How to plant and grow pepper seedlings at home?

Pepper is a frequently grown crop in vegetable gardens in our country. This plant is very demanding on growing conditions. In the Russian climate, it is quite difficult to ensure a high yield of this crop.

However, nothing is impossible. With proper preparation of seeds and seedlings for planting in the garden, you can achieve enviable results. To grow strong, healthy seedlings of pepper, you will need to consider a number of recommendations from experienced gardeners and gardeners. In this case, it will be possible to collect an abundant crop of delicious, juicy vegetables in their area.

Tips from experienced gardeners

Pepper seedlings at home can grow strong, resistant to diseases and adverse environmental factors, given the number of recommendations from experienced summer residents. The conditions of the domestic climate do not allow sowing the seeds of this culture directly into the open ground. Therefore, you will need to breed seedlings. This process has many nuances.

Green pepper in the garden

Pepper is a thermophilic plant. It is characterized by a long period of development, fruit ripening. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the timing for planting in accordance with existing climate features. Peppers are grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. The first option is suitable for the northern regions of our country. In open ground seedlings are planted mainly in the south and in the central part of Russia.

Many gardeners claim that the success of the entire enterprise depends on the right timing for planting, as well as appropriate care for young seedlings. Proper seed treatment, maintaining an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse are not the last favorable factors when growing pepper.

Experienced gardeners must choose the time to start this enterprise in accordance with the lunar calendar. Peppers for seedlings should be planted only on certain days. And this is not a joke. The moon has a significant impact on nature. Therefore, the advice of astrologers help to grow a bountiful harvest for everyone to envy.

It is important to choose the right variety of pepper itself. Its fruits can ripen at different times. If the warm period in the region is short, you need to choose precocious varieties. The warmer in the area where the cottage is located, the later the variety of pepper you can choose for cultivation. In the greenhouse, plants are usually grown that reach a considerable height during their development. Small bushes are suitable for open ground.

Timing for landing

Correctly determine the time for planting is not difficult, given the recommendations of gardeners and the lunar calendar. Planting pepper for seedlings is one of the most important stages in growing this crop. If you plant the seeds in the greenhouse too early, the sprouts will develop, filling their roots in a tight container. If they cannot be transplanted into open ground or even a greenhouse at the right time, the pepper will weaken. His roots will rot. As a result, such a plant will die.

Planting pepper seedlings in the ground

Too late planting of seeds may result in the fact that it will be impossible to harvest, as it simply does not ripen. Early cold will lead to the death of the future crop.

The choice of period for sowing depends on the variety of pepper. Early varieties develop faster. Therefore, their seeds are brought into the ground two months before transplanting seedlings into beds. Later varieties are somewhat behind in development speed. They need to be sown in small containers 2.5 months before transplanting seedlings in open ground.

You should also take into account the features of the methodology that the summer resident will apply in the process of growing his crop. Peppers can be planted in a heated greenhouse already in mid-April. For a greenhouse that will not be additionally heated, the period for planting pepper begins in May. In open ground, seedlings can be applied no earlier than in June. Suddenly returning cold can even destroy a hardened crop.

Gardeners agree that you need to plant pepper for seedlings in February. However, this rule does not apply to all regions of our country. Even in the southern regions, daylight hours are still too short. Young shoots will need additional lighting with a phytolamp. And this entails certain costs. Additional lighting will need to be turned on every day for 12 hours. Therefore, many summer residents begin planting pepper in the first days of spring.

Moon influence

The moon has a significant impact on the nature of our planet. We can see the ebbs and flows. Some people feel a little different on the full moon. Plants are sensitive to the phases of the moon. Therefore, this feature is taken into account by experienced gardeners. More than once they were able to verify the appropriateness of determining suitable dates for planting pepper on seedlings according to the lunar calendar.

When to sow pepper for seedlings?

Summer residents never plant seeds and seedlings in the new moon and full moon. The moon affects the movement of fluids within plants. On a full moon, the juices rise up, leaving the bottom of the plant dry. In the new moon, you can observe the reverse process. This imbalance can affect the quality of seedlings. Therefore, it is important to consider in what phase the natural satellite of our planet is now.

A good time to start breeding pepper for seedlings on the lunar calendar is the period from the new moon to the full moon. At this time, one can observe how the thin crescent of the moon is gradually increasing. Plants also respond to this process. Seedlings that have been planted in the soil on the growing moon, as well as pepper seeds are developing more actively. This has been repeatedly proved by long-term observations of gardeners. Planting seeds and seedlings in the period after the full moon is less successful, plants grow more slowly.

So when to plant pepper seedlings? In 2018, seed sowing needs to be timed to the following dates in March:

  • 03.03.2018
  • March 4, 2018
  • 12.03.2018
  • 03/14/2018

If you need to plant seedlings in the ground late enough (cold climate), you need to choose one of the following days:

  • 03/20/2018
  • 03/30/2018
  • 03/31/2018

Knowing when to plant pepper for seedlings according to the lunar calendar, you also need to choose dates for planting young shoots in the ground. The following days will be successful for this:

  • May 8, 2018
  • 05/14/2018
  • 05/15/2018
  • May 24, 2018
  • 05/25/2018
  • 02.06.2018
  • 06/11/2018
  • 06/20/2018

During these periods, the moon is not only growing, but also located in the zodiac signs that accompany the abundant harvest and health of seedlings.

Suitable seeds

Having considered the recommendations of the sowing calendar for planting pepper on seedlings, it is necessary to plan a number of preparatory measures. Seeds require proper selection and processing. Only in this case, the germination will meet the requirements of the gardener. Seeds should not be overdried. Such material can be stored for a long time, but seedlings when using these seeds will be rare.

Seeds of pepper for seedlings

Choosing the right seed in the store, you will need to select only the strongest grains. For this, 1 liter of warm water is poured into the container. 30 g of ordinary kitchen salt is dissolved in it. The contents of the bag of seeds are poured into the solution. The fluid is thoroughly mixed. When 8 minutes have passed, you can collect the grains that remain floating on the surface and throw them away. They are too weak to give good shoots.

Seeds from the bottom are collected, washed under a stream of fresh water and spread on a sheet of office white paper. Seeds should dry. The preparation process does not end there.

To plant pepper for seedlings on the lunar calendar, you will need to carefully process the selected seeds. They need to be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases in the sprouts. Also, a similar procedure additionally hardens the crops. To prepare the product, you will need to mix 1 g of potassium permanganate with 1 liter of water. Seeds are lowered into the composition for 13-17 minutes.

Having taken the grains from a solution of potassium permanganate, they are not washed. You need to spread the seeds on paper. After that, the seeds are left for some time. Before introducing them into the prepared soil, several more preparatory procedures will be required.

Seed preparation

Knowing when to plant pepper for seedlings, you need to choose the time for its hardening and processing with nutrients. 2 days before the introduction of the grains into the soil, you need to soak them with a solution of the components necessary for growth. This can be purchased in a horticultural store (for example, "Ideal") or self-made compositions.

Planting pepper seeds in the ground

In order for grains to be well saturated with useful substances, it will be necessary to prepare a solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Seeds are lowered into it for 24 hours. After that, they need to be removed and laid out again on paper.

To enrich the seeds with oxygen (which also positively affects their growth), an aeration procedure will be required. This will require a container of water. A compressor is installed in it (you can take it from the aquarium). The enrichment of pepper grains with oxygen should last a day. They can be planted in the ground no earlier than after 2 weeks.

You can soak the seeds in a homemade solution. This will require wood ash and water. Seeds are in this solution for no more than 3 hours. Further, they will also need to be dried qualitatively on a sheet of paper.

Having decided when to plant pepper for seedlings, you need to choose a date for hardening the grains. It is carried out a day before the introduction of seeds into the soil. They are soaked in warm water. When the grains absorb moisture and swell, a container of water is put in the refrigerator (preferably on the lower shelf). After 24 hours, they are removed and begin to land.

Soil selection

In order to grow a healthy, plentiful crop, you need to consider not only when to sow pepper for seedlings. It is important to approach the selection and preparation of the soil. It should be warm, rich in nutrients. It is better to pour the substrate into small cups. Peppers do not like to dive.

Seedlings in peat tablets

So that the soil is warm, it is poured into a glass, poured with warm water and covered with a film. However, there are several suitable substrate options for seedlings of pepper. You can prepare the mixture yourself. However, it will be better to purchase ready-made soil in a special store. It will be properly treated with antiseptics. In this case, the composition of nutrients will be balanced.

Self-prepared substrate consists of a mixture of different types of soil. To prepare it, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • 4 parts of peat land;
  • 2 parts of soddy soil;
  • 1 part of sawdust (fresh not suitable);
  • 1 part humus.

Also, very little river sand and wood ash are added to this mixture. Experienced gardeners recommend adding a little land from the beds where pepper will be planted to any substrate (even purchased). It must be warmed up in the oven to protect the seedlings from the development of diseases.

The soil in which the seedlings will develop well may consist of coconut fiber. It is a natural, environmentally friendly material. In it, oxygen will be provided to the roots of the plant.

One of the popular methods for growing pepper seeds for seedlings is the use of peat tablets. In this case, the probability of damaging the roots of the plant will be minimal. This contributes to the good development of pepper. It is the root system that is its weak point, so you need to deal with it carefully.

Landing process

So, we plant pepper for seedlings according to the lunar calendar. Choosing the right date for this lesson will require preparing a lot of small cups (100 ml). If the gardener decides to dive, he can plant the grains in one spacious container. However, it’s better not to. It’s easy to damage the roots when transplanting.

Preparation of pepper seedlings

Glasses need to be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. In each of the prepared containers, soil is poured to the middle. On its surface, gently spread the seeds with tweezers (one for each cup). After this, the soil surface must be watered with a spray gun. 1 cm of earth is poured on top. It is slightly condensed. Glasses are covered with a film of transparent polyethylene.

Having chosen the right time when to plant pepper for seedlings, one more planting method should be considered. To do this, peat tablets are purchased (by the number of seeds). They are laid out in rows in a plastic transparent container. Pour warm clean water into it. When the tablets swell, the liquid is drained.

In each tablet, make a small depression (about 1 cm). A seed is put into it. Seed is covered with a layer of soil. The container is covered with a transparent lid.

Seedling Care

Pepper seedlings need a body. It is necessary to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at about 26 º. The soil must be sprayed with a frequency of once every two days. To do this, use a spray gun. Compaction of the substrate must not be allowed.

When the first shoots appear (it depends on the variety), you need to remove the plastic film. If necessary, plants provide additional illumination. It is necessary to provide lighting for at least 9 hours in the daytime.

During the day, the room temperature should remain high. At night, its reduction to 15 º is permissible. However, at a temperature of 12 º seedlings will die. Therefore, you need to monitor the microclimate in the room.

Watering should be done in the morning. Water should not be cold. It should be settled or filtered. Be sure to loosen the soil. This is done very carefully. Do not damage the delicate root system of peppers.

Additional recommendations

Pepper seedlings need hardening. This procedure is carried out not only for seeds. Shoots also need to be prepared for planting in open ground. Hardening begins to be carried out 10-15 days before the start of transplantation. You can open the windows in the room for a short time. If the house has a loggia, porch or terrace, you can take out a container with sprouts on it. Gradually, the duration of the sessions is increased.

To increase the immunity of seedlings, it is sprayed with herbal infusions. To do this, prepare the product on garlic, calendula or needles. The procedure is carried out exclusively in the morning. Drops of moisture on the leaves, which will be illuminated in direct sunlight, will cause burns to the plant.

Pepper is a thermophilic plant. It also loves light. Therefore, seedlings are best grown on the southern windowsills. Nutrient is applied twice before planting pepper on the beds. The first time this procedure is carried out when 4 real leaflets appear on the sprout. The second time top dressing is made when 6 leaves appear. You can use a solution of water with mullein. This is a good option for fertilizing seedlings.

How to transplant seedlings

Having studied the recommendations of the calendar, determining the appropriate time when to plant pepper for seedlings, you need to pay attention to the proper planting of sprouts in the ground. The plant is considered ready for transplantation in the garden when it has formed about eight leaves, and buds have also appeared. This is already a large plant that needs rooting in the open ground.

Carrying out the procedure of hardening seedlings, you need to increase the duration of the sessions up to 8 hours. 2 days before transplanting, the plant is left on the loggia or veranda for the night. In the morning, the seedlings are again transferred to a warm room. This will allow the pepper to adapt to new conditions.

When the air and the soil warms up, it will be possible to start transplanting. To do this, you need to dig the soil. They make pits at a distance of at least 50 cm. Mineral fertilizers are introduced into them. After that, each plant is taken out of a cup. If they were grown in peat tablets, they are left on the roots.

First, the plant is half covered with soil. It is watered (about 1.5 liters of water). The root neck should be flush with the soil. Pepper is covered with soil. Next, you need to periodically water it, waiting for the fruiting period. With proper preparation, you can expect a plentiful harvest. Pepper can be used for salads, side dishes, preservation, etc.

Having considered the rules and recommendations for growing pepper seedlings, you can prepare the plant for planting in open ground. Its productivity will be high. Experienced summer residents recommend carefully calculating the time for sowing. In this case, it will be necessary to provide for several preparatory measures. In this case, the seedlings will be strong, ready for growing conditions in the garden.


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