Chipping people in Russia until 2025 is a myth or truth?

Modern society receives a quality education, has extensive communication systems and global information resources. Nevertheless, the formation and cultivation of various myths and conspiracy theories today is far from uncommon. Chipping people until 2025 is a fairly popular theory today. It will be described and analyzed in detail in our article.

Citizenship of citizens: what is it?

The founder of the theory of chip encoding is Igor Prokopenko, a favorite of many Russian scientists, host of the Ren-TV channel. Some conspiracy theorists, pseudo-scientists, and even representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church supported the idea. In fairness, it should be noted that there has not yet been an official appeal from the Russian Orthodox Church. However? many worshipers managed to speak out about the scandalous idea.

So what is the essence of the theory? In the near future, all Russian citizens will be implanted in the brain a kind of "electronic device of a multifunctional nature" - the so-called microchips. They are needed for the gradual "enslavement" of a person, the ability to manage each individual person. To achieve such a complex goal, chip makers will go through four main stages.

Chip stages

The theory is not just called "Chipping people in Russia until 2025." According to the ideological interpretation, the creators of the program will go through four stages to "complete human control." The first stage is the creation of the chip itself. A certain document will be implanted into it, in which all the necessary information about a particular person will be stored. This will also include passport data, certificates, medical certificates and more. The chip will be encoded using a special key.

Chipping people in Russia until 2025

At the second stage, it will be possible to shop for goods and services. All credit cards will be tied to the chip. The third stage involves the direct implantation of the chip into the body. And this, according to the developers of the theory, is very convenient: an ambulance or the police can be called not only by phone - the Glonass system will always be in your head, and in the literal sense. The fourth stage involves "universal chipization." Paying for goods or services, getting a salary, buying goods - all this can be realized with the help of a device implanted into the body.

The whole theory resembles the concept of a science fiction film. However, the idea that seems impossible is at the same time looks quite innovative and convenient, and therefore its application would be the most important stage in the history of mankind. Although Prokopenko and his followers do not think so.

Chip Theories

Many proponents of the theory of chipization seriously talk about the beginning of the "global information revolution." Representatives of the world elite allegedly want to create a planet of a new formation, where a human robot would be the norm, and the government could use high information technology for political purposes. Some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and adherents of the theory are urging to abandon credit cards, travel documents and other electronic cards today. In their view, the use of such technologies is "the first step towards global enslavement."

Who do opponents of electronic implants refer to? These are Bill Gates, Barack Obama, various Western scholars and politicians. Recently, a funny incident happened with Igor Prokopenko, who referred to the speech of Barack Obama. In the program on Ren-TV, the words of the politician were translated as "Everyone must be chip-controlled, that’s right." In the original, the US president said: "Everybody is gonna have to chip in", which translates as "Everyone is obliged to take off [for medical services]." It is also worth mentioning the story with VeryChip. This is a company that, until 2010, led the development of biometric devices. However, Prokopenko in 2013 announced that chip production in Wyoming was in full swing. The reporter of Ren-TV, who caught him at a contradiction, stated that he would not want to go into any details.

Where is the discontent?

Every proponent of the theory of “chipping people in Russia until 2025” sees something negative in this fantastic undertaking, sometimes even evil. In his programs, Igor Prokopenko once again refers to certain “world governments”, groups of Masons, Rockefellers and representatives of the Bilderberg Club. All these concepts are nothing more than “secret elite groups” that intrigue against the common people.

human robot

The Russian Orthodox Church has a slightly different approach to chipping. According to representatives of the clergy, references to the inevitable electronic enslavement are even in the Gospel and spiritual books. A simple example is the Apocalypse of John the Theologian. The apostle speaks of a certain "mark" that will be placed on the hand or head of every person in the world. According to John, this mark is a sign of the "beast", in other words, the devil. Further, the saint talks about the famous three sixes - supposedly demonic figures.

Thus, viewers of conspiracy programs and religious people really have something to fear. For them there is a sufficient number of reasons to believe in the theory under consideration. But are there official and more “secular” sources that say about chipization in Russia?

Population Chipping Act

On August 7, 2007, the Russian Government signed the Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 311 "On Approving the Strategy for the Development of the Electronics Industry until 2025".

The law provides a list of key activities by which the electronic industry in the Russian Federation will be improved. This, for example, the creation of basic design systems, modernization in the field of microwave electronics, the development of quantum and magnetic electronics, the production of microsystem equipment and more. Paragraph 10 of the Strategy passport refers to the sources and amounts of program funding. From 2007 to 2025, it is planned to spend several hundred billion rubles. The supporters of the theory in question like to cite scary figures, not forgetting to substitute concepts. The development of electronics in the country they call "chipization." With the help of a simple trick, conspiracy theorists change the meaning of the whole law.

About chiping in the documentation of the Ministry of Energy

Is there anything in the government order about “chipping people in Russia until 2025”? Of course, there are no direct indications of something like this in a normative act. However, some citizens like to quote from the law, which talks about the importance of integrating nanoelectronics with bio-objects. Thus, according to lawmakers, the standard of living in the country will be significantly improved.

population chipping

Ten years after the enactment of the law, no microchips are on sale. And this is not at all surprising. Ministry of Energy Resolution No. 311 is only a strategy. You can deviate from some norms, something will be completely forgotten. The so-called "chipping", which individual citizens have grasped on, is a likely but unlikely process in the near future. And therefore, we will not see a human robot in the near future.

Vaccination as a way to introduce multifunctional electronic devices

It would seem that a harmless conspiracy theory is unlikely to somehow affect the lives of most citizens. But this is not so. Recently, the idea of ​​chipping has become harmful, sometimes even dangerous. The reason for this is the result of medical dissent. Its most striking form is anti-vaccination. How does it threaten Russian society?

robot babysitter

Particularly ardent supporters of this theory are seriously convinced that chips are being introduced everywhere today. There is no evidence for this, however, this does not prevent individual citizens from actively promoting the theory of the dangers of vaccines. Of course, some vaccines have their own side effects. However, supporters of the conspiracy theological idea deny all possible types of vaccinations. In their opinion, some nanny robots are being developed, and each vaccinated baby receives a microchip in his body. Fortunately, there are not so many supporters of this theory. However, the struggle with their ideas is necessary now.

Chipping Implications

Conspiracy therapists oppose chips for several reasons. Some blindly believe the predictions of John Chrysostom, while others try to find a material approach. Opponents of the operation that does not exist at the moment are already talking about its harm. This, for example, has a serious impact on the human nervous system, control of his mood and well-being, influence on thought processes, causing hallucinations, pain, etc. There are even confessions of “experimental” people who allegedly were subjects of cruel experiments from chip developers.

All of the above sounds like a description of a fantastic work. Unfortunately or fortunately, in our time, such highly developed technologies do not yet exist. Moreover, actions such as influencing the human brain or nervous system will not be available in the next two centuries, this is at least. This is confirmed by the simple fact that about 90% of the human brain has not been studied so far.

Chip rejection

What, according to the proponents of the theory, will happen to people who have refused chipization? In short, the strongest pressure from the public. Such people will starve, they simply will have nowhere to live. All human infrastructure will become inaccessible to them: special types of medicine, robots, nannies, education - all this will pass by people without chips. And all due to the fact that some people did not want to become "slaves of the system."

chipization in Russia

Such assumptions sound quite interesting. However, one simple and very logical question arises: "How do the proponents of the chipization theory know all this?" There is no evidence, no official statements have been received from the authorities. In fact, everything is very simple. Opponents of electronic implants refer to the Apocalypse of John Chrysostom and other religious books. They contain all the desired information. You might think that the information in such works is somewhat blurry and irrelevant. Here the concepts of St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas - medieval philosophers who put faith above reason, will come to the rescue.

Chips for animals

Separately, it is necessary to talk about microchips that can be applied to various animals. Adherents of this theory like to talk about how the testing of chips on dogs and cats is only the initial stage of the global process, "training the enslavement of man." However, everything is much simpler.

There are several types of animal chipization. Most often, small devices are attached to the collar. They are needed to determine the location of a stray pet.

chips for animals

There is also a subcutaneous chipping procedure that many veterinarians advise. Electronic implants are introduced painlessly, however, some animals may have individual intolerance to the device. So far, the procedure is under development, and therefore not all owners decide to carry it out. Although scientists are already predicting chips for animals a great future.

Conspirology in Russia

It would seem that the Russian Federation is not among the third world countries. There is a well-developed science, a good system of education and training has been created. But a considerable number of people continue to believe in rather peculiar theories and myths. With what it can be connected?

multifunction electronic devices

Most likely, some individuals want to have special types of thinking and cognition. They want to know something that is inaccessible to most of society. "Chipping people in Russia until 2025" is an excellent conspiracy theological material. It does not contain at least some references to sources, many religious "predictions" and biblical quotes are given. Moreover, the creators of the theory do not give room for thought: they are firmly convinced that chipization does exist. And any attempts to refute the theory are often taken with hostility.


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