beauty and morality, about the role of women in society. Now you can often hear that the stars 40-50 years. of the last century were too full, not to mention the characters in the paintings of Rubens or Kustodiev. Yes, there are still men for whom the best woman is a chubby fat woman, and not at all a model with a model appearance. It's a matter of taste. But there are fewer and fewer such ladies; fashion dictates a certain standard.

most popular women

Cinema is the best popularizer of fashion

But although there has always been a fashion for a certain type of appearance and figure, the world’s popularity of beauties began to be discussed only with the advent of cinema. After all, neither the most talented portrait, nor photography can convey the whole charm of a woman, and the number of people who saw the image is usually small. Whether it's a movie! Thousands, millions of people watch it. They fall in love with heroines, admire them, and crave them. The famous silent film beauty Vera Kholodnaya was one of the first stars in the modern sense of the word. Thousands of fans, the attention of journalists, initiations from artists and poets - all that a real star should rely on, including a tragic, romantic and rather short life.

30s - exquisite sophistication of true ladies

the best woman

Already in the 30s of the last century, it was possible to make the TOP of the most desired women in the world, using cinematic magazines. Just cut out photos from them and sign the names.

Grata Garbo and Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth and Vivien Leigh - these women were trendsetters and style, their faces appeared on the pages of magazines and on the front pages of newspapers. The whole world watched the ups and downs of their personal lives, sympathizing or gloating. Millions of letters of confession, crowds of fans, flashes of paparazzi cameras. The most popular women on the planet were known to everyone, even those who had never seen a single movie with their participation.

60s - time of charming women and talented actresses

sexiest women

Later, in the 60s, the languid fleur of sophisticated sophistication disappeared. He is a thing of the past, as are black and white films, a dramatic manner of playing and a fashion for ladies' hats. The most coveted woman of the world of that time, Merlin Monroe, was cheerful, cheerful and emphasized naively. It turned out that gentlemen prefer blondes, and blondes prefer diamonds. No double bottom, no vicious, secret depths. Playful, agile, charming, like a young cat, the actress gave rise to fashion for a new type of female sexuality. Of course, this does not mean at all that the actress herself was just that. Pretending to be who you really are not is the professional duty of any actor. But the image, the image was just that.

The 60s gave the world a galaxy of delightful ladies. The sexiest women of the time: Sophia Loren, Bridget Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, Catherine Deneuve. Among them were gifted actresses, there were - not too much. But the beauty and sexuality of the stars of the 60s still excites men. Merlin Monroe is still a sex symbol, even after decades. And many modern women seek to repeat her image, to recreate that very legendary charm.

Beauties of the 90s

top most desired women in the world

The 80-90s of the last century gave the world a fashion for self-confident, decisive women. Sports, martial arts and healthy eating determined the appearance of the main character of the film. The face type still resembles a 60s movie star: an upturned nose, puffy lips, something imperceptibly childish in the look. But the figure is already completely different. Broad shoulders, pronounced muscles of the gymnast, tight stomach and hips - it is clear that the most popular women of that time did a lot of active sports. The same trends are present, which is characteristic of clothing. Straight, deliberate shoulder line, narrowed hips, general androgyny of baggy silhouettes. In the 80s, it was not so easy to distinguish a women's jacket and trousers from a men's one. Of course, this did not apply to actresses at all, they were quite feminine and sexy. It was impossible to confuse them with men. But the popularity of a certain style was evident. The most famous women of that time, which were very popular, were Cindy Crawford, Brooke Shields, Kim Basinger, El MacPherson, Claudia Schiffer. Many of them came to the cinema from the catwalks. Someone is successful, someone is not too, just flashed a beautiful face a couple of times on the screen. And the type of these girls is obviously one.

Sexuality as a fashion industry

The second millennium brought with it yet another change in society's view of beauty. So there was a fashion for exceptional thinness, however, not in all places. It is desirable that painful harmony is accompanied by a lush bust. Naturalness has also come into fashion. If in the twentieth century, makeup was makeup, and hairstyles - hairstyles, then in the twenty-first century it is considered good form to look as if no efforts were made: the eyes are expressive by themselves, the lips are puffy, and the hair is full. However, the successes of cosmetic surgery and chemistry really now allow this effect to be achieved. And the eyes will become large, and the lips - more puffy, and the nose - chiseled. The main thing is to agree with the surgeon. The number of “corrected” persons on the covers of magazines makes appearance just another fashion trend. It seems that another couple of decades - and you can just change the appearance, fitting it under the next popular template.

Beauty without racial prejudice

But this does not mean at all that the girls who are popular now are just a stamped product. On the contrary, it was in the 21st century that a unified appearance style first stopped working. Now different, absolutely different from each other girls are popular, and this is wonderful.

Moreover, only in the 21st century, not only women with white skin participate in the struggle for the title “The Most Desired Woman in the World”. It seems that finally the words about equal rights and opportunities for all have become even a little closer to reality. On the covers of tabloids there are now many girls with coffee, copper, yellow, black skin. And they are all amazing!

The most attractive women of the twenty-first century

most interesting women

There are many lists designed to distribute serial numbers according to the degree of attractiveness of women. Every popular magazine, every major information company is engaged in this thankless task. Even Google became interested in the question, who is the most coveted woman in the world. And who should you believe, if not the leader in information retrieval? Google knows exactly whose photos they’re looking for more often and look longer than others.

So, the top ten most spectacular women according to Google is as follows:

  1. Inimitable Scarlett Johansson. A girl who can be on the screen as a child, and a superheroine, and a fatal beauty.
  2. Aishvaria Rai. This green-eyed Indian woman twenty years ago won the Miss World contest, but even now she looks simply stunning.
  3. Angelina Jolie. This is not only an excellent dramatic actress, but also an amazingly beautiful woman.
  4. Riana is an actress and talented singer.
  5. A little-known actress from Iran, Claudia Links.
  6. Jessica Alba. The owner of a gorgeous figure and huge expressive eyes.
  7. Florence Colgate. Her appearance in this rating surprises many, because this girl is not an actress or a singer at all, but a fast food seller.
  8. Temperamental Latina Eva Mendes.
  9. Supermodel, fashion model Gisele Bundchen.
  10. Favorite directors Penelope Cruz.


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