Armenian population: 2014 population

The only country of the former Soviet Union in which the almost mono-ethnic population lives is Armenia. 98.6% of Armenians live in this state.

The largest ethnic minorities of Armenia are Russians, Yezidis, Assyrians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Kurds, Georgians, Germans, Belarusians, Poles and Jews. Most of the population belongs to the Apostolic Church of Armenia. In this country, 90% of the inhabitants are Christians.

Armenian population

By 2000, the number of the Armenian population reached three million eight hundred and four thousand people. But only 33.2% live in villages, and 66.8% of the inhabitants are concentrated in cities. The population of Armenia is completely homogeneous: Armenians make up 96%, 4% are Assyrians, Russians, Kurds, Yezidis, Ukrainians, Greeks and others. By 2013, there were 3.014 million people in Armenia.

Armenian residents

The population of Armenia in 2014 mainly consists of able-bodied citizens. This is almost 68% of the total population. 20.2% of the population are people younger than working age, and 11.9% of the population are people older than this age.

On average, for every thousand Armenians of working age, there are 473 old people and children. It is noteworthy that by the end of 2008 for every able-bodied thousand citizens of this country there were 489 children and old people.

Analyzes of statistics show that the number of children in Armenia under the age of fifteen in 2009 amounted to 653.9 thousand. Of these, 346.1 thousand babies are boys, and 307.8 thousand are girls.

Structuring of the inhabitants of Armenia

The population in Armenia has the largest able-bodied category. It consists of men aged 16 to 62 years and women aged 16 to 60 years. In total, this category includes two million 198.6 thousand people. It is noteworthy that the female population exceeds the number of the male electorate by more than forty thousand people. In fact, the population of Armenia consists of 1 million 119.5 thousand women and 1 million 79.1 thousand men.

Armenian population

What is the structure of the number of elderly people? In this niche, women again constitute the majority. Indeed, out of 385.5 thousand elderly citizens, 242.4 thousand people are women, and only 143.1 thousand people are men. Only women aged 61 and men aged 63 are counted here.

Statistics, data and indicators

The first six months of 2009 summarize the following data: the leader in the number of residents is the capital of Armenia. It is in it that 1 million 113.4 thousand persons live. Interestingly, for six months, the electorate of Yerevan increased by 4.7 thousand people. But in this city at the end of 2008 only 1 million 108.7 thousand inhabitants were registered.

The Vayots Dzor region of the country has the least inhabitants - about 55.8 thousand people. How many people in Armenia know the National Statistics Service of the country? Her data indicate that the increase in the inhabitants of the republic in the first half of 2009 was mainly due to a 2.35% natural increase in the electorate. And this factor was not affected by a 1.2% increase in migration flow.

What do the analyzes of statistics show? By the first of July 2009, 19,672 babies were first seen in Armenia. This is 6.9% more than in the first half of 2008, when 18,409 children were born in the country.

In 2009, the birth rate per thousand inhabitants reached 12.2 ppm. Compared with January-June 2008, it increased by 0.8 ppm. Statistics show that most children were born in Yerevan. 6 thousand 676 babies were born here. In second place was the Kotayk region. By the summer of 2009, 1810 babies were born on its lands. The smallest number of births in January-June was recorded in Vayots Dzor region. Here, during the reporting period, only 329 children were born.

armenia population 2014

So, the population of Armenia is constantly fluctuating. The National Statistical Service reports that in 2009 the birth rate of the republic was 1.3 times higher than the mortality rate. According to statistics, in the first six months of 2009, experts recorded 14.6 thousand deaths.

During the reporting period, the Armenian population divorced less and played more weddings. The first six months of 2009 are significant in the registration of 8 thousand 911 marriages. This figure is 2.6% higher than the data for 2008. It should be noted that the 2009 estimate of 1,411 divorces was 4% lower than the 2008 estimate.

In the reporting period of 2009, a negative migration balance was also determined. By July 1, 559.2 thousand individuals had returned to the country, and more than 589.1 thousand persons had left it.

Cash assistance to the Armenian population

And how much money is allocated here? The population of Armenia enjoys special attention. Assistance is provided to both ordinary and large families. So, since January 2009, the basic parameters of the family monthly allowance have increased to 10 thousand drams. And before, people received only 8 thousand drams. In fact, $ 21.5 was previously paid, and then began to pay $ 27. The lump sum of the childbirth allowance is 50 thousand drams. Before, they paid 35 thousand drams.

2014 Armenian population

The population of Armenia is constantly increasing. If the family has more than three children, then she is entitled to allowance. At the beginning of 2009, its volume reached 430 thousand drams. This is approximately one thousand 160 dollars. Previously, only four hundred thousand drams were paid - about one thousand dollars. The amount of the allowance for the care of the baby before reaching the age of two reached eighteen thousand drams per month. Previously, the same allowance was three thousand drams.

Basically, the state’s population is affected by emigration. Armenians are massively moving to Russia.

Residents of Armenia in 2014

The population of Armenia in 2014 has different statistics. By the first of July, in comparison with the beginning of the specified year, the population decreased by 7.3 thousand persons. This is a message from the Armenian National Statistical Service.

By the first of July 2014, the number of permanent residents in the country according to current records in accordance with the 2011 census was 3,009.8 thousand people. Of these, 1,911.9 thousand live in megacities, and 1,097.9 thousand live in villages.

The population of Armenia in 2014 is

The data of the National Statistical Service say that the population of Armenia (2014) is a smaller number in comparison with previous data. The decrease in the number of inhabitants is due to the excess of the minus migration balance over the natural increase in the electorate.

External passenger turnover

The information system of the Armenian border electronic control provided data on the gross volume of the external turnover of passengers through the checkpoints of the country. In the first half of 2014, this coefficient reached 2,242.3 thousand trips versus 1,938.9 thousand trips for the same cycle of 2013.

And for the reporting period (without identification), the number of entries into the republic reached 1,078,202 (an increase of 16.9% over the same period of 2013), the number of departures is 1,164,071 (an increase of 14.5%).

Urban population

This magnificent country is Armenia! The population (2014 population) is completely different from the previous period of time. But we will study the statistics of the urban population. 45 out of 48 cities are small and medium-sized cities in which 35.6% of urban residents live. The most populated cities are called Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor. One million 633 thousand people or 64.3% of the Armenian city dwellers are concentrated in them.

population in armenia

The largest group is the group of small towns, in which up to fifty thousand inhabitants live. There are 42 of them. In terms of the number of inhabitants, the group takes the second place. It includes 716 thousand persons. Here are taken into account 16 cities, in which from 10 to 50 thousand people live, and 13 cities with up to 10 thousand people. Almost half of the urban residents of Armenia (49.2%) are concentrated in the city of Yerevan. This fact is considered disastrous, given the urban and strategic points of view. The rest of the residents were distributed as follows:

  • Yerevan city - 49.2%;
  • large cities from 100-250 thousand people - 15.1%;
  • medium-sized cities from 50-100 thousand people - 7.5%;
  • small cities of up to 50 thousand persons - 28.2%.


Villages with inhabitants from 1,001 to 3,000 people (35.1%) make up the largest percentage of Armenian rural communities. The smallest percentage is in villages where up to 100 people live - 4.1% (not counting 10 uninhabited communities). Of the total rural electorate of the country, the number of inhabitants in them is 46.1% and 0.2%.

A country named Armenia! The population of 2014 is interesting for its novelty. There are 96 large villages. They are home to 3,000 people. By the size of settlements Gegharkunik region is in the first place. Here in 20 out of 87 villages live more than 3,000 inhabitants. And this is 65% of the rural residents of the region.

how much is the population of Armenia

Analyzing population data in the border, mountainous areas, it is possible to identify low population in the regions of Vayots-Dzor and Syunik. This fact is explained by the unfavorable socio-economic condition of the region, as a result of which there is an intensive migration of the population.

External migration

The newest period of Armenia became famous for interstate migration. This is the most significant phenomenon in terms of volume and consequences. Until the beginning of the eighties, Armenia could boast of a positive balance of interstate migration. At that time, the country's population increased not only due to natural growth, but also due to migration flows. Since the eighties, the number of emigrant populations has increased. As a result of this, a violation of the established ratios of migratory flows occurred. Now, due to emigration, Armenia loses about 10,000 people every year, which negatively affects the demographic situation.

Internal migration

Migration within the Republic of Armenia is characterized by the movement of residents from villages to cities. As a result of this process, a high level of urbanization of the state is observed. In the early sixties, about half of the inhabitants lived in Armenian cities . By the end of the century, the rural population remained 31%, and urban residents - 69%.

Residents moved both from highland settlements to low-lying places, and from remote sparsely populated areas to large cities of the republic.


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