DIY crochet buttons

As a rule, knitted things with fasteners in the form of buttons bring the problem of their selection. It is very difficult to find the ideal option that is suitable specifically for this product. Therefore, it is better to go the simple way and create buttons with your own hands from the remnants of yarn. There are many different ways to make these buttons - crochet them very easily and quickly, and the thing will look amazing!

simple knit buttons for decoration

Materials and Tools

There are a huge number of methods for forming this hardware. These include covering of ready-made plastic buttons or the most suitable bases (coins, rings), knitting with crochet, crochet, independent flat products, and the manufacture of spherical buttons with padding.

various buttons

All buttons are suitable for tying, but light, plastic transparent, on legs are the best choice - they are invisible inside, they are easier to decorate and subsequently sew.

The hook must be taken smaller than the thickness of the yarn requires - knitting should be as dense as possible, without gaps in the base.

A needle with a large eye and beads for decoration are also useful.

Simple crochet buttons

You can knit them as you like - round, square, in the form of flowers, leaves, etc. Let's try to make a simple button with a crochet of thread, in the shape of a ball without a base.

Brightly tied buttons

We make a loop of yarn, twisting the end of the index finger in one turn clockwise (the tip of the thread on the left side). Grab the thread and pull into the resulting ringlet - this is the first loop. We knit another 9-10 single crochet and tightly tighten the free tail (carefully, without tearing). Close the row with a "blind" column. One lifting loop for the second row, single crochet stitches in each loop of the previous row, from each second loop we knit 2 such columns. Further, to tighten our button, it is necessary to knit one of the three loops of the second row. Connect with a "blind" column. Now we stretch a free piece of yarn inside out - it will be used as a packing. Using a needle, sew up the remaining space below and that's it, our button is ready!

button making process

If you need to create a larger button, you just need to add rows.

You can also crochet square buttons with small beads.

Firstly, we lower the beads to the string and move them away - we need it for the last row. We knit a ring of four air loops. In the first row we knit "2 pillars. Without strands, 2 air loops." From "to" repeat 4 cycles. The result was a square motif. Next - 1 air. loop and tie the perimeter of the pole. without nak. We add rows depending on the size of our button. We crochet the last row, add the beads through a certain distance and monitor their location on the front side. You can give additional rigidity by linking another motif without beads and stitching it with the first. We make a β€œleg” with a needle and thread - 2 loops on the bottom of the button are sewn with tight-fitting loops.

It is advisable to knit such buttons from cotton yarn - in this case, you do not need to make an additional basis.

Button in two colors of yarn

Now let's tie the button harder. For it, you can take a suitable plastic ring in size, but you can do without it, replacing it with multiple winding of threads on your finger.

constriction buttons

So, we do 8-10 turns of yarn on the index finger. We tie the resulting ring into single crochet columns, placing them very tightly together, trying to form a very rigid ring. We knit the next row with yarn of a different color, close with a half-column.

Now take a needle and thread and make jumpers inside the ring, stretching even stitches. We wrap them, tightly pulling the working thread. The button is ready - because of the interesting decorative look it can be used as an independent decoration. Based on this detail, it is possible to make buttons - flowers or geometric figures.

Tied buttons

Original accessories can become a bright accent in any knitted thing. We will now get to know how to crochet a button.

crochet buttons

Let's start this lesson with a small ring from the air. loops, and preferably from a free ring - this will make it possible to tightly tighten the middle of the circle. We knit with double crochet or crochet with the smallest size crochet, leaving no space between the loops. The work goes in a circle, with the constant addition of loops in each subsequent row to obtain a flat workpiece. We put a button or some prepared base inside and knit, reducing the number of loops. We cut the thread and hide the end of it inside the case. We take a needle and with it we tighten the last row.

You can decorate such homemade buttons with anything - beads, sequins, rhinestones, embroidery - to your taste and imagination.


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